Chapter 13: Nicholas

Back in the car on the way to school, I keep thinking about these moments. What could have Mitchell meant when he said "It has to do with your past?" Maybe I was in an accident? That would explain why I have the IQ level of a genius. I could have been a few years old and hit by some form of radiation or something, completely altering the chemicals in my mind. Maybe I was smarter than I realized. I settle on that just as we come to a stop beside the school bus. There are two other kids outside the bus. A girl who looks to be about my age with short strawberry blonde hair that is in a little ponytail, green eyes, very light skin and thin as a rail. Her attire consisted of an army green colored tank top with "School girl" on the front. Green army boots along with green army pants. The school girl shirt was overboard in my opinion. She seems my age and my height. Beside her is an African American boy in a wheelchair with black, buzz cut hair, tight fitting black shorts, black and white T-shirt and Converse. He also looked to be about my age but if he got out of his wheelchair, shorter than me. I eye him suspiciously. How can he stand to wear such ridiculous shorts?

Mom and dad unload my luggage, say goodbye, and leave. I look for the bus driver.

"You Tony?" asks the boy.

"I could be, why." I peer down at the kid over my glasses.

"My name's Nicholas Douglas, this here's my wheelchair. I call him Fury cause he's so fast." Nicholas rubbed his wheelchair. "He's helped me many times." He leans in and whispers. "So are you here for Scorpion too?"