The Best Part of Waking Up

A firm wetness sinking down onto his cock woke Matt up from a pleasant dream, although his reality was even better than his odd dream about dogs riding around on the backs of horses.

A blonde goddess straddled him, her round breasts swaying as she gently stirred her waist. "Good morning, Master. I wasn't sure if this was allowed, but my pussy was starting to forget the feel of your cock. She needed a reminder to start off the day. I decided it was worth risking another punishment."

"Morning, Alice. What a wonderful way to wake up."

He talked while he played with her breasts. "A maid is always allowed to pleasure her master---but keep in mind that taking the initiative is great, as long as she's absolutely sure it's something he'd approve. If there's any doubt, especially if it's 'for her master's own good,' then that's where problems can arise. Surprises can be nice, but bad surprises should be avoided at all costs.

"It's when the maid sees to her own pleasures, without her master's knowledge or approval, that she really gets punished. To do so makes her no different from a common slut. The world already has enough sluts. Why would a master go through the trouble of training a slut, when he could find one of those on any street corner?"

"I see." Her lubrication increased as her pussy began leaking juices, their talk exciting her. "I'm probably going to need quite a lot of punishment then. I think I might be quite the naughty slut, Master."

He grinned and rolled them over. "I'll just have to see to your training seriously, then." He plowed into her. "For now, you're not allowed to cum before I do. If you do... Hmm... How about no bra and panties when we go get your stuff from your apartment today, if you're serous about taking the job." As he said the last line, he started twisting her nipples.

Her eyes widened. "What? Ah! Fuck! Shit! That's not fair!" Her canal tightened as she came, the sensation and visuals sending him over the edge as well.


After, they took quick, non-sexy showers and got dressed, then went to find some breakfast.

They ate bowls of cereal while standing around the kitchen island.

"Matt, so were you actually serious or was that all just some elaborate roleplay? If you weren't serious, that's fine---I suppose, although if so that's a bit messed up---but I honestly don't know what I'm going to do then. Rent's due tomorrow, and since I quit I can kiss any chance of seeing my last paycheck goodbye."

He smiled. "As serious as an ass-fucking. Hell, I'm not going to kick you to the curb, Alice. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, and last night was amazing. I've got money saved up from working for Dad's company every summer since the eighth grade, and during school I'm a part-time employee, as one of their computer guys.

"The money is...well, it's pretty good. Dad's one of their big earners, so they were pretty generous when hiring me, and I made a lot during the summers.

"But I did mean what I offered before. If the maid gig is a bit much, we can back off and not do that. I certainly don't want to back you into a corner, if that's not something you want to do.

"I can offer you the less demanding housekeeper job, where we do or don't have fun on the side, depending on what you'd prefer. Or if you just want a place to stay and get fed while you try to get back on your feet, we can do that too. Or I lend you a month's rent, no interest. Or, any other combination thereof.

"And if you change your mind later, that's cool too. Do try to remember, though, that a maid is supposed to call her master, Master, when she's on the clock. And she's always on the clock." He grinned. "So...if you do still want to be my maid, I am going to have to come up with yet another punishment for that little slip up."

Her eyes grinned, while she made a comic frown. "Sorry, Master. I'm still not used to this yet, and I'm not all that bright, but if you'll have me as your maid, I don't want anything else. You're probably going to have to punish me quite a few times before some of these rules stick, I'm afraid.

"And speaking of punishments... I'm not wearing a bra, but not wearing panties isn't the best punishment, from a practical standpoint, unless your intent was for me to walk around in jeans with a blood-stained crotch? Not to question your orders, Master, but I didn't get the feeling that was what you were going for."

"Ah. Right. A bit of bleeding is to be expected?"

"Pretty much, from what I understand. Shouldn't be too bad, but there was a trickle of blood between my legs and on the towel under me when I woke. Kinda need a pad down there until she heals up, Master."

"Fair enough. I can be a reasonable master---this is new to me too, after all. How about I drive you down to that sex shop by the freeway, and you go inside to buy something keep inside you until I say otherwise? Something that vibrates, with a remote control and good battery life. Nothing too big. Maybe one of those egg things, so we can leave it in your ass now, and then have other fun with it later, once you're healed up. Let's call buying it the rest of your first punishment, and keeping it in your ass the second. Sound like a plan?"

Her face flushed, and he thought he could actually see her pupils dilate slightly in arousal. "Yes. Thank you, Master, for being willing to properly train me."

Thinking up the plan had him hard, and his shorts didn't do much to hide it. She grabbed a hand towel and dropped it on the floor, then knelt atop it. "A maid's work is never done," she sighed as she pulled off his shorts and took him into her mouth.

He worked on finishing his cereal as she got started, not wanting to let it go soggy.


Before leaving, Matt ran upstairs to make an entry in the notebook. He didn't want to carry it with him and risk losing it somehow, so instead he had an idea he wanted to try.

When he saw the previous entry, he was slightly weirded out. So... I didn't actually throatfuck her? Probably not worth remembering what happened, since I told myself to drop it. Guess I'll need to do throatfuck her again, for the first time, and see how things go. But I'll think about that later.

He made his entry:

Who? Me? What? When I save notes on my phone under the folder called, "The Notebook," the notes appear word for word in this notebook, as if I wrote them out by hand. When? Forever. Why? I'd rather not carry this notebook around with me everywhere I go, but I still want to be able to add new entries easily. How? Magic that works as safely and normally as possible, without causing alarm to anyone.

He tested out the entry by adding a new note on his phone, saved in his newly created folder.

Who? Me? What? My phone has a neverending battery. Wherever I am, it always has a strong, fast connection to the cell tower nearest my house. The processor is fast enough to run anything I throw at it with ease, without a stutter. The memory---RAM and disk space---grow and upgrade as needed so I always have enough of both. My phone never overheats, breaks, or cracks, never suffers slowdowns, memory leaks, or crashes. Anything else that might damage it, like magnets, EMP blasts, solar flares, falls, crushing, etc will also have no effect on it. Viruses can't penetrate my phone, no person or tool can hack into it. Calls and texts from scammers, spammers, robocalls, and other annoyances never reach my phone, instead they end up calling the private home and mobile lines of the people who profit from such calls. If I can't find my phone for more than five minutes, it appears in my pocket, or beside me if I don't have pockets. No one will ever try to steal it, or poke through it when I'm not looking. No one will think it strange when I'm using it or that I have it with me, no matter where or I am, even if I'm somewhere where cell phones aren't allowed or shouldn't work. When? Forever. Why? I like having my phone around. How? Magic that works as safely and normally as possible, without causing alarm to anyone.

As he'd hoped, the entry appeared in his notebook once he saved the note, looking like he wrote it himself. Awesome! I need to start thinking outside the box more.

An hour later they were on the way to Alice's apartment. They left her car behind at the house, taking his truck instead. The trip to "Galaxy Adult Goods and Entertainment" had been quick. He sent her in with forty dollars in cash, and she came out with an opened package that housed a small remote control, a recently opened bottle of lube, some change, and a flushed face.

The remote for the vibrating egg had three settings. Aside from turning it up to high a few times during the drive to make Alice squeal, he left it on low for the drive. The package promised an 8 hour battery life, but after making a note on his phone during a red light, the batteries for the egg and remote were no longer a concern. After his note, the remote gained a fourth "ultra" setting, plus a little switch and button on the side. The switch toggled between "cum denial" and "normal," while the button generated an instant orgasm. The options were tied to whoever used the egg at the time, for when he wanted to branch out later on. For now, he had it set to "cum denial." He also made the egg vibrate more quietly, so he wouldn't have to worry about other people hearing it in a quiet room.

Alice's apartment building had seen better days. Some car with a booming stereo had music blasting, and two shirtless youths, their pants hanging well below their boxers, sat on the hood arguing with a pregnant young lady holding a crying toddler in each arm, while a number of other people shouted out of their windows, some for and some against the music.

The situation was heated enough to worry Matt, but he relaxed when he recalled the protections he'd written for himself using the notebook. Lucky, no accidents, no trouble, no enemies. Thus, after Alice got out of his truck, he cranked the egg up a notch, to medium.

A hitch in her step was the only sign she felt the change, as she headed towards the center of the argument. The men trailed off what they said as she approached, their eyes drawn to her bouncing chest. She still wore her pizza delivery polo, and while it wasn't particularly tight, it was thin enough to clearly outline her hardened nipples.

Even the upset mother did a double take, her rant trailing off.

"Hey guys, what ya up to?" Alice said to the two blasting their music.

"Not much." "Just chillin'."

"Great! It's time for me to move out of this dump. I need to go up and clean up and pack a few boxes, but since you're here with nothing to do, mind helping me carry stuff down in a few minutes? It's not too much, just a couch, bed, television, a dresser, a few boxes of---"

"You know what?" one of them cut in. "We were 'bout to bounce. Gotta visit a homie in the hospital. Flipped his car and shit. You know how it is."

The other one muttered his apologies as they jumped in their car and boomed away.

The mother laughed. "You know, Alice, that was rather evil."

"Mmm. Hey Kat. Well, it was a win-win. I am actually moving out. So If they stayed I'd be fine with that too."

Matt walked up carrying a stack of empty boxes and smiled at the two snot-covered kids. "Hey there, I'm Matt, a friend of Alice's, here with my truck to help her move."

"Kat. Alice's neighbor. Patrica and Patrick here are the first of my brood, fraternal twins." She looked between Alice and Matt with a slight smile. "Well, folks, I can't exactly help you carry shit, but best of luck to you."

"Actually... Kat. I only really need my clothes and a few personal things. I'm moving into a furnished place, and I can't afford to store the extra stuff. Need a couch, bed, television, dresser, or anything from my kitchen? I have at least a week's worth of random food that I'll have to dump if you don't want it."

Kat narrowed her eyes. "You sure Alice? Since when did delivering pizzas net you such a fine place?"

"Ah, it's a live-in housekeeping job. The pay is way better though, so I'll be fine to replace the stuff later on. You needn't worry about me."

"Hmm. Sure, if you need to get rid of it. I'll probably sell most of it off though. You cool with that?"

"Do whatever you want. Anything you don't want will just go out in the parking lot for someone else to take, since I'm not leaving it behind for our dick super's profit. None of it is worth much---even the TV is one of the old boxy ones. But I'd feel better if it went to you, instead of someone else."

Kat smiled, and followed them upstairs. Alice barely even stumbled when Matt kicked the egg up to ultra, an intensity twice as strong as the original highest setting. They parted ways with Kat, who turned into her own apartment across the hall as Alice unlocked her door.

Alice's apartment was neat and sparse. This amused Matt a bit, since he knew very little about her actual housekeeping skills when he offered her the job---not that he would've cared even if the place was a pigsty.

Alice shut the door a little forcefully and leaned against it as she bolted the door shut, panting. Tears leaked from the corner of her eyes. "Master... That was mean."

He smirked. "If the punishment was pleasant, it wouldn't be a punishment. How did it feel to have your nipples stared at like that?"

"It turned me on, Master. My body is yours, but I do like seeing the desire in other men's eyes. I always have."

"Just think about what it would feel like when every man in the apartment gets hard, listening to you get fucked."

Her legs pressed together. "Now, Master?"

"Now? We came here to pack up, right? Let's get everything you want to keep boxed up at least. We can move the furniture after, I suppose, since we'll need it for your upcoming show."

He left her on ultra to simmer while they worked. Occasionally leaning against the wall to pant, she packed her clothes into a big suitcase while he collected her assortment of bathroom supplies into a box. He left it open for the shower stuff they'd inevitably need after their fun, then helped fill another box with her old laptop and the stuff she had in a desk. One drawer was full of newspaper clippings about her parents' murder-suicide.

Seeing the articles made him wonder about Alice. Had the notebook transformed her completely, or was she embracing the changes he initiated, using it as an outlet to distract herself from what had been a rather crappy situation? If it was a full transformation, he couldn't tell. She seemed like a normal girl who just really wanted to have someone dominate her, while also protecting her. Perhaps the notebook predicted his wants and sent someone suited to his desires to his door when he asked for a random pizza delivery girl?

He turned to find her wearing an incredibly slutty french maid costume, with a low top and a high skirt. Her breasts were clearly visible through the sheer white top.

She gave him a twirl, showing she wore nothing beneath the skirt. Clear liquid trickled down between her legs to the top of garters holding up white stockings. "I'm all packed up, Master. I found the perfect outfit, hidden away at the back of my closet. You like?"

"I really do. Where did it come from?"

"Halloween, last year. Of course, I wore a black lace bra and panties with it back then."

"Mmm. Have you already cum from the egg?"

"I---No, Master. I know I shouldn't, but I want to, really, really bad. I'm sooo close. I'll probably cum as soon as you touch me."

"Think so? Let's find out how long you can hold on. To be clear, that's not giving you permission. You should try to hold off until I say you can cum."

"Understood, Master."

He walked over and gently cupped her face in one hand and kissed her on the lips. Then, he brushed his fingers down her spine.

She shivered.

"Looks like it will take more than that. For now, take off the uniform and get on top of the bed. I never did finish my promise to lick you from head to toe."

She quivered with excitement, and he undressed as she did, making sure to set his phone and the egg remote on the counter beside the bed.

He brushed his fingers up and down her smooth skin, making her shiver and rub her legs together. He started with her right foot, licking his tongue across the bottom of her toes. She giggled and tried to pull her leg away, but he held firm. He wasn't particularly into feet, so he quickly moved up to her calves. Her legs were smooth, so he guessed she waxed. He'd have known if she shaved at his house. He nibbled the inside of her knee for more giggles, then kissed along her inner thigh. Her ass hummed, the egg still vibrating away. Her pussy was red with excitement, leaking lubrication. He licked up the excess juice, but stayed away from the pussy itself, continuing up her right side, past her hip and onto her ribs. He circled her breasts, having already tasted them, and ran past the edge of her armpit, avoiding it to avoid the antiperspirant of his she borrowed. He ran his tongue along her clavicle, then up the side of her neck. He circled her ear, then licked her forehead once, to complete his promise. Then, he traced a similar path down her left side, pausing to lick up more pussy juice along the way. When he reached her toes, he circled around and came back up to her neglected pussy for another circle.

Alice squirmed. "Master..."


"Please! Can I cum? Just one good lick should do it!"

"You think so? Okay then. Get up and let me lay down, then."

She sat up, confused as he lay down, his cock pointing at the ceiling.

He pointed at it. "Think you'll cum after one lick? I'm eager to find out."

Tears in her eyes, she started licking.

"Go ahead and deepthroat it like I taught you yesterday." This should be interesting, since we didn't actually do that.

She considered, then worked it down her throat like a champ, her nose in his pubic hair. He pressed on the back of her head, to help, then pulled out for her to breathe and started thrusting. As he got closer, he kept one hand on her head and reached for her remote.

As he came down her throat, he pressed hard on the back of her head and held down the remote's instant orgasm button.

She bucked and moaned in pleasure. Rather than coughing as he pulled away, she merely swallowed and sighed. "Thank you, Master. I think I like it better when you cum in my mouth, though. I don't get to taste your cum as much if you go off in my throat."

He sat up and kissed her forehead. "And yet, you still can't follow simple instructions. Did I give you permission to cum? You were only sucking me off, too. What kind of slut are you, to cum from me fucking your throat?"

"I..." She sighed. "I'm a very horny slut, Master. I can't help it. The very taste of your manhood makes me horny." She attacked his still-firm cock again with her mouth as if to prove her point.

He turned her egg off, making her look up with disappointment. "Master?"

"I think it's time for your real punishment. Go open the windows in your living room and kitchen, Alice."

She sucked in a deep breath, a mixture of fear and anticipation in her eyes. "Yes, Master."

He picked up his phone as soon as she left.

Who? Anyone who hears the noises we make while in Alice's apartment, including those listening to recordings later on. What? They will be unable to identify Alice and myself as the source of the noise. They will also feel inclined to shout out comments and encouragements when appropriate. When? When anyone hears the noise we make until we leave the apartment. Why? A lucky combination of acoustics and poor memory, perhaps? Where? As far as needed, applying to all who hear us. How? As safely and normally as possible, without causing alarm to anyone.

He considered, then added another entry.

Who? Anyone I cum inside. What? They slowly reach peak physical condition, getting healthier and fitter by the day without putting forth any effort. Their stamina is supreme, in and out of the bedroom, their body resilient and able to heal quickly. Their asses will always be pristine, their mouths, pussies, and rest of their body always fresh and clean. They will never desire to be with anyone other than myself, though they might have fun with my other partners while we share a bed together. Knowing I'm with others will never make them jealous. Each time I cum in them their aging is halted for one year, cumulative. As long as they're with me no accidents befall them, fortune favors them, they have no enemies or trouble in general, including legal, criminal, and otherwise. When? Forever. Why? A combination of luck, good genes, and magic, perhaps? How? As safely and normally as possible, without causing alarm to anyone.

Then he gave himself some new perks as well, having just considered them.

Who? Me. What? I don't age. I can't be killed. I can't be injured, poisoned, diseased, cursed, or otherwise harmed. My stamina never runs out. My breath is always minty fresh, my ass, junk, rest of my body always fresh and clean. I don't need to sleep, eat, or breathe to survive. My other physical abilities (strength, speed, agility, dexterity, reflexes, senses, etc) are triple what they should be for my body, and I have no trouble controlling this power. At will I can see in the dark, have infrared vision, ultraviolet vision, x-ray vision, life-sensing vision, or any other type of super-powered vision I want, including multiple types at once. Even if my body could somehow be destroyed, impossible as that should be, it would reform nearby at a safe location along with all the companions who were with me, plus all of the stuff we had with us. I'll never tire of living. People won't ever find me or the things I do strange. When? Forever. Why? Magic, I suppose. How? As safely and normally as possible, without causing alarm to anyone.

More ideas spun in his head, of superpowers he could grant himself, and what might be fun or useful, but Alice had returned, frowning at him as he typed on his phone, biting her lip in anticipation, her thighs rubbing together as she twisted her waist from side to side with desire.

Not only could he smell her arousal from where he sat on the edge of the bed, he could smell the neighbors cooking bacon across the hall, the ammonia-heavy stench of a cat's litter box in need of attention, and the cigar being smoked by an unwashed man walking along the sidewalk who recently ate garlic bread. The sounds too were overwhelming, most as equally disturbing.

He focused on dialing back his senses until they were only slightly better than average. He could still smell Alice's arousal, but nothing beyond the room. Her heartbeat sped up as he studied her. Phone down, he grinned and motioned for Alice to sit on his lap.

More superpowers? What was the point? He had everything he wanted, for the moment.


There was still some awkwardness when they kissed. Neither was experienced, both still learning what felt good and what didn't. It was the first time Alice sat sideways in Matt's lap as well, increasing the awkwardness for both of them

The fact he was probing the depths of her ass with his fingers while they made out also prevented either of them from paying too much attention to what their lips and tongues did as they met. Likewise, his cock gripped between her thighs kept distracting them as it rubbed against the outside of her pussy.

Not that either of them minded the distractions, of course. The egg had been extracted, washed, and moved into Alice's pussy while set on low, the orgasm denial function off.

He played with her breasts with his left hand while his right worked on her ass.

She panted, filled with lust for his touch. "Master," she moaned, "I want your cock inside me, please."

How could he deny such a request?

He pulled her back onto the bed so she lay on her right side with him behind her. He held her left leg up while she aligned his tip with her lubricated ass.

Tip inside, he thrust hard and deep into her without warning.

She cried out in a mix of pleasure, plain, and surprise as he hoped. Not letting up, he pulled almost all the way out fast and thrust in again and again like a piston, his front slapping against her back with a satisfying clapping rhythm.

Then came the catcalls from the neighbors. "Yeah buddy!" "You go girl!" "Get a room!" "They have a room!" "Anyone want to come to my room?" "Suck it, Johnny!" "That's my plan, Ron." "You can do it!" "Yeah buddy!" And so on.

Alice blushed, but Matt only grinned and slammed into her harder. He rolled her onto her front, a pillow under her hips to help the angle---another lesson from watching porn. He kept his strokes long and even, playing with her ass the way a violinist played a violin, or so he imagined. Maybe he should use the notebook to give himself such knowledge? Or more. He could---

He focused on the job at hand, which was making Alice cry out in pleasure. He took her hands and held them back as he knelt behind her, holding her front off the bed. This let him drive into her with even more force, and for a while he forgot his job, focused entirely on thrusting in and out for his own enjoyment.

Alice cried out too, her shouts mixing in with those of her neighbors. "Yes!" "Harder!" "I love you, Master!" "Fill me up!" And so on.

Matt didn't speak, only grunted in time with his thrusts. He sped up gradually, until the meeting of their bodies sounded like the applause of a single person.

"Oh! Yes! It's here! Can I please cum, Master! I don't know if I can hold it back!"

"Go ahead," he said as he continued to plow into her with vigor.

Her sphincter clamped down on him like a vice, and in an instant his grunts of pleasure heightened the tune of her screams like two wolves howling at the moon.

Cue audience for cheers and applause.

As the noise outside died down, Alice's face was apple red. "I can't ever leave the apartment again. How can I face them? And Kat! Maybe I can just slide my key under her door and tell her to take what she wants. ...But, she shouldn't move anything in her condition..."

He just grinned and kissed her on the cheek. "Don't worry about it. You'll never have to see these people again, unless you want to. Besides, they're all just jealous."

She grunted, not having much to say. As she sat up, she gingerly picked up the still-vibrating egg with two fingers. "Um, Master? It popped out there at the end."

I shrugged. "I think we're done with it for now. Unless you want to keep it in?"

She bit her lip. "Maybe later. I feel like a puddle of ooze. Too tired to get turned on just now."

"Fine with me. Why don't you see what stuff Kat actually wants? We can move that stuff into her apartment, then---if you're comfortable with it---just leave her the key for the rest. The buyers will have to carry it down just the same whether its in your apartment or hers just the same. Are you paid through the end of the month?"

He checked his phone after she nodded. "That's in two and half weeks. Plenty of time for her to put an ad on craigslist or something. And don't bother worrying about the security deposit."

She nodded. "Yeah. I know. Places like this never give it back. I trust Kat enough to leave her with the keys. And if the place gets trashed, well, it will be her problem, not mine."

"Fair enough."

Kat wanted the old television, a couch, and a recliner. They moved the furniture over, then put a ratty old couch in Alice's apartment. She never said a word about the show we put on, though Alice knew that Kat was laughing at her on the inside. Matt did nothing to correct this false impression.

Car Trouble

Alice drive home while he drafted new rules for his notebook.

Who? Every woman I ever fantasized about or masturbated to, whether via my thoughts, images, or videos, hereafter collectively referred to as my Spank Bank. What? Once a day one or more women from my Spank Bank will randomly cross my path, with incidents where higher numbers of women appear at once happening with a lower frequency, and incidents with a lower number of women---three or less---happening with a higher frequency. For fictional characters, women in happy relationships, women suffering from addiction problems, diseases, or other depressing real-life situations, and women now aged beyond what I'd consider attractive, the women will instead appear as facsimiles, appearing as they did when they first entered my Spank Bank. I will recognize them as such by a barcode-like tattoo circling each wrist which only I can see. The Spank Bank women will become horny and willing to do whatever I want whenever we meet. After our fun I can invite the facsimiles to stay with me or send them away. The ones that stay will find their own justifications for wanting to stay. When sent away, the facsimiles disappear back into nothingness, but can be resummoned via the unique phone numbers they leave with me at any time. The real women will leave remembering our time together fondly. They too will leave me their numbers and come back when I call, though they won't spend their lives pining for me. Should they enter into a happy relationship, when I call them I get a facsimile instead. When? Once a day, starting now. If I choose to not partake of any women in the random encounter, the encounter doesn't count as my daily random encounter. Repeat as necessary until someone catches my eye. Why? Magic, luck, and my irresistible charm, perhaps? Where? They might appear anywhere I'd notice. If I fail to notice them, the meeting doesn't count as my daily random encounter. How? As safely and normally as possible, without causing alarm to anyone. No one will be made jealous or create drama because of this or anything else I do.

Matt read over the entry several times before saving it to his notebook folder.

"What are you smiling about, Master?" Alice asked, the corners of her own mouth turning up to match his grin.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just looking forward to whatever the rest of the day has in store for us."

She eyed him sideways, then shrugged, her attention returning to the road. "Oh dear, look at that."

Up ahead a sports car sat side of the road, smoke billowing out from the popped hood.

"I had to always keep a fire extinguisher in my car, work regulations. You?"

Matt considered. "Yeah, actually. There's one in the toolbox. No idea if it's any good. Been there a few years now."

Alice frowned. "It's better than nothing." She raised an eyebrow at him, then looked back to the car.

Matt focused on the two young women arguing behind the car. Both wore tight dresses that hugged their curves, neither appeared to be in a particularly good mood. If he wasn't mistaken, they were...

"Yeah," he said. "We'd better pull over and see if we can help them out. We're not in any hurry."