Car Trouble


(Chapter One edit: Made it clear he's off for spring break, not just the weekend.)

This is going to be great, Matt thought as he studied the two budding actresses, costars in the fine teen romcom, Yet Another Beach Movie: Spring Break Edition. Their famous wet t-shirt contest dance off scene was particularly fantastic when watched in slow motion. He'd entertained a number of fantasies starring the two starlets while watching the movie from the privacy of his bathroom back in middle school.

Kayla Tate and Brianna Devine.

Rumors of them dying in the bathroom of some politician's house in the middle of some fancy party after overdosing hit the whole school pretty hard. After, the news media ran a number of shows on the dangers of bath salts. Turns out snorting them, injecting them, and smoking them are all bad ways to get high---especially if you try all three at once with the wrong kind of bath salts.

The girls had been bored out of their mind at the party, desperate for a distraction, according to their social media posts.

There was a whole thing where people argued which girl talked the other girl into trying the bath salts. Kayla came from a wealthy background, brought up in private schools, while Brianna grew up in a trailer park. One thing people seemed to agree on, though, was that despite the girls' different upbringings, they both had one thing in common: both were as dumb as they were hot.

The director of YABM:SBE said working with them had been a wet nightmare he'd never forget, according to first hand anonymous sources.

All this passed through Matt's mind as he eyed the two beauties. Brianna had the powerful, athletic frame of a busty tennis player while Kayla stood a head shorter with a more petite athletic frame, like a moderately busty gymnast. With hair dyed just like in the movie, Brianna having platinum blonde with pink highlights, Kayla sporting bright seafoam green pigtails, Matt realized he was seeing the girls as they were in one of the scenes halfway through the movie.

The girls in the movie realized they'd both been crushing on the same guy, then get stranded in the middle of nowhere. After an argument they split up and take separate paths home, each "finding themselves" while realizing they missed their friend more than the stupid boy. Sisters before misters, as it were. Very heartwarming stuff. He only watched the second half of the movie once.

He realized he wasn't looking at Kayla and Brianna, he was looking at their characters, Emily and Samantha---Em and Sam, as they preferred. The girls were both a bit sheltered, and this spring break trip was their moment to break out of their shells, so to speak. Their only extracurricular was Yearbook Club, and were considered nerds at school. They'd had some help via extreme makeovers---the dyed hair and new clothes---from one their aunts as a sort of "you're going away to college soon so it's about time you went wild" present. They'd gone wild at spring break for sure. What was left of the movie was plot and character development, but he had a feeling he'd be able to steer them back towards going wild easily enough.

Matt hoped he was right. Kayla and Brianna were drama queens. Em and Sam though, he always thought he'd get along with either one nicely. Many of his masturbatory fantasies during his middle school years involved meeting up with them during their wild spring break trip. And now he could have them. Remembering how near the end of the movie they made a point of letting the audience know both girls were still virgins, he couldn't keep himself from grinning.

Alice smirked, observing his grin. "Having naughty thoughts, Master?"

"Yes. Those two look like they are out to have some fun, don't you think? It would be downright ungentlemanly of me to let their spring break be ruined by a rundown car."

She rolled her eyes. "Of course, Master. Shall I accompany you?" They were now stopped on the shoulder behind the smoking sports car, distracting the two girls from their argument as they looked over Matt's truck with Alice's boxes in the truck bed.

"Just wait in my car like a good maid." He squeezed her thigh before sliding out. "You girls need some help?" he asked, looking between the two girls and the car.

Samantha/Brianna rolled her eyes. "We need a fire extinguisher." In the movie she'd been the more assertive friend.

"Our engine caught fire," Kayla/Emily helpfully added, studying Matt as she spoke. In the movie she was always quieter than Sam, at least until she let out her wild side.

"One sec." As he found his fire extinguisher among the junk in his toolbox, he wondered if the notebook took what he had available into account before arranging the scenario. Given its perfect selection of his first Spank Bank girls, he assumed so.

"I'm Matt," he said as he passed the girls, fire extinguisher in hand. It wasn't big, but it would get the job done---or so the lady who sold it to him claimed.

"Sam." "Em." The girls said in unison, confirming their identities.

It was his first time to use a fire extinguisher, but the directions were clear. Pull pin, check. Hold upright, check. Stand back six feet... He approached the car, now fully engulfed in flames... Check. Aim at base of fire, squeeze lever and sweep slowly from side to side...

Foam shot out from his extinguisher as he swept it from side to side. The flames vanished as the smoke increased. He continued until the smoke died down.

"You saved us," Sam said, smoothing out her fitted orange dress.

Em sighed. "At least we got the rental insurance."

"No cell reception out here," Sam continued. "Thanks for stopping."

"No problem."

Em sighed again. "We're not going anywhere in that car. Where are we, anyhow?"

"Just about to Coalville, Utah, east of Salt Lake City."

She poked at her phone. "Right. We did just pass through Salt Lake. How far is that from Yellowstone, anyhow? We were heading to the hot springs."

"Oh?" Matt supposed the plot needed some adjusting, his area lacking beaches and all. They should have gone north on I-15 out of Salt Lake City. Or were they taking the scenic route where they drive up through Yellowstone? "That's on the north side of the park, right? Six or eight, then, depending how you go. I've heard of people heading that way for weekend trips."

They both sighed. Sam bit her lip and studied Matt, looking hesitant.

"Need a ride to town? There's not much room in my cab though. I'm helping a friend out... It's a long story, but we're hiring her as a live-in maid. Thus, my truck is full of her stuff that she's taking to my house at the moment."

The girls hesitated, looking from me to Alice and my truck. They leaned their heads together and whispered.

"What do you think?" asked Em.

"He's cute," said Sam.

"Not... Yeah he is. So we go with him then?"

"Let's go with him!"

They nodded once while maintaining eye contact, then turned to face Matt.

Sam started. "A ride would be great, but I'm not sure where we can go once we get to town."

"We left our purses and suitcases when we ran out of the car," Em explained. "It's those smoking lumps behind the front seats, I'm afraid. So we don't have money. Or ID. Or clothes. Or much of anything, really. And we're not at all where our parents think we are, so calling for help is the nuclear option, best avoided for now."

"Ah. Well, if you're okay coming home with a stranger, I can spare a room---Ah. Alice is in the guest bedroom now. Well, you two can have the master bedroom until you figure out your next move. Dad is off on a business trip to Japan for the week, as it happens. We'll need to clean it up though, he's a bit of a slob. I imagine calling the rental company would be a good place to start while Alice and I straighten things up---and don't worry about food or clothes. We can swing by Walmart after we get Alice's things unloaded and you've dealt with rental company. I don't mind buying you guys a few basics while you figure stuff out."

Same and Em glanced at each other. "That works," they both said, trying to keep the smiles off their faces.

Em took some pictures of their car and of the nearby mile marker, then they squeezed into his truck.

And squeeze they did.

Being the smallest, Em went in first so Alice wouldn't be too crowded while driving. Sam insisted Matt go in next, then she squeezed into what room was left and slammed the door shut. Matt had to put his arms back across the top of the bench seat before they fit comfortably, each girl pressed into Matt's side.

"Girls, meet Alice."

Alice looked amused. "Car troubles, huh?"

"I'm Sam." "Em." They said, ignoring her jibe.

"Sam and Em were on their way to Yellowstone," I supplied as Alice pulled back onto the highway.

"Oh? It's pretty, I suppose. Not my first choice for a spring break trip, though."

"Well, we live in California," Em supplied. "Beaches and mountains just aren't that special when you can visit either whenever you want. So we picked Yellowstone for its hot springs."

"I get that," Alice said.

They kept talking, but Matt's attention was entirely focused on Sam's hand as she traced his half-erect cock with her left hand, her eyes looking out the window like she didn't know what she was doing.

A glance at Em showed Matt she had her body half turned towards him, as if to better fit in her seat, though in fact she blocked the view of Matt's crotch from Alice. Rather than tracing, she reached over and squeezed his growing bulge.

That was fast. ...Not that I'm complaining, Matt thought as he shifted, needing more room in his pants.

Sensing his frustration, Em grabbed his zipper, then hesitated, raising an eyebrow at Matt in a question. After he nodded his ascent, she slowly lowered the zipper, succeeding in making Sam turn to see what was going on.

Sam stared at Em in shock, then smirked and helped her fish out Matt's enlarging cock. He responded by slipping his arms down until he had a firm grip on both their asses.

"Don't mind me," Alice said, making the two girls squeeze his dick a bit tighter in surprise. "A proper maid is all about discretion. Go ahead and pretend I'm not here." Under her breath she added, "As if you weren't already."

"A proper maid would just keep her mouth shut and pretend not to be there until her Master required her services," Matt snapped. To the girls he said, "We're only about ten minutes from my house."

The two girls frowned at the exchange, then shrugged and returned to tugging on his cock.

Both of their dresses were short enough that Matt had no trouble inching them up until his hands found bare skin. They leaned towards him, giving him access to their moist panties. As his fingers slipped beneath the flimsy cloth, the girls moaned in unison.

Sam turned and kissed him fiercely, her tongue twisting in his mouth like a fish caught on a hook. When they broke for air he turned and kissed Em, who was more consistent with her technique, running her tongue around the inside of his mouth like she had to taste every inch of his mouth equally.

When they broke off the kiss, Matt pulled his hand out from Em's backside and put it on the back of her neck. She swallowed and bit her lip, but didn't resist as he brought her head down to his stiff cock. He returned his hand to playing with her pussy, then smiled at the pouting Sam. He kissed her neck and whispered in her ear, "It'll be your turn soon enough," before finding her tongue again with his own.

Em's technique was tentative at first. She teased the head with her tongue while fondling his balls and stroking his shaft, occasionally sucking on the entire head like a lollipop.

Left hand on the wheel, Alice found the back of the girl's head with her right hand and pushed down. "You have about more five minutes. He'll never cum if you keep that up." Wrapping Em's long ponytails around her fist like a leash, she jerked the girl's head up and down, as if Alice was jacking Matt off with a head-shaped tool.

Em gasped and sputtered as his cock rammed against the back of her throat. Instead of struggling, she relaxed and let herself be used, her hands down at her sides.

Sam spared a glance for her friend before again teasing Matt's tongue with her own. She was now completely wrapped around Matt's right side, her left hand clutching the back of his head while her right had found its way up his shirt to feel his chest.

Both girls dripped copious amounts of liquid onto Matt's hands as he stirred their pussies. Estimating where their clits should be, he focused his attention there, flicking his fingers back and forth like a mad finger strumming guitarist. Their pleasured moans vibrated into his mouth and cock, encouraging him to increase the tempo further.

Alice sped up her bobbing of Em's head, sensing his growing need.

Sam broke off their kiss long enough to say, "Don't stop! I'm close."

Em whined sounds of need, echoing the sentiment.

As they pulled into his driveway, both girls erupted. Sam sucked on Matt's tongue hard, while Em's moaned into his cock. Their orgasms happened in stereo, leaving Matt's hands---and his truck's upholstery---coated with the girl's fluids. The sounds of Em's cries getting repeatedly cut off as his cock continued to ram her throat while Sam panted into his mouth, both girls quivering on his fingers, sent Matt over the edge.

Parked, Alice was free to use both hands on Em's head. She pushed the girl's head down hard and commanded, "Swallow it."

Em tried her best, working against gravity as she was. When she sat up a trail of cum trickled down her chin and throat to sink into her cleavage.

The sight was enough to get Matt hard again, so he focused on straightening his clothes while the girls did the same.

No words were spoken as he led the two up to his bedroom while Alice stayed behind to do maid things.

Choices, Choices

Only, his room likely still smelled of sex from him and Alice, so after some hesitation he led the girls into the master bedroom. His dad's mess of clothes, bottles, and fast food bags littered the floor, with trails connecting the door, bed, and bathroom.

He'd already warned the girls about the mess. If it bothered them any, they hid it well. Matt was bothered by it a little, but not so much that he wanted to return to his room. Somehow it felt impolite to fuck these girls from his dreams on sheets stinking of sex.

Then the girls were slipping out of their skimpy dresses, and suddenly whatever unimportant crap he'd been worrying about slipped from his mind. Logistics, that's what was important. He had two girls to fuck, and only one cock. Thankfully, he'd studied a number of helpful instructional videos on the subject. He'd alternate between them both, then cum inside Sam at the end, so his previous entry applying to girls he came inside would then apply to both of these girls, making them both resilient and quick healing, meaning he wouldn't have to hold back later on in fear of hurting their newly deflowered pussies. Plus that other cool stuff he added in.

"Lay down side by side, legs spread," he ordered. "I want to taste you both."

The girls faces both turned bright red, as if now they were turning shy, though they lay down together anyhow, their adjacent hands clasping together with fingers interlocked.

Both girls were bare below, so he supposed they still did the comedic Brazilian waxing scene during their makeovers, despite the change in their final destination. Hot springs need bikini-clad teens too, after all.

He first knelt before Em, figuring she deserved a reward for a throat job well done. She tasted of dried lemons stored in aluminum foil, tangy and sweet. As he explored her fleshy insides with his tongue, his right hand roamed over Sam's taut stomach and tender thighs. He centered in on her nethers, teasing them briefly.

Soon as Sam twitched with need, he kissed Em's clit before switching over to tease Em with his left hand while he tasted Sam, her juices tasting like fresh apricots dipped in seawater. He tongued and fingered their depths, swapping back and forth as the girls writhed back and forth on the bed until he required more.

He again started with Em, her modest breasts heaving as she panted, her eyes focused on his. He trailed kisses up her stomach and chest, spending time on each breast. Hands caressed his back, Sam rolling over to touch him and trail kisses down his neck. He turned to kiss Sam, burying his face in her breasts.

A hand found his cock and guided it forward until it rubbed against Em's entrance. He broke away from Sam's lips to return his attention to Em.

"You ready?" he asked.

She bit her lip and nodded, her face and breasts flushed with arousal.

Needing no further invitation, he pushed forward into her narrow canal.

She opened her mouth to meet his as he wrapped his arms around her smaller frame. Once he entered her to the hilt, her legs wrapped around his waist and clung to him as if her life depended on it.

He stilled his hips while distracting her with kisses and caresses. The tight clamping of her pussy eased up over the next minute, giving him some freedom of movement.

He gyrated his hips, working his cock inside her, letting her pussy learn the shape of his cock, letting his cock enjoy the grip of her pussy. He began to thrust, shallow at first, then deeper as her hips worked in time with his. Nails dug into his back as he dug into her, thrusting over and over, his mind unable to focus on anything other than how good he felt.

Then heat met his face. He looked up to see a perfect pear-shaped ass presented before him, Sam's glistening pussy lips inflamed, ready for action. Needing no further invitation, he sunk his face into her pussy, tasting her as he confirmed she was wet and ready.

Perhaps due to the stimulation of seeing her friend getting eaten out inches from her face while she was getting fucked, Em cried out. "Oh god! Oh god! I'm cumming! Don't stop!"

He plowed away while keeping himself in check. He wasn't ready to finish just yet.

Em bucked beneath him, using her legs wrapped around him to thrust his cock into herself harder and harder, until she again squeezed him tightly, not giving him room to wiggle. Then she relaxed and slid up, away from his cock. "Wow. Just... Wow."

Sam wiggled her ass and turned to look at him from over her shoulder. "My turn now? I've been horseback riding since I was eight and using toys since I was fourteen. No need to hold yourself back with me, cowboy."

He pulled her to him, leaving her positioned directly atop Em, and slipped inside without hesitation. Where Em had been tight and narrow and Alice had been moist and firm, Sam was wet and slippery. Plunging into her made him think of that old yarn comparing pussies to apple pie, the sensation totally different from the other girls' pussies.

In terms of blowjobs, Sam's pussy was like a soft, teasing, licking blowjob that could last an hour, not like the rough and hard throatjob that made him pop in five minutes. Sliding in and out of it felt amazing. He was so close to cumming, yet she kept him right on the edge without pushing him over.

Moans from Em caught his attention. Her and Sam were making out, their chests pressed against each other.

He pulled completely out of Sam and slid into Em without warning. He pumped into her, until he felt himself drawing closer to completion, then switched back to Sam until he no longer felt the need. Again and again he swapped between them, speeding up to fuck them harder and harder, the swaps coming faster and faster until he swapped between the two girls with each thrust.

Em came first, louder and harder than her previous time.

He focused his cock on Sam, and she too came after a few more thrusts. She squeezed down on him, a tightening of her insides well beyond what Alice or Em had yet achieved. It was if her fluffy insides had turned into a giant fist bent on squeezing out every last drop of his cum.

He spent his load inside Sam, only able to reclaim his cock from her grip after riding out the wave of her orgasm.

He fell back on the bed and stared at the ceiling, thanking his lucky stars. Getting to fuck the girls from his dreams had been incredible.

A tender moistness enveloped his cock and balls. Looking down, Em had taken his shaft into her mouth while Sam licked his balls.

"Again?" He wasn't tired, exactly, but maybe he should...

Fuck it. He should fuck these girls until they begged him to stop. And then he'd fuck them one more time. And then he'd call in Alice. And then... Well, he'd worry about later later.