Chapter 40

Chapter 40: Beginning of the end.


When evening came I had already prepared dinner for the girls, as for everyone else they were on their own. While they were having dinner, I put on my anbu attire, I didn't have any of my zanpakuto's this time around, as I wouldn't be stopping the events just manipulating them. I had to be careful when using any of my zampakuto these days, zanpakuto were growth type weapons that grew stronger alongside their wielder. Due to my power having long surpassed the strongest soul reapers. It made no difference which zanpakuto I was wielding, it's power was insane, with some of them, a moment of carelessness would lead to grievous consequences. It was quite clear that there was no useless zanpakuto, only a useless wielder, and sadly the zanpakuto's were shaped by their former wielders, but when my power reaches a certain extent they would be stronger and I'd be able to influence their direction of growth.

After dinner the ones who failed were tied up and dragged away by Aizawa. The rest of us would have a test of courage. The trail would be class A versus class B. Class B would be put throughout the travel path, and attempt to scare the class A students. The class A students would be devided in teams of two. At the half way point there would be name cards, each person was to grab their own name card before returning. A single team would be allowed to enter every three minutes. The scarers were not allowed to make direct contact, they would just be using their quirk to startle their prey as best they could. Whichever class made the other wet themselves more would win. Drawing lots, it was destined that one would be left out, and that one was none other then the great me.

Twelve minutes in, the fifth pair from Class 1-A which is Ochaco and Tsuyu enter the forest. Shortly after black smoke could be seen in the distance. Seeing this I knew it had begun. Activating my Byakugan, I monitored everything. Deep within the forest a thick gas began permiating making its way to were the students were. Muscular was approaching the little kid. I walked towards Pixie-Bob. Wrapping an arm around her waist, I pointed a finger towards a direction. Instantly, a force pulled her, right were my finger was pointing two figures appeared. A transgender woman with quite a wide, muscular build and a man with a reptile-like appearance, with bright green scales for skin and a face shaped like that of a lizard.

"Hado number 4; Byakurai!"

A powerful, concentrated beam of electricity shot out, piercing the heart of the transgender. With her death I took a deep breath and vanished. I reappeared deep within the forest. I was just on time block an attack from a nomu aimed at Ragdoll. I blasted it of with a Rasengan in its gut. I checked if she was okay. She wasn't 100% as she was seemingly defending herself. Grabbing her waist, I leaped to the side. A Portal opened where we were prior, a drill coming out of it. I weaved hand seals at an inhuman speed.

'Doton: Doryū Taiga(Earth Style: Great Mud River)'

Beneath the charging nomu a river of mud erupted, sweeping it away from us. Leaping into a tree I weaved more seals.

Kiri Gakure no Jutsu (Hiding Mist Technique)

A thick and dense mist appeared.

"Grab on tight." I said to the girl before we both Vanished from the place.

(Third Person POV)

Inside the smoke covered forest, Kendo carries Yui and Juzo with her Quirk, trying to find a safe place. Kendo runs into Tetsutetsu and Ibara who are wearing masks. Tetsutetsu informs Kendo that Momo Yaoyorozu was nearby and made masks for them. He also tells Kendo that Awase is leading some of Class 1-A to the Class 1-B safe zone for aid. Tetsutetsu gives Kendo, Yui and Juzo masks. After Kendo and Yui put their masks on with Yui putting a mask on the unconscious Juzo, Kendo thinks that they should head back to the facility. However, Tetsutetsu refuses to flee and decides to stay and fight, telling Kendo to take care of Ibara.

Meanwhile, Kota is confronted by the masked villain. He is communicated by Mandalay who asks him to return to the facility and apologizes for being unable to help him. The masked villain comments on Kota's stylish hat and wonders if the boy will trade the hat for the mask he despises. However, Kota begins running away as the villain takes off his mask. He uses his Quirk to jump in front of Kota. Kota sees the villain's face and becomes shocked as he realized that it was the man who had murdered his parents. Muscular prepared to attack while Kota cried and became immobilized from fear. Suddenly, Izuku appeared and saved Kota from the villain's attack. He had rushed over the moment news of the attack was heard.

In the forest, Shoto while carrying an injured Kosei Tsuburaba and Katsuki run through the forest. Seeing that the situation is chaotic, Shoto decides that they should head back to the facility to regroup. While running to the facility, Shoto and Katsuki encounter a villain. Katsuki asks Shoto who is supposed to be ahead of them, to which Shoto answers Fumikage Tokoyami and Mezo Shoji. The villain is admiring something on the ground, a severed arm. However, the villain realizes he has work to do and cannot afford to be distracted by the severed arm, he turns his attention to Katsuki and Shoto.

Meanwhile, Dabi has attacked Eraser Head. However, Aizawa easily dodges Dabi's attack. He counterattacks and easily overwhelms Dabi using his Capturing Weapon and melee combat. Having apprehended Dabi, Aizawa demands information, but Dabi refuses. Aizawa sees the wildfires and wonders what is going on. Tenya, Mashirao, Minoru, and Koji arrive at the facility. Suddenly, Dabi breaks free of Aizawa's grasp but Aizawa still has his Capturing Weapon around Dabi. Suddenly, Dabi begins disintegrating into nothing and disappears. Aizawa orders Tenya, Mashirao, Minoru, and Koji to go into the facility. He decides to head into the forest.

Somewhere in the forest, it is revealed that the Dabi Aizawa was fighting was a clone courtesy of a villain called Twice with a duplicating Quirk. The real Dabi asks the duplicating Quirk villain to make two doubles of him so that he can resume his fight with Aizawa, to which Twice complies.


Reappearing Atop a mountain in the distance I put down the girl. Looking at all the different battlefields, I saw that things were moving well. I was surprised as the lizard man although he was clearly fazed by the death of his companion, he still was holding his own against his opponents.

Izuku was battling muscular. He was running away from Muscular, but he realized that muscular was faster. Izuku quickly forgets about the plan considering the grave circumstances he is in and decides that he has no choice but to defeat the villain.

"We need to go help them!!" Shouted Ragdoll from behind me, Trying to get up.

"You're in no condition to act." I said, turning towards her and moving closer. With my hands lighting up in a green hue I spoke, "For now we need to get you some medical attention first. Everything else can wait."

Using the Healing Kido, I began healing her as slow as I could, Simultaneously watching the entire battlefield. Ragdoll seems to be doing the same as she blankly stared in front of her, her facial expressions going through a myriad of changes.

A mountain in the distance partially collapsed signaling the end of Izuku's battle. Causing the girl to let out a sigh of relief. Soon after a telepathic message came through authorizing the students for combat. This means that the students of Class 1-A and 1-B would be able to fight back against the Vanguard Action Squad. Seems Aizawa had realized that the villains' goal was targeting the students and has no choice but to allow them to defend themselves since the situation is a matter of life or death. He decided that he would take the punishment as a result of his authorization and hoped that the students don't get themselves killed.

I continued monitoring all fronts.

(Third Person POV)

Meanwhile, Shoto engages in combat with the restrained villain known as Moonfish, using his ice to block the villain's teeth enlarging Quirk. Moonfish proves to be highly skilled, being able to break through Shoto's ice and nearly hit Katsuki with one of his teeth, only to be intercepted by Shoto's ice. Shoto warns Katsuki to not use his Explosion Quirk due to the fear of igniting the poisonous gas and causing more chaos, much to Katsuki's annoyance. Moonfish continues breaking through Shoto's ice defenses with his teeth enlarging Quirk while also using his teeth to maneuver himself around. Shoto analyses that retreat is not possible since they will get caught in the gas and concludes that he and Katsuki are in a bind.

Tetsutetsu and Itsuka continue walking through the forest, Itsuka realizes that the gas is not dispersing and surmises that a villain is manipulating the gas, they decide to find the villain responsible for the gas. Tetsutetsu and Itsuka eventually reach the source of the poisonous gas, Tetsutetsu prepares to attack Mustard, but the young villain was aware of their presence and took out his gun, firing it at Tetsutetsu.


Watching everything happen as it was supposed to I let out a deep breath deactivating my eyes. Soon everything came to an end. I finished healing Ragdoll, with her wrapping her arms around me, we vanished.