Chapter 16: Upgrades

 Between the couches was a coffee table and directly in the back was surveillance equipment. Mitchell, Byron, Me, Nicholas, and Bea sit at the table and the rest sit at the couches. Mitchell presents us with a run down of what we are dispatched to do. 

"Camp will be tough. There will be little food and even less sleep. You will be treated like grown soldiers, just like the other soldiers assigned there. Your team will stay there five days and then be transported to another classified location. I am only allowed to tell you what I know at the moment." He glances at some of the official looking people crowded on the couch. One of them hands him a briefcase. He opens it. Inside are what appear to be sport watches. "These are class A wristwatches." he says holding them out for Tony to see. "They have small screens with GPS navigation, decryptor, camera, flashlight, communication abilities between other watches, time capabilities, distress signal, and Angry Birds." Nicholas's face lights up. Mitchell frowns. "Not be used it too often. The Angry Birds feature was more of a mistake made when being designed."

Slumping back into Fury, Nicholas continues listening.

 "They will help you in training and assist you in your mission. Tony," he turns his full attention on me. "The S.P.E.A.R. mechanics improved your fuelless Rocket boots and micro wrist blaster based on a previous design they found in their system. You can use them fully now."

'Cool, I can be just like that Iron guy.' I thought 'perhaps working with these people won't be horrible, but I still can do things solo. I really don't need them for anything I could have just as easily hacked into their base and fixed my boots and blaster as they could have.'

Mitchell's words draw me away from my thoughts.

 "Nicholas we also made improvements to your wheelchair, you can now go airborne. And Bea we have stabilizing electrons in your watch to help you maintain your form for a longer period of time. All electronic and completely painless. It is built into the strap of the watch." he taps the wristband. "We will be getting off at the next stop for protocols and safety reasons." 

Coming to a slow halt, the bus stops about three miles outside of camp and we get off. Separatating in different directions. The bus then continues down the road.