Chapter Twelve - Does She Know? (Part 1)

Chapter Song Suggestion - "Lost the Game by Two Feet"

— Kang Dae

This uneasiness won't fade.

Ever since I cut off our phone call, the tightness in my chest only grows stronger. I even demanded my on-call doctor to give me a thorough check-up and she declares I'm healthy as a horse. I don't understand why I'm feeling troubled.

Over the years I've contracted women for pleasure, not once did any of them plague me like Aera does. At the first indication that a woman feels a flicker of affection, I'll dispatch Secretary Park to break all ties. In other words, he handles the messy emotions I'm unable to tolerate, mollifying any hurt feelings with a generous compensation of expensive jewelry, branded goods and sometimes luxury cars or condominium units.

There are certain areas in my life women are never allowed, especially not in my private apartments but, it appears I've already crossed the line with Aera. I broke my own rule when I set up that house for us.

When Aera told me about the trip, I felt irritated. The thought of her in close quarters with another man churns my gut. The next thing I knew, I'm picking up the phone and making an ass of myself.

"Secretary Park, are there any affiliates we can visit in Gwangju?" I threw out the question while he recites my daily schedule.

He blinks, unaccustomed to my interruption. "Pardon, sir?"

"Are there any business affiliates we can visit in Gwangju?"

A moment of stunned silence. "But you don't like to visit our business affiliates." Secretary Park frowns at my unusual request. "You always shoot me down whenever I bring up the subject."

"Well, I'm making an exception for Gwangju," I state bluntly, brimming with forced patience. "So, is there any?"

He taps on the tablet in his hand. "There is an electronics company we just signed on that is doing fairly well. Maybe you would like to drop by for a visit."

"Excellent. Arrange that meeting for tomorrow morning, and meanwhile, book us the next flight to Gwangju this evening."

"This evening, President Kang?" My perfect secretary gapes at me.

"Yes. And that's a rather good look on you, Park. It makes you look livelier," I comment, dismissing him.


The flight to Gwangju takes fifty minutes and the moment we land, I instruct Park to drive us to Yang Logistics. Yes, I know Aera's working for her father's company even if she doesn't divulge the details to me.

It's late, but there are lights shining through the office windows. There are still people working inside, and I know Aera's in there. So, I wait.

Minutes later, two figures exit the building and I recognize the shorter silhouette as my hellcat. The other one makes me frown. "Follow them discreetly," I instruct Park, my eyes locking onto the man beside her. Manager Lee Chang-Min, thirty years old, single and an exceptional worker based on his credentials. His commitment level towards the company makes him a worthy employee from a CEO's point of view. But, as a man, he's an absolute threat.

They stop at a food stall and I observe them talking, that is until Lee Chang-Min puts his hand on her. Without thinking twice, I'm out of the car and making my way over to them. I see red when she laughs so unreservedly, showing someone else that beautiful smile which is mine alone.

My chest burns with an unidentifiable emotion. It's unpleasant, and not like me at all. There's an urge that makes me want to rip out the beating organ in my ribcage. "I suggest you remove it before I break it." I direct my unmitigated animosity at Lee Chang-Min.

They both turn, wearing different kinds of shock. Aera is tinged with guilt but her manager knows exactly who I am. I don't hear a single word from his mouth, my attention solely on Aera. Striding over, I grab her hand. "We need to talk."

Lee Chang-Min protests, but nothing registers except the need to get her away from him.

"Wait for me outside. Please," she pleads. Aera doesn't beg for anything unless we're in bed. Taking a deep, inaudible breath, I reign in my temper and walk away to cool down. Fuck, I need a cigarette or some whiskey.

When Aera finally emerges, she's furious. I know I'm in the doghouse but she's a magnificent sight to behold. No woman, besides my own mother dares to put me down and I am mesmerized, although it's obvious my responses are adding oil into her fire.

I watch the disarray of emotions coloring her features, her brilliant eyes and the spirit of her voice. My words lodge in my throat like a useless lump. Why can't I say what I truly feel?

She's not happy that I subconsciously threaten her superior. "If you're not going to apologize to Chang-Min for being rude, then I have nothing else to say to you. Please, leave."

She wants me to apologize to pale face? No fucking way. He's the one encroaching on my territory. My undeniable reluctance has her turning and walking off, abandoning me to the cold.

I sigh, knowing I fucked up. Returning to the car, I slam the door shut. I'll try again tomorrow.

"President Kang, if I may be so bold to ask," Secretary Park speaks up, glancing at me from the rear-view mirror. "Do you like this woman?"

"What are you talking about?" I scowl fiercely at him, not in the mood for any of his lectures.

"I've been with you for years, but I've never seen you act this way around a woman." He admits, throwing his opinions at me for the first time. "You have feelings for this woman."

The plausible truth of Secretary Park's words cuts through my conscience. "It's just lust."

"No, it isn't." He contradicts me in his annoyingly straitlaced manner. "But it's fine if you don't want to admit it. I just thought you should know."

I grimace. "Did you see it?" By it, I mean the spectacle I made of myself. If my brother Kang-Chul was here, he'll never let me hear the end of it.

"Yes. And I think Ms. Yang was very upset." A sliver of emotion from him. How rare.

"No shit." I mutter to no one in particular.

"Perhaps you should try a different approach and make the lady bend to you instead." Park suggests calmly. "Right now, you're like a bull in a china shop."

Have I fallen so low that my secretary is blatantly giving me relationship advices? I chuckle in misery. "Oh, Park. Shouldn't you be warning me to stay away from her? I'm sure you already know I'm not in my right mind where she's concerned. And, if my family knows about Aera..."

"That is true." He agrees, falling silent. Then he adds. "But, this is also the first time I've seen you genuinely happy apart from your time with master Ji-Hoon. Other than him, you don't play well with the adults."

I massage my eyes. All this talk about love and relationship is giving me a headache. "It seems I've been experiencing a lot of firsts lately with Aera. She's turning my world upside down." I gesture at Park. "You're even voicing personal opinions and giving advices now."

He appears affectedly contrite. "Have I overstepped my boundaries, sir?"

"No, no." I shake my head. "In fact, I'm grateful for it. I'll sleep on what you've said, Park." Closing my eyes, I lean back. "Let's call it a night, shall we?"