Chapter 3: Repulsors and Tennis shoes

"Tony Sanders, fifteen, a freshman boy with dark brown hair and eyes, a height of five foot six, and the IQ level of a super genius. Man am I awesome or what? I think to myself, pushing what's left of my glasses back up on my nose.

Nurse Rickett interrupts my thoughts and states I am free to go. I slowly get up and make my way out the door with Byron, limping, as well as still a bit unsteady. We head to his office as fast as I can manage. Professor Byron gives me the spare pair of glasses out of my locker as we make our way to his office. While he unlocks the door to his office he asks,

"You remember that project you're working on in my science class?" He opens the door and heads straight for the closet in the back of his office. I limp behind studying the experiments on the desks, the medicine was making the pain go away quite fast.

"Yeah the one with ion repulsors in the gloves? Or the propelling tennis shoes? The tennis shoes haven't quite worked out yet."