Chapter 44

Chapter 44: First day.


Here I was standing on a large iceberg, surrounded by five fire Nation soldiers. Due to their lack of weapons I assumed they were most likely planning on subduing me using their fire bending. Putting my hands up in a posture of surrender, I spoke.

"I think we may have a misunderstanding here.

If you kind fellows wouldn't mind, could you give me a ride to the main land?"

These guys remained stoic. From the ramp of the ship, came a youth of about 15 years with a scar on his face. Slightly behind him 2 more soldiers followed. Behind them was an elderly man, who seemed like he was just awoken from his slumber. This was understandable as it was still early morning, the sun hasn't even shown itself yet, all one could see was its light peeking from the horizon. My gaze was drawn to the man. He was none other than the brats uncle, the man known as 'The Dragon of the West', Iroh.

Iroh was a retired Fire Nation general, the former Crown Prince of the fire nation, a Grand Lotus of the Order of the White Lotus, a firebending master, and a wise mentor. Iroh's well-known ability to breathe fire and his claims of "slaying" the last dragon earned him the honorary title. However, what got my attention was the power of the man's soul. Although it couldn't be considered powerful it was much stronger than the average person.

The residents of this world almost all had decently strong souls. This can be seen by the fact that most of them could see spirits, those who couldn't could still precieve their presence. What distinguished the old man was the fact that if he was in the bleach universe. He would most likely be capable of becoming a soul reaper a powerful one probably, if he was trained that is.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the banished prince's words.

"You must be the avatar."

"Nope, you got the wrong guy."

"To think you would be so young, it seems without the air nomads, the avatar cycle continued to the water nomads."

"And I repeat, you got the wrong guy."

"Then explain that energy beam. I saw you sink that island. A normal bender wouldn't have such power."

'Ah so that's how he saw it, well if one doesn't know about the ancient ones, one would think they are islands. Their bodies are usually out of sight. And I'm not gonna correct him there.'

"Ah, there are spirits in that direction." I said, pointing to where the once corrupted spirits were.

I then continued. "If I had that kind of power, would we really be standing with me surrounded and trapped.

Would it not be smarter for me to just sink your ship and kill you before you even got off of it."

My words fell appon deaf ears, as he began monologing about how he has been searching for the avatar. Telling me he's been training for "our" battle. Saying he would defeat me and regain his honor. I was quite annoyed at this. My face lost all emotion in that instant.

Just as I was about to take action, the old man, ordered everyone to stand down. Zuko seemed as if he was about to throw a tantrum. However, his uncles glare seemed to subdue him a bit.

"I apologize for my nephew. Could you tell us who you are." Iroh said.

'Intresting' I thought. Although he looked like a harmless cheerful elderly man. From my experience as an assassin, I could tell that it was not the case. His sleepy and lazy posture was long gone. This man was ready to attack me the moment I would move. It seems his Instinct hasn't diminished in the slightest, he sensed the danger the moment I was intending to kill them. He seems to plan to defuse the situation or try to kill me.

Returning to my previous posture, I introduced myself. The general invited me as a guest on their ship. After some thought I accepted. I simply had to be there during certain events to get paid. The antagonists side is a good a place as any to be. It wasn't really a tough choice as if I went with aang, I'd have to deal with his childishness, as well as the problems they cause for themselves. Might as well make things simpler for myself. I had only a years time in this world so I planned to make it count, had things to do and elements to master.

(Third Person POV)

Meanwhile somewhere near the main land. A majestic creature shot out from the sea. This creature looked like a hybrid between a fish and a bird. With a single flap of its wings, it dissapeard, the Aftermath of which were powerful gusts of winds that seemed to wish to uproot all nearby trees. The sea it emerged from was far from being peaceful. Any ship that was nearby would have been overturned by the waves it caused. Fish and Birds alike did not dare get in this creatures way, instead they bowed their heads.

The creature was going in a straight line heading for the Si Wong Desert. Dark clouds were following close behind it. Some time later it stopped above a tower in the middle of the desert. Shortly after the dessert experienced a rainstorm. Shocking all its inhabitants. Landing atop the tower. The creature rapidly reduced in size, revealing a young man.


(MC Clone POV)

It was the first time I had transformed into my Kun-Peng form. I had split myself so I can find Wan Shi Tong's Library, hopefully before Zhao destroyed its fire bending knowledge. Finding the library wasn't too hard thanks to the Byakugan, I had also found another ancient one. This one however was deep underground. It seems he was the earth lion turtle. I didn't really plan to disturb him though.

Wanting to test my power I had taken as much water as I could control while in the south along with me, the in the end clouds were formed when the water met the heat of the desert and resulted in the subsequent heavy rainfall. I instinctively felt that I was only scratching the serface of the forms power. As I was about to inquire from Keiser he spoke out.

{Before you ask, the answer is yes, you're no where near its full power.

A bloodline is not the be all end all. All it does is give you potential.

All your current bloodlines are powerful, but you don't have the strength or energy, meaning cultivation to utalize them fully.

A Kun-Peng is not inferior to a Dragon or Phoenix.

Think of it this way, a Harry Potter world Phoenix, against the Primordial Phoenix God. Both posses the same bloodline, but one is a complete and utter joke compared to the other who's name itself is power.

You can guess which one of the two is the current you.}

'Yeah, in short I have potential, meaning I ain't done shit yet.' I thought, entering the Spirit Library.

(Third Person POV)

Back in the South Pole, they all boarded the ship. One of the soldiers guided Yhwach to his new quarters. He was given one of the rooms on the upper floors.

Meanwhile, outside on the deck, prince Zuko confronted his uncle.

"Uncle why did you, stop me?!" he yelled.

"If I didn't, you might be dead." answered Iroh calmly. "I do not know whether that boy is the avatar or not, but either way, we are no match for him."

Zuko was shocked into silence by his uncles words. Who was his uncle, One of the most powerful fire bending masters alive. His words shouldn't be taken lightly.

"This way if he is the avatar. We'll be able to see it in time. If he isn't, then it seems that the avatar isn't the only threat to the fire Nation." Iroh said, Walking into the ship.