Chapter 22: Suit up

My training program consisted of fixing unknown tech, hacking complex new systems, using state of the art newly developed gadgets and learning how to upgrade our tech remotely. They also started me out with light exercise the first day, then as the days progressed, with harder exercise. By the fifth day I could do all that the others could do. Mitchell was sent our training report and Honey was recruited as well. No surprise there.

On our sixth day we were transported by plane to a secure, secret warehouse somewhere in the forests on the New York/Canada border. We were forced to parachute out as part of our training. I did well, but unfortunately Conn did better.

We were ushered inside the warehouse by a young woman named Corinne, and were lead to a big office where we waited for instruction. As soon as Corinne left we were greeted by a young, short woman in a black business skirt, heels, and blue business top. She introduced herself.

"My name is Carol, I will be your immediate tech manager and coordinator for this mission. We have a strict schedule that we must stick to, I am sorry to inform you. We have to start by getting you your suits. Girls you will go with Corinne, and boys you will go with Justin." She motions to a young man about the same age as Corinne. Honey and Bea follows Corinne to the left out of the room and Conn, Nicholas and I follow Justin out the door to the right and down a hallway. We stop at a door to the left and enter. Inside is a huge clothing studio with many kinds of material I had never seen. To our right there are two scientists in a test chamber for the fabrics. There were also many different designs of clothes and futuristic sewing machines.

Justin leads us to three stools that were in the middle of the room. He has us stand on them and attendants come from around the room and measure us for our suits. After the measurements we were sent to the gallery of weapons where we met up with Bea and Honey once again. Honey jumps up and down with excitement.

"Isn't this so cool?" she gasps "Did you all get measured too? We got measured and Corinne told us that we get suit that are compatible with our powers as well as resistant to the rest of the teams powers. She also said that the suits will help enhance our abilities strengths, giving us almost double the power and control we had before."

Wow I thought. She has the energy of the Energizer bunny, but never runs out of batteries. She could easily replace him as a spokesperson if they were ever looking for a new one.

"And the suits can morph into everyday clothes as well." Bea adds.

I smile. It was the first time I had ever heard Bea add in anything. In fact she had hardly said anything since we met.

Honey, on the other hand, had talked a lot. Turned out she was the daughter of the Mandarin. And like any good father he was hunting her and her mother. S.P.E.A.R. had given them protection, in exchange for Honey working with them. Her dad had once found her mom and almost succeeded in killing her, but Honey had come to her rescue. It didn't come without its price though, she gotten a scar on the right side of her neck. S.P.E.A.R. then went to extensive measures to hide her mom, even Honey didn't know where she was. Other than the scar she was very pretty. She was Asian like her father and mother, with incredibly long hair that reached down past her knees. Her hair had a colored streak through it on the right side. She looked like her dad quite a bit. Though she had bright yellow eyes, there was an incredible resemblance. She even had pyrokinesis, but unlike her dad, was able to withstand any temperature of heat. Her powers included smoke manipulation, and fire creation and manipulation.

She was over excited though, majority of the time, like a dancing flame constantly flickering and never standing still.

"Your suits are ready." Corinne calls from the other side of the gallery. It has only been a few hours. "Come in here and check them out!"

We head over to her and a line of very sharp suits suspended in mid air.

"Wow! How did you make them so fast?" Honey asks Corrinne.

"We used an enhanced and modified suit chamber. It's like a big 3d printer."

Honey threw a large ball of fire directly at her suit. It remained unharmed.

"Yep! They're heat resistant. How do we get them on?" she asks looking around for a zipper or a button.

Corrine smiles and hands them to us. "You see this button?" She lifts a small flap of fabric on the shoulder. "Just press it and they will return back to their original shoe state. Then just step in them and they will do the rest. They will automatically conform to your body's shape and only your bodies. Nobody but you has the access to take them on and off. With a simple input on the right forearm of the suit you can change your clothing's appearance." She shows us a few combinations and how to operate the basic features of the suit. "One more thing, they have a voice control feature. Tap your wrists together and say 'suit up'. They will turn whatever disguise or clothing you have on back into your super suits. Say 'suit Down' and you get back into your everyday clothes. Or any outfit you choose as your default. Just scroll through the selection with the hologram on the wrist." She shows us how to change our suits back and has us practice until we have it.