Kinda almost normal.

I woke up to the heavenly smell of meat cooking. My stomach grumbled. I followed the smell to find Seth's family was having a party. A barbecue, There were a lot of people there.

Could I sneak in and steal that heavenly smelling steak I smell?

My stomach made a noise which answered my question. I put my hoodie on and hid my hair. I kept the hood off because I would look too suspicious and I don't want to stand out. I walked through the crowd of happy people and saw the food table. I grabbed a plate and pilled it with meat and some appealing macaroni salad. I grabbed a fork and went to grab a can of rootbeer.

I love root beer. It's been forever since I have had one. It is my favorite drink.

There was only one left. And when I grabbed it another hand came and did the same. I looked up and came face to face with Leo.

Leo was mine and Seth's best friend growing up. I immediately look down and don't make eye contact.

But Leo didn't seem to recognize me. He hit a growth spurt and stood a head taller than me. His dark hair curled was pushed to the side. His golden Hispanic skin got darker, and he had no more baby chub. He gave me a charming smile." sorry you can have it." he says softly and I gave him a small smile, and he grabs a coke and walks off. I sighed in relief and grabbed all the food.

I walk towards the front of the house and leave the yard. No one noticed me when I left and went into the forest. I ate my food on the way to the river. The steak was juicy and had a load of spice on it.

Seth's dad was always good with meat.

I ate the macaroni salad and I felt so happy. My dad made the best macaroni salad, this was close but I was still fantastic. I finally made it to the lake and sat down on the log near my fire pit. I opened the rootbeer, and I felt the surgery drink slide down my throat. I smiled the biggest smile in 5 years.

It was finally Monday, and I stood in front of the courthouse. I felt so tiny compared to the building. I was meeting Ben, Dave, and Sam at the courthouse. Also with a fancy lawyer. I walked up the steps and went through security.

It was hard. It's no surprise that the metal detector went off. I told them I had a metal implant in my body. They pat me down and then let me pass.

I smirked cause they didn't find my two daggers hidden on my body. I guess I am not losing my touch.

I walked to where Dave had mentioned and found a meeting room. It had the three amigos and one fancy person I assumed was the lawyer. I walked up to dave and he gave me a big hug. Sam did too, and Ben just grunted.

I faced the lawyer and he shook my hand. "Hello you must be Nicky," he said sweetly. He was an older man probably around 60 to 70. He had gray hair and some wrinkles. He had pearly white teeth and had a very charming smile. I gave a smile back and nod.

"Yes sir," I say and he nods and leads me to the table, and pulls out a chair for me to sit. "So run this case we need you on the stand, you are a key witness," he says bluntly and I frown. "The case has been decided and the judge has court orders and warrants for everyone arrested on your list. We just need you to go up and answer some questions from a legal representative in the CIA. Everyone on your list is being searched for right now and they have already half the list in custody. You just need to make it official." I felt happy and uncomfortable.

I knew it could be safe to come out to the world, but the underground will always be there. Always looking for me. I never will be really safe. I nod and follow the fancy lawyer. I enter the courtroom and was lead to the seat next to the judge. I swore in and sat down.

let the party begin.

I evaluated the courtroom. It was a closed private session. There was no jury. There were some FBI and CIA in the room. There were other legal people and some other government representatives. The judge looks nice, her nice kind smile made me feel more comfortable.

The three amigos and my supposed lawyer were sitting in the front row, ready to help me. A man suddenly walked up to me and gave me a smile, I knew I didn't like him immediately. I raked my brain if I saw him at the arena but I could not find him in my memories.

"Hello, Miss Kelly, I am Mr. carter, but you can call me Alex," he said sweetly and I fake a smile and nod.

"I must say I am sorry for your loss. But also say I'm glad you are here and alive. You are very brave." I give him another fake smile.

I knew he was trying to get me emotional and tell him everything. I love and miss my family, but it won't affect me when I am in front of people.

"So I have some questions for you." he walks back and forth with his hands behind his back.

"Did you kill anyone," he says bluntly. My lawyer jumps up immediately. "objection your honor." the judge interrupted both men immediately.

"Mr. carter I know this is something the government wants to know but maybe next time be less bold. And be nice about it." the kind judge says sternly. Then turns and looks at me.

"Sorry honey but you have to answer the question." I nod and look Mr. Carter in the eyes. I drop my smile and give him a fierce look.

"What do you think Alex. I was forced to fight in the arena to the death, so If I'm actually standing in front of you, alive, that should answer your question," I say bluntly.

He just gives me a smirk.

"So my question is that you were used to kill, against your will of course, but how will we know if you are too dangerous to be in the population again."

Now I was stunned but I didn't show it. Were people worried I was going to kill now that I was free?

My lawyer stood up and objected and did his job of telling the judge why I don't need to answer that.

I suddenly decided to get real.

"Alex, have you killed before?" he was not expecting that. "No of course not," he says objectively. "Well, sir and everyone here. You all know I was forced to kill, I was forced into that life...I killed with my bare hands. I saw the life drain from my victims. It has chipped away my soul. The only kill I made was of my own will was my master, he stopped me from escaping. If he lived on I wouldn't be able to live in peace, or let me try to live a normal life." I paused for a moment.

"I was forced to become a monster. My chains are off, the man who killed my family and kidnapped me is dead, but his legacy lives on." I shift in my chair.

"I am not normal, I had training no one should go through, I have scars covering every inch of my body except for my face. I have metal in my body. I was experimented on. I know I ain't normal." I lean forward. "So am I a threat to society."

"No, I am not. Only to the goons of my master that are still free and looking for me."

That was the longest speech I have made in years. My throat slightly hurt. Everyone was staring at me, A lady in the corner was tearing up. The three amigos were smiling and giving me encouraging smiles. The government people looked at me with surprise and calculating looks. Alex was silent and I guess he had no more questions since I covered it all.

"Is there more questions Alex or you done?" I was being rude but I didn't care. He looks at me then at the judge. "I have no more questions, your honor."

A couple more people came and asked questions and showed pictures of suspects and possible leads. I answered truthfully. I avoided the questions about my health and secretly dashed past those. I didn't want them to ask to see my scars or ask more about my abilities. I know I accidentally told them about having metal in my body, but I hope they suspect I just have some pins and stuff from injuries. I didn't want them to know about my heightened senses, titanium in my body, and my weird strength, stamina, and speed.

I knew I was free, but I knew all of daniels goons are still there. The Russian is also being looked for but they have been trying to catch him for years. I knew I wouldn't be safe. I couldn't go back to Seth. I couldn't settle down.

I sat there and the world froze. I will never be free. I will have to go into hiding, I will have to live another lie.

"Miss Kelly" I was jerked back into reality. I looked in front of me and saw two military men who sat in the back the whole time.

"My name is general Mendez," he says while shaking my hand. He was around 50 and looked healthy and really fit for his age. He was Hispanic and had a kind smile. He immediately reminded me of my dad. I smile at him and the younger man next to him.

"I was sent by the president," he says bluntly and I couldn't hide my surprise. "He wanted to personally invite you to the white house," he says with a smile. I immediately am amazed. The white house, and meet the president. I nod not trusting my voice, which made the general laugh. The judge ended the court session and everyone got up to leave and signed papers to keep what they heard away from the public. I said goodbye to my three friends and thanked my lawyer and the nice judge.

I followed the two military men to the front of the courthouse. There was a limo and I did the happy dance internally but kept my cool on the outside and got in. I have always wanted to ride in a limo.

The general sat in front of me and handed me a water bottle and knocked on the glass separating the driver and us.

"Lets' move out."