Chapter 12: Mission time


Two days later, I am riding in the car with my parents on our way to school when I realize I have never worked with someone else before. All my homework and projects were done by myself and I had never needed any help. Nor wanted it. I also began to realize I am going to have to learn how to work with another teenager, two actually. I couldn't work alone, at least that was what they thought. While pondering that, I also note that I might run into other kids, after all I couldn't be the first kid they've recruited right? I might be paired with them. Having never had a friend in my life, I see this as an opportunity to prove I don't need them and I can work this mission alone. I settle on that outcome and change the direction of my thoughts.

When my parents had gotten the letter about the camp they were so proud of me and were extremely excited. They told me if I wanted to go I could, provided I wrote them every week.

"Mom, dad, I'm not a kid anymore!" I had told them. But seeing all my good grades had made them excited. I got good grades anyway, but Professor Byron had given me excellent grades. All A pluses. When my parents saw my grades they were stunned. They gave me five dollars for, and I quote "Excellent study skills."

I was quite excited that I was going, even though it wasn't really an academic camp. I had never gone to any kind of camp. Although my parents were a bit poor, we always made it through, but never with enough money for something so great as summer camp. No matter what my dad did for work. I had no brothers or sisters so I got along at home with my parents pretty well. They always said they were glad I was their son. But they also said they wanted what was best for me and my dreams. They thought this was, now.