Chapter Five - One Month Lover (Part 2)

The weekend arrives with no more surprise visits from Dae. I feel relief but also a little disappointed. Fortunately, I don't have time to dwell on it because Hyeon's treating us to a famous barbeque house in the city. We queue for four long hours just to get a table. Luckily, it's worth it. After gorging on dishes of pork belly and marinated beef, we end up chatting over bottles of soju till the morning. Needless to say, I pass out at Nari's place, too tired to take a cab home.

The next night, Nari invites us for drinks at her lounge and I end up crashing over at Hyeon's. Waking up this morning, I groan as last night's events replay in my head. We were playing drinking games and apparently I suck at it, given my current condition.

"You're up?" Hyeon's whisper buzzes in my cotton filled head. He shuffles in with his bedroom slippers, setting aside a tray of what I assume will save me from this horrible feeling.

I sit up, struggling to take in my surroundings. Temples pounding, I blink several times as tiny rays of sunlight filtering through the curtains stab my eyeballs. Reflexively, I turn away and catch sight of a row of bookshelves on the far end of this spacious room. Hands pressing down, I realize I'm lying in a very big, soft bed.

This must be Hyeon's room. But how the hell did I get here? I'm certain I passed out on the sofa.

Cradling my head, I made an unintelligent sound. "How long was I asleep?"

"Almost a day." Hyeon hands me a glass of water and an aspirin. "You'll feel better after taking this."

"I was a horrible drunk, wasn't I?" I complain, accepting the medicine. "Why didn't you stop me from drinking? I feel sick. I don't think I can touch alcohol for the next few months."

Predictably, he laughs at me. "You said that the last time. Besides, I had my reasons for not stopping you. You were a pretty cute drunk."

The way he's looking at me, brings back the odd feeling I got a few days ago. Warning bells chime in my head. If Dae's a hot devil with dark good looks and brooding eyes, then Hyeon's the opposite with brown hair, hooded eyes, and softer features. My face freezes.

Shit. Tomorrow's the last day for me to decide about Dae's offer. I don't have time to think about Hyeon's feelings right now. It's too bizarre and not something my brain can process even when it's not hungover. "What time is it?" I mumble, pushing off the covers. Like a newborn hatchling, I fumble out of bed, legs shaking.

"It's half past four in the evening." Hyeon helps to steady me.

"I have to get back soon. I promise my parents I'd be home for dinner tonight." I look around for my belongings. "Can you give me a lift back home?"

"Sure," He agrees and nudges me to the door. "Your bag and coat are in the living room. Why don't you eat something before we leave? I bought your favorite pork and chives mandu."

Like a dog hearing the word 'food', my eyes light up. All my anxieties fly out the window at the word mandu. "The same pork and chives mandu from the ahjumma near our old college?"

"The exact same ones."

I sprint to the kitchen. "But how did you manage to get them? Our old college is miles away."

He gives me a secretive smile. "I have my ways. If you like it, I'm willing to get them for you anytime."

The alarm bells are clanging now. If I'm Nari, I doubt Hyeon will go to such lengths for me. But I can't leave when mandu is calling my name! I'm just going to eat and then run. I'm such a glutton! Returning his smile without betraying my suspicion, I hop onto the counter stool, and pop a still hot mandu it into my mouth. "Oh my god! Still so good!"

Hyeon stands on the other side with a coffee mug in his hand. Taking a sip, he looks content to see me happy. Sigh, why can't I just fall for someone like him instead? But then again, he's like my brother. Then, he remarks. "If you're free tomorrow night, would you like to join me for dinner? There's a newly established fusion restaurant. The owner's an old friend and he invited me to drop by."

Tomorrow, Tomorrow.

Why does he have to bring up tomorrow? Swallowing a mouthful of mandu, I reply. "I'm sorry, I'll have to take a rain check. I have an appointment I can't miss." I put on my best apologetic face. "Why don't you invite Nari? It's her off day."

His expression dims considerably, my rejection never crossing his mind. "Oh. Well, in that case I'll see if she's available."

Sensing the evident mood change, I shovel a few more mandus into my mouth and collect my things. "I'm ready. Let's go."

On my way out the next morning, I tuck Dae's note into my bag and head out to help my Mom at the floral shop. Grabbing my bicycle, I turn towards the road when a black sedan on the opposite street catches my attention.

I frown, seeing a man with dark glasses sitting inside. He doesn't seem to be doing anything, but he's staring right at me.

Uncomfortable, I ignore him and set out for the day.

Since it's Autumn, there are plenty of tourist festivals, so it's a busy time. Bulk orders for décor flowers flow in, followed by the occasional gifts and special-order seasonal flowers. The day ends swiftly and when the hour hand on the clock strikes five, I know it's time to face the music.