Chapter 38

Chapter 38: Desperate Spinster


We were inturupted by the other pussycat. Calling back the blond she explained that our lodge was at the foot of a mountain in the distance. When Ochaco asked why we stopped half way, the realization hit some of the students. Some began trying to run towards the bus, but it was for naught. Seeing the blond touch the ground I jumped high up, just in time to dodge a landslide that pushed the rest off a cliff. Going down I gracefully landed on a tree branch. Peeking down from the ledge Mandalay informed us that we had three hours to make it to the lodge or we wouldn't get lunch. This was their private property so everyone was free to use their quirks, the place was called 'the beast's forest'. Mineta shouted that he couldn't hold his bladder much longer and rushed towards a nearby bush, however he was cut off by a Beast made of Earth. Koji attempted to talk to it but to no avail. Shaking my head at this I began jumping from branch to branch at an incredible speed. I would run into the ocational flying Earth Beast, I would make short work of them with a Rasengan here and there. Some would be cut down by Yachiru.

The Earth Beasts did not have a homogeneous appearance, but each creature had a different appearance. Some looked more humanoid, others look like quadruped creatures and some resembled flying beings such as dragons and pterodactyls, which were even capable of flight. When a Earth Beast received serious damage, the monstrous construct fell apart and ceased to exist. Yachiru seemed to be enjoying herself so I let her have her fun and went ahead to prepare food for myself and the Girls. Although food would be provided, I would not take chances. It took me roughly 30 min to get to camp due to the relaxed pace I was going. Arriving at the Catnip Inn the place seemed quite nice, was empty though. Entering I activated my Byakugan and found the Kitchen. Making my way to the baths, I washed up before changing into something more comfortable and heading to the Kitchen, seeing that there was no one it seems there was never gonna be any lunch for the class, sucks for them. After looking and failing to find the ingredients I would need, I exited the building and went outside deciding to use my own, I started setting up my outdoor kitchen. I had brought along all I would need.

I began making a full course meal, I had made starters, deserts and of course the main dishes. For the starter I had made a Rainbow Terrine, A colorful terrine arranged using seven different vegetables layered to resemble a rainbow. This dish allows one to try the many different tastes of different vegetables in an ensemble that is both fun and delicious. However, it contains a hidden secret, thanks to the effects of the allspice added to it, it gives a warm feeling to one's soul, as if walking with one's mother under a rainbow on a sunny day. The main course was Doppio Mezzaluna Pizza, Like a half-moon, this pizza is comprised of two halves. One side is composed of rich shigureni beef and the ginger that was cut needle thin to round the flavors together, the other side is a magical quattro formaggio which is seasoned with black pepper that is meant to be eaten afterwards. Though it could stand alone as a standard Italian secondo piatto. The last was the desert I had made the Autumn Leaf Viewing Entement(Maple Cake), A red compacted entremet garnished with leaning piles of caramel shard, a maple leaf and matcha green tea. The entremet is layered with a cheese mousse, apple, blue cheese and a sponge cake made with crushed walnuts. As one would expect, this sweet evokes strong impressions of autumn through the use of seasonal ingredients. Fitting to its original purpose.

Finishing I put them all inside my inventory. Right on time Yachiru popped up behind me, she was full of dirt from the beasts slaughter she had though. Taking her to the bath house to clean up. I set up a table for just the two of us, as the girls would probably only arrive close to evening. After lunch I brought out a large caged hanging outdoor hammock. Just like that we took ourselves a nice afternoon nap.

(Third Person POV)

The black haired female known as Mandalay notes that the training camp Aizawa has organized has been well thought out, He attributes it to the fact that the increased number of villains has forced the first years to take the accelerated year course (usually reserved for second years) so that they have the skills and knowledge to fend for themselves.

"Someone is moving towards the camp at an incredible speed." Said Pixie-Bob, "If he keeps going at that rate, he'll reach it in about 45 minutes." she continued.

"That's impossible it would take us three hours to get there!" responded Mandalay, looking down counting the students.

After some time they realized that one student was missing and concluded he was probably the one ahead. Aizawa is quite supprised hearing this, he went on to explain to them who Yhwach was and his track record. The girls were supprised hearing that the top student was quirkless, not only that, he was also marginally stronger than his classmates with quirks, as if that wasn't enough the boy was a genius. Moments later Pixie-Bob's eyes went wide as large numbers of her Earth beasts were being Massacred. This would continue for the following hour and a half before it finally stopped. After the students got a good distance inside the forest, Aizawa lets the Pussycats handle the beginning portion of Class 1-A's training camp and leaves. The Pussycats decide to head back to the mountain base, however, the small boy is unenthusiastic. Returning to the lodge it after some time, what they found was the young man Yhwach sleeping along with a very small, young girl with pink hair and a perpetual blush on her cheeks. They were within a Big hanging Caged Hammock. Looking at the young man Pixie-Bob exclaimed.

"Gonna have fun three years from now! I'm marking him as mine!!" she shouted, hopping on the spacious hammock.

"Why wait, I'm ready when you are." Suddenly said the boy, opening his eyes.

Her gaze brightened and Pixie-Bob slammed her lips against the boy's.


It took me a full second to realize what had just happened. I had heard them when they entered the camp. I tried ignoring them, however, it seems expecting people to let you sleep in peace is too high an expectation, as I heard them coming closer. It seems she had taken my words to heart. I knew that Pixie-Bob was very desperate and looking for a mate, however, I had not expected it to be to this extent. The girl probably didn't even know my name a few hours ago. However just as I started getting into the kiss, she was pulled away by her teammate. Looking at the blond, I saw her smile while licking her lips. A heat started building within me, it was quickly suppressed by the gamers mind. Her teammate started apologizing explaining that Pixie-Bob was worried she would be a spinster forever and was actively looking for a mate. I simply nodded without taking my eyes off the blond.

(Third Person POV)

After Izuku, Tenya, Shoto, and Katsuki destroy the dirt beast, Class 1-A begins traversing the Beast's Forest. However, the journey through the forest to the Cabin takes around about eight hours. They arrive at the facility, battered and tired. It is now 5:20 pm in the evening. Pixie-Bob admits that she thought they would take longer to get to the facility, she praises Class 1-A for figuring out her Earth Beasts quickly and easily. Izuku then asks about the boy, Kota and wonders if one of them is his mother. Mandalay explains to Izuku that Kota is her nephew and asks him to say hello to Class 1-A. Izuku introduces himself to Kota. Suddenly, Kota punches Izuku in his crotch and begins walking away. Tenya goes to check on Izuku and admonishes Kota for his actions. However, Kota harshly replies that he doesn't want to be with people who want to become corny Heroes. After Kota walks away, Aizawa instructs the Class to fetch their luggage from the bus and put them in their rooms. After doing so, he tells them to go to the dining hall for dinner and afterwards, take a bath and relax. He then told students that their training begins tomorrow morning.

After fetching their luggage and putting it in their rooms, Class 1-A head to the dining hall and have dinner. Yhwach explained about his God tongue to the hosts as they seemed to get angry at his refusal to eat the provided food, before he invited the girls as well as the two present Wild Wild Pussycats to join him, both agree but the young boy Kota refused, leaving the facility. On this peaceful night the 'Demonic Culinarian' struck once more.