New Friends

I headed towards the destination and I found myself in front of a small little house.

I was so confused.

I walked to the door and I knocked. A man around 30 opened the door and assessed me. I knew he had a handgun hiding in his left hand that was behind the door. He lets me walk in and I slowly and cautiously follow him down the small hallway. I entered a living room and I saw computer tech everywhere and two other people. One lady was around 25, and one other guy was around that age too. They all had guns on their hips and badges next to the guns. The woman was small in stature but looked strong and very confident. She had bright green eyes and black hair. The one guy next to her had red hair and black and brownish eyes. He was huge and had a couple of visible tattoos that seem fake. The guy that answered the door looked like the leader, and brown stuffy hair and piercing blue eyes. He was also huge and looked very strong.

"So I am assuming the commissioner sent you." the redhead speaks and I nod. "Okay let's get down to business..?" he said while searching for my name. Should I give him my real name, the old man probably told him.

"Nicky," I say softly. He nods then walks and sits on the old sofa. I sit in the plastic chair across from everyone and I was closer to the door. They might be in Daniel's pocket. I assessed the leader. I looked into his eyes. I didn't see noticeable gang tattoos. Daniel's main language was Russian. "Ты с хозяином," I say and he looks generally confused. 'You with master' is what I asked. He was honestly confused just like the other two. "Okay just making sure," I say and they look even more confused. "Tell me do you have anyone in custody or even have a tail on someone," I say boldly.

They looked slightly surprised. I don't think the old man told them about my old situation. They just see a tiny little girl in front of them.

I give them a look that says I want answers now.

The redhead clears his throat and hits a button on the screen. My master's face pops up and a couple of others of his top guys. "Right now these men are on our watchlist. We found these two goons, but the leader has not been found," he says, pointing at the two guards who always loved to watch my fights and see me in pain.

"Okay good keep it on a download, daniel has men everywhere even in the government," I say and the dude nods. "You won't find the leader." I simply say and the leader scoffs.``Listen here girl. We are the FBI we know everything, no one can hide from us for long." he says with a gruff voice.

Someone has to stop smoking, geez. I lean forward and put my serious face on.

"Listen here boy, I know a lot more on this subject, and the reason why you won't find Daniel King because he is dead.'' I spit. The redhead looks surprised at my new personality but the woman is smirking. The boss doesn't look happy.

"Are you sure?" He asks me and I feel my smile go way up. "If he can survive a bullet to the brain then I would be surprised. And don't worry I was there to see it, because I was the one that shot him.' I say simply looking satisfied at the reaction I got out of that arrogant idiot.

"Well then Nicky we would love all the information you got." the nice lady says while trying not to laugh.

"My name is Samantha, but call me Sam, the redhead is Dave, and the stupefied leader over there is Ben," Sam says. Ben growled at her, but she just rolls her eyes. Sam goes on the computer and clicks away, and Ben gets up and walks out of the room. I was so intent on what Sam was doing on the computer. I didn't notice Dave walk up and wave his hand in front of my face. I reacted and within a split second, he was on the ground with me pulling his arm in a very uncomfortable hold.

"Hey Hey I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he screams and I let him go and take a step back. I breathe heavily and I look down at my hands. I was about to pop his arm out of the socket.

I will never stop being a killer, a monster.

"I'm sorry... You scared me." I simply say and he gets up while rubbing his shoulder. "It's okay, no harm done." he simply says, giving me a charming smile. He pats my head which almost made me flinch at the human contact. He walks around the brown old couch and goes to his computer.

"Just wanted to welcome you to the team." He says.

I see Sam staring at me, then Her eyes drift to my hidden collar, but I guess some metal was showing. "Oh my gosh!" she yells while grabbing a screwdriver and a file. I backed up and ready to attack. "No it's okay, I want to get it off you," she says softly. Her scream attracted both men's attention and Ben ran back into the room with his gun raised. He put it down when he didn't see any immediate danger.

Sam grabbed my hand and walked me to the chair and sat me down. "You are one of them aren't you?" she asks and I nod "One of the people kidnapped and forced to fight," she says and dave gave me a look of pity.

I hate it when people look at me like that. Ben was silent and emotionless. "I need you to take the sweatshirt off the hood is covering the back panel." I shakily remove my hoodie to reveal my broken body and my black sports bra. I heard soft gasps but I kept my eyes closed. I heard sam move and I felt her on the panel on the collar on the back of my neck. My collar cant turns or move around my neck, the back had a huge needle that went deep into my neck. That is why I can't get it off I cant see what is inside the panel. She moved around and I felt the safety trigger on and it started to heat up.

I felt the electricity but I gritted my teeth and kept still. Suddenly it stopped. Then the cold metal dropped, it like it was in slow motion. I watched it fall to the floor. My chain, my past, my cage. It fell off me, and I felt the weight fall off my shoulders. I stood still and stared at the metal. It was old and stained with red. The needle in the back had come out and was covered in blood. The inside of the color was caked in blood and dead skin covered it.

I slowly touched my neck and felt the raw skin where the collar was. It was blustery and felt really hot. I heard Dave run to me and covered my neck with a cold rage. He then softly applied disinfectant. The world was like spinning around me. I was frozen and I barely heard the conversations around.

I was in shock. The collar was off of me.

I felt gauze wrap around my neck that was secured. I felt hot tears run down my cheek, and drop onto my lap. I couldn't move, I couldn't blink, I couldn't twitch, just stuck. If this is a dream and I am still in that hell hole, but just passed out from blood loss I will lose my mind.

"Sweety" I heard Sam strongly say, and I snapped out of it. I quickly stood up and grabbed my neck. It was of this is real, not a dream.

I heard dave whispering to sam asking her what the heck I was doing and if I was alright.

I am definitely not all right but right now at this moment, I am amazing.

I breathed a deep sigh. I collected my emotions and turned around and faced the three adults. Sam looked concerned and Dave was smiling. Ben was silent and well... being like a robot. 'Thank you sam." I said softly and she smiled at me. "Thank you Dave for patching me up." He just gives me a charming smile.

It's around eight o'clock now, and I'm tired and hungry. Dave left 30 minutes ago to get some take-out, and everyone was clicking away on their computer. They have found money trails on the mayor, and have now a solid case which they are going to be presenting tomorrow to the judge.

I was nervous, I felt like something was really wrong for the last five minutes. I knew it was taking dave quite a while to get the food we ordered in advance. The others didn't seem to notice, but I felt like I was being watched.

I knew right then crap was going to hit the fan.

I immediately jumped up to grab the evidence and hard drives, while sam and ben started to yell at me, asking what the hell I was doing. I quickly grabbed the two clueless adults and fling them to the floor. As soon as they landed face first, bullets rang out tearing through the small house. Sam screamed and Ben shouted out some colorful words.

They grabbed their guns and glanced over the couch. They started to shoot back but since it was dark they really couldn't see their targets.

"We have your comrade, surrender now, and give us the girl. We will leave in peace, and not harm you." yelled a man with a thick Russian accent. I knew it was the Russian mafia. I knew even after my master died. That man who wanted me to be his pet was still out there. These guys were probably his goons.

"Stay here," I say ruffly. While taking the baggy sweatshirt off. Leaving me in leggings and a sports bra. I can't fight with baggy clothes, they restrict my movements.

I gave the two worried adults a nod and jumped up and out the shattered window. I flew out and immediately hid in the bushes. "She is in the bush." someone yelled and I flew out. I struck the nearest man, and I took my thumb and shoved it between his neck and collar bone. He fell and I quickly jumped on the other guy and did the same. Gunshots rang out with grunts and curse words.

One by one I took each man down with pressure points.

I won't kill anymore.

I slid and jumped and flipped avoiding bullets. Suddenly there was only one man left and he backed up in fear. I quickly flashed before him, never giving him time to keep up with me. I grabbed his neck and pulled his face close. "You tell Ivan I will not be his. Tell him next time he comes after me. I will end him as I did with my old master." spit and I probably had a crazed look in my eyes. I let him go and he fell to the floor and ran to the creepy black van parked on the side of the road. He got in and drove away.

"Cool." I flinched and turned to face my new opponent to find a tied-up Dave. He gave me a sheepish look. "Well, you going to untie me ore what, the food is getting cold," he says when I notice somehow in his hands he holds a huge take out bag with a picture of a burger on it. I literally am amazed how the heck does he still have that. He was kidnapped and he even has a nice black and blue on his right eye.

I untied him and I heard two pairs of feet running towards me from the house. I knew it was Ben and sam. They both had their guns out and they both stopped to see if Dave was alright.

"Why the hell you still have the food." gritted out ben. Sam just laughed. "I was so worried, but I guess you kept my baby safe," she said while grabbing the food bag out of Dave's hands and holding it like it was a child. Dave gasps, "You weren't worried about me," he says and she just ignores him. He scoffs. I laugh, and Ben just rolls his eyes. "You know I was worried baby." she suddenly says and gives him a quick chaste kiss.

Wow, I didn't see that one coming. They are together. The nice confident sam, and the goofball dave. I guess it works.

After a couple of phone calls, some government people came to take the knocked Russian guys laying face-first on the pavement. I let that one escape. I need Ivan to hear what I said.

That man is on my list, and I will take him down. One last kill.

Finally, my work was over and they said I could leave and they said to meet at the courthouse in two days. They offered to pay for a hotel room, but I still needed to stay hidden. So after a tearful goodbye from Dave, multiple hugs from Sam, and a grunt from Ben, I finally left. The entire bus ride home I was thinking about Seth. The news will catch wind of our case, and no matter how hard I try my name will come out. Hopefully, after everyone is taken down. I could hope his dad doesn't watch the news, or his mom doesn't hear it from her lady friends. I know he will figure it out, and when he does, he will be confused and maybe hurt. I have to wait, it's not the right time yet. I snuck back to the river and after seeing if there were cameras set up and finding it clear I started a fire.

I cooked the squirrel I just hunted. Squirrel was okay, but I had no seasoning. I finished eating and cleaned up the scrappings of the squirrel and then I took a bath. I finally had soap so I got a good clean. I scrubbed my hair and it took a while cause my hair was super long. My neck was healing and was still a little raw but it was getting better. I looked into the water and saw my scared reflection,

My collar was off, it was off, the leash was off.

I bent down and sat there naked on my knees on the river bed. I was finally free. I finally let the tears out I have been holding in for a while and I let it flow freely. I put my arms around me and hugged myself tightly.