Chapter 6: The Lab

"Such as....?"

The floor comes to a stop and Byron turns around. I follow. Behind me is a huge room the size of a football field. From floor to ceiling full of tech and hundreds of people running here and there. Suddenly there is the screech of metal on metal, and the taste of chemicals and solder enters the air. The place was huge! I notice, standing in front of me was a tall man in a dark green uniform. Everything from his head to his toes is green. Excluding his hair, which was black with hints of gray. Even his eyes were a deep green. He was highly decorated and kind of reminded me of those little green bucket soldiers. He steps forward, at ease.

"Welcome Tony! I assume you know why you're here?"

He smiles at me then looks for confirmation at Professor Byron.

"We haven't gotten there yet sir! We were just discussing the Scorpions, sir!" Byron salutes and then stands at attention. 

"At ease Byron." 

Byron relaxed. 

 I turn back to Mr. Toy soldier.

"Why am I here? What'd you need me for?" I stare intently at him.