024 - Tomb

In my dream I saw my father and he said if I want to find him I will have to let my friends go before I could ask him what he means by letting my friends go I woke up when I woke up I saw Lisa running into my room like she wants to tell me something so I acted like I was asleep but because she knew so well she still told me about what she saw when she told me what she said I was captivated so I stood up from the bed I was lying on when Lisa finished telling me the news i went to the training room when I got there I saw Xenox immediately I saw her I jumped down from the balcony and hugged her after i hugging her for a few minute she told me that she saw the back up that i sent so I asked her if she saw Dante when i asked her if she saw Dante she asked me who Dante was so i described to her who Dante was she told me that she did not see Dante so i thought he might be with one of our other friends after Xenox finished talking about her adventure i took her to her room when she got to her room she said that it has been long since she slept on a good bed so i left so she can relax when me and Lisa came out of the room we shouted with excitement and walked to the training room when we got there one of the leader was waiting for me so i went to him to ask him what he wants he said " we need people at the top of the rebellion" when he said that i asked him what he meant he told me that i may be a leader at this rebellion but this is not the official leaders the official leaders control everything from how the rebellion expand to removing leaders when he finished explaining to me i decided to take part after i agreed to his proposal he said " in other to take part i have to go to a tournament " after he said that he told me to go and train so i went to the training room when I got there I saw the army waiting for me to begin training so i called to one of the men to ask them if they will spar with me when i asked him he did not want to spar with me because he declined my offer i was sad immediately i heard a voice saying i will spar against you i was happy so I turned to see who agreed to spar when i saw the person that want to spar against I went from happy to excited so i took the person to the ring when we got to the ring she said that the ring is bigger than the one in our school and removed her jacket then she said " time for Xenox to win the first seat " when she said those words i felt compelled to show her how much i have improved since the last time we fought so when the referee said fight I unleashed my full power when the army saw this display of power they said " he is more stronger than when he fought against Dante " i ignored what they said because i fighting against Xenox when Xenox came at me i saw that she has gotten more powerful so i tried to dodge her punch instead of blocking but after i dodged her punch she used her leg to kick me when she kicked me I felt pain at my ribs but I did not let it show because if i let it show she will use that weakness against me, I stood up and told her " you have improved " when i said that she grinned and said she has been practicing with the knight Percy when she that I was jealous because she got to train with one of the original knight that fought alongside my dad after talking we decided to attack each other again but this time i will not hold anything so when the referee said fight I jumped into the air and flipped in the air when i saw i was above Xenox I used the gravity as an accelerator so my power can double but she dodged my attack but because I was fast I used my hand to push my self up and dodged her attack when she realized she missed she too jumped when I fixed my position in the air I punched her and she fell on the ground but after taking that attack she stood up so I decided to land when i landed i saw her running towards me but when she got close to me she jumped in the air and attacked me but i blocked her attack when i blocked her attack the shock wave that came after that attack was so great that even the ring was destroyed so the referee decided to stop the match when he stopped the match the crowd was angry because it was one of the best fight that they have ever seen but the referee ignored the crowds decision to continue the match when we heard the referee final decision everyone was disappointed, the leader called me and Xenox so I went to the meeting room when I got there I saw all the leaders lined up like they wanted to invite us to a secret meeting but all they wanted to do was wish me good luck in the tournament after wishing me luck i asked them why they called Xenox they said that they called her because they want to ask her what she wanted because a enemy to the temporary king is friend to us when they asked her what she wanted she called me to the side and said she wants to be part of the leaders so I told her if that is want she wants she can do it so she told the leaders that she wants to be part of them when they heard what she said they hesitated but they eventually let her become part of them