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21 - God Help Us All

"Thank you all for coming. I hope you all do well in this mission," Ultimate A dismissed.

I stood up with the rest of them to leave before Rogue F grabbed my shoulder and held me down in the chair.

"You two need to stay. I have a much more important matter to discuss with you," Ultimate A commanded, before leaving us to wait.

After a while of silence, a man came through the doors.

I recognized him as soon as I saw his face. Actually, that's not the truth. His face was programmed into my head.

My memories were fresh, though they were years old.

"Lorenzo, how have you been?" I greeted.

Rogue F remained unworded, only greeting our guest with a nod.

"Gentlemen, Ultimate A has requested that you meet him in room 6741 for a classified assigned meeting," Lorenzo said before leaving.

I felt Rogue F glanced at me, and I knew he was hesitating.

I sighed, standing up, "Let's go."

Rogue F followed me like a dog would follow its owner. I raised my eyebrow at the thought.