Chapter 5: S.P.E.A.R.

Looking around I see many, many kinds of things that I could use for inventions,  but I see I have a much greater, or, well, supposingly greater thing to attend to ahead I stop letting my mind wander. "Are you somehow connected to the FBI or CIA? Or are you from that previously destroyed organization, oh what's its name?" I now realize he had been looking at me for awhile. I scoot a little farther from him, after all I didn't know him that well.

"I am with a private organization, I may not reveal the name but we will call it S.P.E.A.R., and we are interested in some of your skills and talents which may help us. Do you know about the Scorpions?"

"Are they a gang that's in town?" I rub my cheek, reminiscing the punch..

"No. They're a group of smugglers, assassins, and traitors. We have found out that they have had an agent planted here in the S.P.E.A.R. for awhile and they have some, select, things we need back."