Chapter 14: The School

Scorpion was the codename of the project.

"Yeah, I'm Tony. And yeah to Scorpion. Do you know what we're supposed to be doing?" I ask, looking around at the area for the first time. I didn't trust this place since I was introduced to the apocalyptic bunker beneath my feet. Besides the bunker under my feet, there was the bus and the school to thoroughly inspect, and a very large parking lot.

"No, I haven't a clue, I was just dropped off. Should we go look around?" Nicholas asks, rolling about, interested in everything.

"Hold it Zippy," I hold onto his wheelchair to stop him from going any further.

"We need to stay here." The girl speaks up for the first time.

"So what's your name?" I push my glasses farther up my nose as I evaluate her.

"You do not need to know right now." she snaps and walks away. Nicholas shrugs at me and we head over to the school, away from "Karen".

The school is closed but I pull the handle. Nicholas follows.

"The doors are closed and locked with an electric alarm system that goes on the fritz if anyone even thinks about trying to get in." I tell Nicholas. "I have gotten in before though. Ever been here before?" I turn to face Nicholas and his wheelchair. "I mean I know you don't go to school here but ever been here before?"

I walk towards my luggage and open one of the bags.

"Well no not before. I have heard about it. But never been here. It is a base for child operations."

"Obviously" I interrupt. He continues.

"Conducted by a military group. Nobody knows the real name of the place or group, except the agents. I've always called it the X-base. You know like the old comics of the X-Men?"

I pull a small device and a ring of special keys out of the bag and head back towards the door. In a few minutes I have unlocked the doors and disabled the alarm. Nicholas looks shocked.