Chapter Eleven - Surprise!

Chapter Song Suggestion - "Think I'm Crazy by Two Feet"

I'm a groggy mess by the time we land at Gwangju airport. Having to wake up and leave for the airport at four in the morning is a nightmare. I glance at Chang-Min who looks like he's ready to conquer the world.

Oh God, just looking at him makes me nauseous.

No, I really am feeling sick. The flight was wrecked with turbulence and I managed not to puke all over my feet.

"Are you feeling better?" Chang-Min addresses me, concern in his eyes. "You still look green around the gills."

Swallowing bile, I smile wearily. "I just need a few more minutes."

"Wait here. Don't move." He hurries to a nearby mini-mart.

I don't think I can move even if I wanted to.

Chang-Min returns with a bottle of water, uncapping it for me. "Drink some water, sip it slowly. It'll make you feel better."

I follow his instructions and wait for the feeling to subside. It actually works! "Thank you. I'm sorry for the trouble."

He gently pushes the hair out of my face. "Don't worry about it. We landed an hour earlier than scheduled. There's time to kill." With a quick glance of his watch, he grabs our bags. "Come on, I need coffee and you look like you could eat breakfast."

Food is the last thing on my mind, but I decide to humor him. Though, it turns out he's right. After wolfing down a big breakfast burger, I feel better and energized.

An hour later, we take a cab to the hotel, setting aside our baggage and then we're off to the new branch office. The meagre staff welcomes us with open arms. Apparently, Chang-Min is here to oversee the hiring process and to handle a thorough quality check of administration and operations. I'm not yet familiar with his job responsibilities but it's tedious and never-ending.

Is it possible to wrap everything up in two days? I have a newfound respect for him. Watching Chang-Min work is fascinating, to say the least. He's focused, precise and doesn't hesitate to provide constructive criticisms.

At lunch time, I run out to grab us some food, seeing how he has completely forgotten.

Later in the evening, I find him in the warehouse operating and testing the heavy machineries. Leaving him to it, I wait in the provisional office, gradually nodding off.

"Aera." A gentle shake on my shoulders. "Aera, wake up. It's time to go."

"Mmm?" I blink awake, realizing I've fallen asleep. Immediately, I shoot up to my feet. "I'm so sorry! Time got away and I accidentally nod off." Discreetly wiping my drool, I glance around for the time. "How late is it?"

Chang-Min gives me an apologetic look as he pulls on his coat. "It's already half past ten. I'm sorry you fell asleep waiting for me."

"Don't be," I tell him vehemently. "I'm the one whose sorry. You've been so busy the entire day and I couldn't be of much help." Right on cue, my stomach growls and I blush.

He chuckles, holding the door open for us. "Come on. I know a good place around the corner. It's a five-minute walk. Consider it my welcome treat to you."

I grab my coat and bag. "You've been here before?"

"A few months ago," he acknowledges, locking up the office. "The director sent me here to scout for a good location to set up this new branch."

"Don't we have a department responsible for handling that?"

"The last manager retired, so we're still looking for a replacement. It's hard to find one with the experience we require. That's why I'm assisting temporarily. Then again, you'll have extra work on your plate because of me."

I shrug, not overly concerned. "You're dedicated. If it helps my father's dreams to grow, then I have no right to complain. In fact, I envy your willpower. Up until now, I don't have anything I want to achieve with your level of passion. It makes me wonder what I'll see on the other end."

He's quiet, telling me that he's thinking. As a man of few words, when he does speak, I find myself eager to listen.

Soon, we arrive at the street stall and he orders us two servings of noodles.

"It's a chilly night," Chang-Min comments, pouring us some tea. "It's the perfect time for noodles and warm soup."

The way he constantly takes care of others, and how considerate he is, makes me wonder if he has a girlfriend. "Are you seeing anyone?"

His hand freezes, and his gaze darts to mine. "Why do you ask?"

"I observe how well you treat women, and I'm saying this objectively because even Yura agrees — and she's very married." I casually blow on my tea. "You look like you've dated before."

Chang-Min squirms in his seat, looking uncomfortable and I notice his ears are red. Could it be? Mischievously, I lean forward. "Want to know my not so secret?"

He waits for my answer.

"I've never dated anyone in my entire life, either."

"That's impossible!" he blurts, his wide eyes accusing me of a crime I never committed.

"Why not?" I volley back, taken aback by his passionate response.

"Because you're beautiful! There's no way you've never dated anyone."

I don't even blush. "But it's true!" I insist fiercely, turning the subject around. "You're attractive too. So, why are you single?"

Now his entire face is red. Oh my god, is he a virgin like I was? It can't be! People these days didn't need to date in order to have sex. I started laughing aloud, nearly choking myself. "I thought I was the only one! Who knew we'd have something like this in common?"

"But what about that young man who always hung out at your house?"

Before I can answer, the ahjumma arrives with our orders and my mouth waters as the fragrant soup rose up to tickle my nose. "This looks delicious!" I exclaim, thanking the pleased owner.

Chang-Min hands me a set of utensils and we both dig in. Remembering his question, I explain, "The man you saw is Hyeon oppa. He's one of my best friends and our family's unofficial son."

"Unofficial son?" Chang-Min's brows rose. "How does that work?"

"My family acknowledges him as an extended member. Now that I think about it, you're both the same age."

"I see."

"I'll introduce him to you. His family is a big player in the shipping industry."

Chang-Min suddenly stops eating. "Is his family surname Yoo?"

"Yes, how did you guess?"

"Yoo Shipping is the name of our new freight partner."

"No way!" And I see him shaking his head. "Well, maybe Dad had a hand in this. I mean, why am I even surprised? Back when I discovered Hyeon oppa's family business, I kind of expected this to happen."

"Then I look forward to meeting him." Chang-Min wipes the corner of his mouth. "To satisfy your curiosity, I never thought much about how I treat women. I just try to treat everyone fairly and I hate it when people abuse their authority, especially over the underprivileged. I grew up with an abusive father and I'll spare you the details but he's no model figure. When I saw how he treated women, and how he treated me, his flesh and blood, I swore I'll never be like him. There's no deeper meaning to my actions. I just abhor violence." He gives me a melancholic smile.

Listening to his story in person, makes it even more heart wrenching but I know he doesn't want my pity.

"What about you? Are you seeing anyone?" He turns the table upon me, changing the topic.

How do I answer him? When he sees me hesitate, an indecipherable expression settles over his face. Since he gave me a piece of himself, I guess it's only right to return the courtesy. "Officially?" I start by telling him. "No."

"But?" he prods, his sharp mind filling in the blank spaces.

"I'm currently seeing someone but it's complicated." I grimace, staring into my noodle broth. "I don't think he's suitable."

"Then why are you seeing him?"

I take my time to answer. "Have you ever met someone who makes your heart race without your permission? Lights you up inside at the thought or takes your breath away with just one glance? Not just those, but all the little moments that you want to share with them, the first person you think about when you're happy, sad or in need of comfort?"

"He makes you feel that way." Chang-Min isn't asking, but stating as a matter-of-factly.

I lift my gaze to his, my appetite dwindling. "Like I said, it's complicated. Maybe it's a fluke. Maybe I'm fooling myself and he's just stringing me along for the ride."

"Stop it." He reaches over to grab my hand. "Don't talk about yourself like that. You're not unworthy of anything. If anyone is, it's this man you're seeing who doesn't appreciate you. You should have more self-confidence, just like how you impressed me during the interview."

A startled laugh erupts from me. "I did?"

"Yes," he responds despite his unease. "So, you should have more confidence in yourself."

I'm grateful for his vote of confidence and I'm about to tell him so when the last voice I ever expect to hear cuts — colder than the arctic. "I suggest you remove it before I break it."

Both Chang-Min and I swivel towards the owner of the voice. My eyes widen at the sight of the almighty Dae himself, standing there with the most menacing expression ever. From his vantage point, I can imagine how wrong the situation looks. That is, if we're a real couple.

I glance back at Chang-Min to find him beyond shocked. "Chang-Min, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Is he the one you were talking about?" Chang-Min doesn't shift his gaze. The two men stare sullenly at each other.

My silence answers for me, my eyes downcast.

A muscle ticks in his jaw as he addresses Dae. "To what do we owe the pleasure of this visit, President Kang?"

Wait. President Kang? Does Chang-Min know Dae?

Ignoring Chang-Min, Dae marches over and snatches my hand. "We need to talk."

Chang-Min rises to his full height, both of them dwarfing me. "Excuse me. You can't just walk in here and talk to her like that."

I thought I've seen Dae angry before, but with his nostrils flaring and brows pulled together, I know he's furious. His animosity only serves to rile up Chang-Min's dormant temper. I need to stop this before it gets out of hand.

"Hold on. Both of you, calm down." Turning to Dae, I touch his chest. "Wait for me outside. Please." I stress out the last word.

Our eyes hold for several heartbeats, mine pleading with his. Finally, he relents and walks outside.

"Aera," Chang-Min appeals to me with a touch of desperation. "Do you have any idea who that man is?"

"No." My gaze lowers. "Not in the way you know him."

Why are things turning out this way? Why is Dae here? No one is supposed to know about our relationship and he just exposed it to my boss.

My answer infuriates him further, but I can't listen to him right now. "Look, I'm sorry. It was never my intention to get you involved in my personal affairs and I hope this doesn't affect the progress we've made so far. I'll be back. I just need a few minutes with him."

Chang-Min stares hard at me and then sighs heavily. "Go."

I storm outside, my temper unleashing. "What are you doing here? You might as well announce to the whole world that we're seeing each other!" I whisper furiously. "You don't get to do this, Dae! You can't let me in, then push me out when you're uncomfortable, and then show up when you want to."

"I'm sorry." He mumbles under his breath.

"What exactly are you sorry for?" I challenge him, tired of singing to his tune.

He grits his teeth. Taking a step closer, he looks me in the eyes. "I'm sorry about being rude on the phone. But I'm not sorry for showing up here. Look at how cozy you're being with him."

"He was just giving me a pep talk." I defend heatedly. "And we just got off work. He's treating me to supper. There's nothing going on between us." My head shakes in disbelief. "Why am I even explaining this to you? Please don't tell me that you flew all the way here just to apologize to me?"

"I'm here for business too."

I seriously doubt it. Usually, I'm happy to see him but not after the way he behaved in front of my boss. "You realize that Chang-Min knows who you are? He's a smart man. He'll put two and two together about why you're here to see me."

"If he's smart, then he'll know to keep his mouth shut." Dae grouses, tone as black as his mood.

Who is this man? I glare at him. "Are you threatening him right now?"

Dae's expression grows thunderous. "If I do, then he'll know." His eyes narrow into slits. "How close are you with him? Why do you keep taking his side?"

"I'm not! It's your behavior that is unacceptable. And why shouldn't I when you're acting like this? Need I remind you that it's by your own insistence that we keep our personal lives separate?" I poke my finger into his chest. "Well, this is me exercising that rule. If you're not going to apologize to Chang-Min for being rude, then I have nothing else to say to you. Please, leave."

It's obvious that a woman has never handed his ass to him. And frankly, I don't care. I'm cold, I'm tired and my dinner is ruined. What's worse? My boss probably thinks badly of me now. "If you're not going to leave, then I am." I turn and march back into the food stall.

Chang-Min stands when he sees me.

"I'm afraid I'm no longer hungry." I say regretfully. "Can we just leave? I'm tired and I want to go back to the hotel."

"Certainly." Chang-Min pays the stall owner, and we hail a late night cab.

"I'm sorry about what happened." I apologize again inside the car. "For my sake, I hope you can forget about tonight."

His eyes are on me. "I don't know what's your relationship with him, but I advise you not to see him anymore. You'll get burn if you do."

Ever the gentleman. I smile in the dark. "Thank you for worrying about me. I'll be fine. And please, keep this to yourself. Though, I can bet with my life that you'll never tell a soul."

He grunts at my baseless trust in him. "Just don't forget what I said. You're the Director's only child, so I find it my responsibility to look out for your welfare."

I guess this is way of saying he'll close a blind eye to what happened? Feeling a hint of relief, I murmur quietly. "Thank you."


Author's Message : Hello everyone~ I'd love to hear from you. Please comment below :)