Chapter 15: Monkeys and Door Keys

"Are you sure we're allowed to go in?" Nicholas asks "I think we should wait for orders or whoever is in charge to show up. It is after school hours and if we get caught, they might call the cops." Nicholas whispers, his eyes darting around nervously as if we are going to be caught any minute.

"Well, who here is running this op?" I ask mockingly, looking around for some agent or teacher to show their face. "It certainly isn't Princess Diana out there!" I told my arms and nod towards the "Karen" outside. "Any other volunteers? No? Seeing as no one has volunteered I nominate myself as "Commander", and my first order is to look around, they may be hiding the Circus under the gym for all we know." I push open the door and stroll through it like I own the place, I peer around the corners for anybody who might have a long list of detention sentences. Someone like Joro.

Cautiously I make my way to Professor Byron's office, with Nicholas and the girl following. At his office door I start to pick yet another lock when I hear footsteps down at the opposite end of the hall. Losing my cool, I frantically, start to look around for a hiding spot. But all I am able to see are the other kid's worried faces and the very tall hall ceiling. The footsteps begin to increase their speed, drawing closer by the second. There is just one corner left between us and them.

Not even a trash can around! I begin to panic. Just as I think they are going to get us, I am snatched up into the high ceiling and placed on a beam. Beneath me runs the janitor, obviously in a rush. He turns the corner and his footsteps fade away

I whip around. Behind me a big, reddish blonde monkey is holding me and Nicholas, Nick still in his wheelchair. It sets us down on the ground again and I see it slowly begin to morph back into the girl we had encountered by the bus.

"What was that?" I whisper astonished.

"Whoa! That was cool!" Gasps Nicholas, checking Fury for scratches.

"I'm a shapeshifter." says the girl.

"What's your name again?" Nick asks, more politely than last time.

"I actually don't have a name but you call me what you like." She hints a smile. "Sorry. Sometimes I can be a bit unusual when I meet new people, especially arrogant people who don't consider others."

I know she is talking about me, but I ignore her and turn back to the lock. Sticking in the third key on my ring, the one that kinda looks like a spark plug mixed with an old bent key in the lock and turn the tumblers.

Not a second too soon either, footsteps can be heard again only this time they sound closer.

We slowly turn around and back inside the room closing the door and waiting for a shadow to pass over the door's window. As we turn around I see a few people standing on the other side of the room with a bunch of video monitors. One of them is Professor Byron.