Chapter Five - One Month Lover (Part 1)

Chapter Song Suggestion - "Say Hi to Mrs.Johnston by Luis Rigano"

"Dae? Is that you?" I squint, noticing an impressive silhouette leaning against the edge of a sleek, black car. How did I fail to notice that someone's there? The man straightens and crosses the street, his strides slow and controlled. It's one I recognize. A shaft of streetlight reveals casual hands being tucked into the pockets of his long coat and finally, his face.

It really is him. Although, he appears less intimidating than before.

Dae's windblown hair tells me he has been waiting awhile. I bet he saw Hyeon and I together. Why does that thought make me feel uneasy, like I'm in the wrong?

Shaking off my silly thoughts, I demand softly. "What are you doing here?"

"Time's up and I wanted to see you." Once again, zero hesitation. His coal eyes pin mine, challenging me to tell him to stop it. Up close, he isn't as calm as he portrays, a caustic bite in his voice. "Who was that man?"

"That's none of your concern." I brush him off staunchly. "Nothing has changed, Dae. My answer's still no. So, you can leave now." If he keeps chasing me down like this, my ego's going to skyrocket. Dae's persistence is probably the reason why he can afford to wear custom made suits on the daily and drive luxury cars. I'll bet my life that the Mercedes Benz behind him, isn't his only ride.

His expression darkens considerably, making me wonder if this is his version of sulking. It's annoyingly cute. He thrusts out a hand, sounding uncharacteristically tired. "Come, take a walk with me. It's been a long day and I just want to hear your voice."

No. We're not playing Simon Says. He doesn't get to show up uninvited and not be responsible for my heart or feelings, especially when he spouts sweet nonsense. "You're a puzzle, Dae." I stand rooted, arms folding sternly. It's best to nip this bud before it blooms. "You speak words that a man tells his lover. You buy me gifts that are reserved for couples. You appear on my doorstep at a late hour. I don't understand you. We both know you're not asking me to be your girlfriend." His poker face is impregnable. "I'm not interested to be your fuck buddy. So, please leave. It doesn't matter how much gifts you send me, they're meaningless. What I want is a man's heart." Chin hiking up stubbornly, I regard him toe to toe. "Can you give me your heart?"

He doesn't move, though his eyes turn into slits. The air shifts, feeling icy all of a sudden. "Are you done?"

"Yes." I return, unfazed.

"Good." He mutters and yanks me into him. "You talk too much."

I gasp when he covers my mouth with his. He's got to stop attacking me with kisses. It makes me feel like a pushover. Head twisting, I shout. "Dae, stop it!" As usual, he doesn't listen. The kiss is forceful yet painfully sweet, like he's trying to convey his feelings through every lick and bite. He sucks on my tongue and I resist from moaning. Our conflicting feelings merge into an endless battleground, like fire and ice.

He finally pulls away, touching his forehead to mine. "That was what I wanted to do."

"A k-kiss?" I realize my hands have slipped under his coat. Hastily, I jerk them away and drop my arms. "You've got to stop kissing me out of the blue! It's not going to solve anything between us."

"It worked to keep you quiet." He smirks, arrogantly pleased.

I merely scowl at him.

Then, his voice turns deceptively calm and thoughtful. "I thought about it long and hard for the past week. I don't know what's between us, but no matter what I do, this feeling won't fade." He tugs me gently to walk with him and this time, I follow, hoping the night breeze will help to cool us down. He continues, "Since I can't get rid of it, then I'm going to grab hold of it. I don't want to put a label on us. If you're willing, I want you to be with me on a trial basis. But, you have to know that love and commitment are the two exceptions in this relationship."

The finality of his words stabs my heart. I blink away the sting of tears, not wanting him to witness them. It's stupid to feel hurt over words spoken by a stranger, especially by a man I already know isn't good for me.

"I know it's a selfish request." He confesses, squeezing my hand. "But I want one month with you. We can burn out whatever this is and then return to our lives. For one month, I can be whatever you want, give you anything you need." His vocal expression is one level shy of being desperate.

"Just not love and commitment?" I echo faintly, stopping in my tracks.

"Yes." Neither his face nor his tone holds a speck of remorse. He's serious about this, and I remember his words. What he wants, he gets. "Are you asking me to be your sugar baby?" I try to make light of the situation. Well, it sounds better than being a mistress. My eyes drop to his fingers. He's not wearing a ring but, it's hard to tell if a person is married or not these days.

He grimaces, showing his distaste of the word. "No. I want you to be my lover, exclusively for one month. You're worth more than a sugar baby."

Is there a difference? My cynicism rears its ugly head. Both titles end up with me sleeping with him and my dignity out the window.

He slips a piece of paper it into my grasp. "I'm not asking you to make a decision now. This is where you can find me. Three days. I'll wait for your answer. If I don't hear back from you after three days, then I won't bother you again. You have my word." Hooking a finger below my chin, he lifts my gaze. I can see the sincerity and fervor burning in his dark eyes. He really wants me. "I've never forced a woman to be with me, and I won't start now. But I'm hoping you'll say yes."

I can't think. His words and emotions are overwhelming, to say the least.

My internal conflict must be reflected in my eyes, because his own gaze shutters. Without a word, he laces his fingers through mine, making me aware of how big his hand is. "Come on, it's late. I'll walk you back."

Arriving at my front door, Dae bids me goodnight, planting a kiss on the exact spot Hyeon left his. It feels like he's marking me, erasing the existence of another man. He waits for me to enter the house before leaving. Shutting the door, my knees give out and I hit the ground.

My life has been monotonously quiet. But lately, it's like the opening of a television drama. Meeting a man like Dae is a dream, and that's where he should stay...right?

"But when will you ever meet someone like him again?" I glance at the address in my hand, the letters swimming. I don't deny there's something between us. It's strong because I know I'll never forget about him. Ever.

Maybe he's right…maybe we can burn out this attraction. Besides, it's just for a month. He's already my dirty little secret, so why shouldn't I indulge? I'm not a prude. Sex with him is fantastic. I'm lucky to have an experienced lover for my first time. And there are many things I'd love to try. I have no doubt he'll be a great teacher. I bite my lip, pushing off the floor. Heading to my room, I hide the note in my drawer and decide to think about it tomorrow.