I wore a long white and pink hanfu with phoenix designs. The robe I was wearing was very expensive to look at, it was simple but fancy to look at. I glow even though there are no accessories in my hair. The only thing I was wearing with my long hair was the white cloth tied around it.

That suits in the white veil that covered half of my face. I did not see any people on the way to the Imperial Hall. I'm sure people are already in the middle of their fun.

"I don't know the people in there, can you whisper to me the names of those who are talking to me?" I asked as we quietly walked towards the Imperial Hall.

Chen and Chenguang were behind me and they seemed to be even quieter because of what I said. "Your Highness, many people will go to that feast including many Envoys of our Kingdom. The relatives of your relatives, they will all attend because they want to strengthen their power to the King, Queen, Crown Prince and Queen Mother. It is impossible for us to whisper to you all, people will think differently, especially your Father the King."

Chenguang replied as I saw the big door of the Imperial Hall there were two guards is in there and two people who looks like the people who shouts the name of those who enters the Imperial Hall. I smiled sweetly behind the veil im wearing, im now nervous at all, im just really excited seeing the people i'll break down today.

"Just act normal and don't let them see any mistakes, don't go near to my ear to whisper just say it naturally i'll definitely be fine with that." i said and started climbing on the stairs and successfully now in front of the big door of the Imperial Hall.

"Who are you?" a man wearing a not-so-expensive robe said i just looked at him seriously. "Fourth Princess, Xu Xue Lin." i said coldly that made their eyes widely open and they immediately bow their heads to me. "Im sorry for not recognizing you, Your Highness."

He said and i just rolled my eyes and stared at the big two doorway of the Imperial Hall. "It's fine you may now call my name."

"I-I am sorry, Your Highness but it is not possible the feast had already started the people would be stopped if we shout your name." he said that made me wickedly smiled as i wet my lower lip using my tongue. "Let them stopped then, I command you to call my name as loud as you could. I am the Fourth Princess of Xu Kingdom my word is the rule, shout my name... and i'll spare your life."

"Looks like something amazing would happen tonight." a voice from our behind said that made us all stop we turned our heads to look who the person talked is, the guards, my maids and even the man that talked to me kneeled and bowed into that man. The man who'se the big moon sided.

The big moon behind him, looks like his pet cause it follows him wherever he go. And that moon also gives him light because now i completely see his cold and serious face while staring at me. His long hair that as white as the moon shines brighly, his eyes that is very different because its color is purple, his pointed nose is suitable to him and his lips that is very amusing to look at. His features is also looks like God carved it himself, and his adams apple is giving me a vibe. This man is quite very appealing to look at.

"And who are you?" i asked with a serious face behind the veil im wearing, i don't have time to fancy someones look. My priority is to bring the people who bullied me regret of what they did, they maybe didn't do it to me. But it also the same thing as what happened to me in my modern life, i died pitifully with the hands of the same kind of people. And i won't die pitiful now, i regained my life, im now the Fourth Princess and i won't let them look down on me... ever.

His brows raised suspiciosly while staring at me. "Oh, my brother's fourth daughter is quite amusing. You don't even know your own Uncle." he said that made me part my lips behind my veil.

Uncle? Why didn't someone mention that i have an uncle this young? "Well you know, Uncle, i am just mere joking of course i know who you are." i said and fakely laugh but his side lips just rised that made me frowned.

"You know me yet you didn't even kneel? Did also you joke conclude forgetting that i am the Crown Prince?" he said that almost made me slap my own face, im in my first step towards success yet this man just found me. I have no time to deal with this shit, i need to find and deal with those type of people who bullies someone. "Im sorry for that, Your Highness the Crown Prince, the Fourth Princess was poisoned before and she somehow forget something but also remembers it afterwards."

Chen said while kneeling that made me breath i even closed my eyes secretly because Chen just saved me, if she hadn't im sure they'll completely think that i am an impostor. "Is that so? Why don't i know that my brother's Fourth daughter was poisoned?"

"Should you know every detail in my life, Your Highness the Crown Prince? I am just nothing but the mere Ugly Fourth Princess, i am not suitable to have your eyes around me. Excuse me." i said seriously and look at the man i talked before who is now kneeling in front of this so-called Crown Prince. "Shouldn't the two of you shouts the name of the Fourth Princess and the Crown Prince? Why are still silently kneeling?"

I asked that made him look at me nervously and she stood up together with the other man. I just lastly looked at the Crown Prince and i rolled my eyes and turned my back to him, so now im already in front of the big door. I'll start with embarassing those type of people even in this outside i still hear the laughter, music and their voices.

"The Fourth Princess, Xu Xue Lin and The Crown Prince, Li Guozhu is here!" they shouted that made it silen from the inside of the Imperial Hall, i then prepared myself and stood with so much ettique in my body the big two doorway door slowly opened and i can now see the people inside of it, silently looking at me with full of elegance i enhanced. I almost took a step when i heard the footstep towards my side i look who walked in my side and i just saw the Crown Prince.

I just sighed and entered the Imperial Hall with full of elegance i stopped walking in the middle of the Imperial Hall and looked at the three people sitting upstairs in their throne, a throne without an owner, the King together with his Queen and the left side of the Queen where the old Queen Mother is sitted.

I smiled behind my mask and bowed my head with full of elegance. "I respect you, Your Highness the King, Your Highness the Queen and Your Highness Queen Mother. Im sorry i am a little bit late because i got lost in this big Palace full of Hunters." i said and the moment i finished my words people started talking like it was a deep shock in their faces.

Is that Ugly Princess really that bad at speech? "Fourth Princess, i heard you we're poisoned and i see you deeply changed because of it... did you lose you mind? Im sorry, i think you just look different like how you used to." a voice of a woman who is starting to embarass me. I just smiled sweetly behind my veil and i rasied my head to look who said that.

It was the Queen, of course i don't know all of those but as i see she is beside of the only man on throne so its obviosuly the Queen. "That must be a huge shock to you, Your Highness the Queen. But im sorry to tell you that i didn't lose my mind... did i disappoint you by doing so?" i said that made her lose her smile. I looked at her in the eyes i am not afraid of her even if she is the owner of the World i won't be afraid of her, who is she to make me afraid of her?