Chapter 2: The visit

Ding! Connection acquired. I land on my face, then everything goes black.

I come to and immediately see medical supplies.

"Uggggh!" I groan. I am in the nurse's office, third time this week! Unlike my father, I can't take a punch. I glance about the office. My eyes darting from the scale to the cupboard and back again. Then I notice someone. At the foot of the bed is what I would consider my favorite teacher, Professor Byrons.

"Was it your lack of intelligence or too much of it that caused this mess?" he questions me. Motioning in turn to the bruise above my right eye. Smiling at the comment, I reply,

"Both, I could have done exceedingly better that's for sure, but not for that loser!" Professor Byron gives me a sympathetic look. He was a middle aged man with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was a little on the short and heavy side, but nobody would tell him that. Besides he was my favorite teacher, you don't offend the only teacher on your side.

"How's your head?" he asks. I sit up and feel only slightly dizzy.

"Pretty good, even though I was just k.o'ed!" I bit my tongue to stop myself before I said something smart elek. Byron nods his head and examines me, pushing my hair this way and that, squinting then twisting his face in concern.

"You look fine but I will have the nurse check. Oh and when you're done here, come with me to my office."

"Sure as long as Joro's not there, or my parents, or the principal." He nods his head and goes to look for the nurse.