Everyone was silent because of what I said. While the Queen just stared into my eyes looking to see if I was afraid of her. And in my estimation she did not see anything.

"You look fearless for an adopted child, Fourth Princess." said the Queen while her face was serious and still staring into my eyes I just smiled sweetly. "It's not like that, Your Highness. I have a lot to fears honestly, but will my fear revive me? No. So i just eat my fears, I know the place where I am now. If I do not kill how can I live? "

When I said that everyone was gasped, they did not seem to expect that the Ugly Princess was first and foremost the most beautiful woman, and secondly an amazing speaker and seemed full of ettique, talent and glory.

"You seem to know exactly where you are now, Fourth Princess. The question is can you kill?" serious question of the man next to the Queen, of course the King. It looked at me seriously as if it was scaring me.

It was really scary to look at him but as I said I ate my fear.

"What if I say yes, Your Highness the King? I have many abilities that you all do not know, you will be surprised one day you will definitely need me. I heard that Your Highness the Queen cannot bear children? What if I say I can give you the child you asks for, what can you give me in return? "

Everyone was silent because I said, the King just widened his eyes while the Queen could not believe staring at me.

I just smiled as I looked at the Queen as if excited with a mixture of nervousness and shocked face. "Don't believe her, how could you believe in the woman that first of all looks like a shadow before?"

A voice that caught my attention, I looked where it came from and I saw the serious face of the woman sitting on the side while wearing a red robe she was looking at me seriously. Her skin is white, and she is also a beautiful woman. But if I estimate I will still win in the beauty section.

"She's the Second Princess, Xu Yao Mi." I heard Chen whisper behind me suddenly I looked at the woman with amusement on my face. "I finally saw you, Second Sister. What shadow are you saying, Second Sister? Am I not the one you were focusing on since before? I also didn't know you were this beautiful Second Sister, I just didn't notice it."

I said but she did not move or show anger but her face was still serious. "We have no faith in what a crazy woman says, Fourth Princess." she said causing my loud laughter to resonate throughout the whole Imperial Hall.

"I'm so sorry, everyone I just can't help but laugh at the joke of my, Second Sister. I don't need you to believe me or not, all I know is the scar on my face is gone even though the Royal Physician said that It won't be good anymore, I healed myself and you see the outcome. Second Sister, you see, don't you? That I am even more beautiful than you. The title Ugly Princess is more appropriate for you."

I said while smiling and just staring at her i saw her hand on her table already clenched. "Your Highnesses, I see I'm just disturbing your happy time sorry so I'm leaving to rest."

I said then bowed and turned around just one step away I was just stopped because of the Queen's order. "Fourth Princess, can you stay first and can we talk later?" said the Queen so I smiled and raised my head.

And not far away I saw the serious face of the Crown Prince. I just turned to the Queen again.

"Sorry, Your Highness the Queen. But my service has a replacement, you want a child? I will give it to you, but I need a replacement. Something for something, if you want my service let's talk tommorow, Your Highness the Queen. So think carefully, a child is a very big thing, so I also want the replacement to be big, Goodbye."

I said and turned my back on them and started walking, and the Crown Prince was still staring at me one last time before I walked out of the Imperial Hall.

I'm sure the Queen will accept that because she wants a child. I can give it to her using surrogacy, I just need a surrugate mother, an injection where I will both take the Queen and King semen and that's when they will have children.

They wanted a child, and what I wanted in return was the life of the King.

Yes the King, he is the symbol of stability in the whole Kingdom if he dies the Kingdom will lose the King and when that happens everything will be destroyed, the traitors and greedy for power will come out, many will die.

The Crown Prince will not be King immediately because he is only the King's brother, and there are many envoys who'll not agree in there. I want no one to sit on the throne, they will approach me they will ask for help how to find power and when that happens.

I am sure that those who belittled me before will also ask for power, I will give them the power they want but with a reward. I will be the flesh and mind of the whole Xu Kingdom, I will grow this Kingdom but I will also gradually kill my enemies.

Im sure there are many obstacles on my plans that's im preparing myself. Because I do not know what will happen in the future.

I just walked quietly with Chen and Chenguang back to Wuyi Manor where I live.

"Can you really give a child to the Queen, Your Highness?" Chenguang asked behind me, I just smiled bitterly and just continued walking while looking at the road.

"I can do it, nothing is impossible for me. But I have a question, is the King bad?" I asked because if I just kill an innocent person I do not know if my conscience can handle it.

"I don't know the answer really, Your Highness. But I think yes he is bad, he knows what is happening around the whole palace as well as outside but he does nothing. But to be happy with his Concubines. There are many people are neglected in the Capital, many suffer, many die every day because of hunger he knows that but he does nothing. The money of the people of the town only buy the things he wants. So my answer is that he is bad. "

Chenguang replied as we walked. "As for you Chen, what is your answer to my question?"

"The answer is the same, Your Highness, he knows the whole thing including you but he does nothing. I saw how many times he visits you and you does nothing right so he slaps you, he hurted you. The Queen, is naturally sad and very good Queen if you kill the King the Queen will also rejoice the same as many people."

Chen said stopping me and I turned to him while smiling. "Sometimes your abilities are really amazing Chen, do you read what I think?"

I asked but she also just smiled at me. "No, Your Highness. But I guess I only know your plan based on your actions, but if my suspicion is correct I think if you want your plan to continue you go to Crown Prince. You will go through a lot of hardships to achieve your plan, you have many enemies without you realizing it, not only the Princesses are your opponents. If you continue without the Crown Prince by your side you will not last long. "

She said that because of the loss of my smile, I believe Chen cause the Crown Prince is indeed very strange.

"What's wrong with him?"

"The King is afraid of him, the enemies are afraid of the King. When I said that do you think who is more powerful?" said Chen causing a frown on my forehead.

Crown Prince is more powerful what does that mean? "Does the King have many children? What are its genders?"

I asked. "She has six daughters, four sons." Chen said that made me frowned. "He had that many son's yet he gave the title Crown Prince to that Li Guozhi?"

"You know, Your Highness. There is actually an old woman, that everyone believes she foresee the future events. When the King's father the late King Xu Lei was still the King while the King Xu Tai Le was only the Crown Prince that woman appeared in front of everyone. She then said that the King Xu Lei will found a child with purple eyes and white hair, she sad that that child will eventually rule the world. She disappeared after a day the Ki g Xu Lei was walking in the West Lake of the Palace when he found a baby with purple eyes and white hair, the King Xu Lei took in the baby and named him after the first King of the Xu Kingdom, Li Guozhi. At the age of four the Crown Prince already excell in everything, that's why when the King Xu Lei died the King Xu Tai Le was given a task. That time the King Xu Tai Le was just twenty six while Crown Prince Li Guozhi was just six. The King Xu Lei told King Xu Tai Le to make Crown Prince Li Guozhi the next King after his reign."

Chenguang said that made my eyebrows raised, a woman who can foresee the future? Well, where is this woman?

"That's his story but not at all." Chen seriously said that made us look at her. "What do you mean, Chen?" Chenguang asked.

"Crown Prince Li Guozhi, after the death of the late King Xu Lei was sent into the border to become a soldier by the command of the King Tai Le. After five years he become the strongest General of the border, that's why no one dares to attack it. King Tai Le sent Crown Prince Guozhi back to the Palace and he also become a Minister of War. The Xu Kingdom was very powerful because of him, and because of everyone's appeal to the King he become the Crown Prince but not all knew that the Crown Prince had a secret."

Chen said that made me really look forward to what she will say next but nothing cimes to her mouth. "What secret?" i asked out of curiousity that made her laugh. "It's a secret, Your Highness of course i do not know it."

I just pouted and touched my face. And remembered that i left my veil in the Imperial Hall. "Im so dumb." i said to myself.