Chapter Fourteen - The Ugly Truth (Part 1)

Chapter Song Suggestion - "Ur So F**kinG cOoL by Tones and I"

As I emerge from the arrival hall, Nari waves and bounces like an exuberant child, accidentally bumping into the stranger beside her. I wince on her behalf. Sometimes, I'm embarrassed to call her my best friend.

Whipping off her sunglasses, she rushes forward to embrace me. "I'm so glad you're back! It's only been two nights, but I was lonely! Hyeon's been a killjoy."

"Nari!" I choke, smacking her arm so she'll release me. "We've got company." I jerk my thumb towards Chang-Min walking up from behind.

She straightens when she sees him, her jaw drops. "Shut up. Is that the neet?"

"The one and the same." I grin smugly, enjoying the rare privilege of pulling the rug from under her.

Schooling herself, Nari circles Chang-Min like a vulture eyeing its delectable prey. "You're pulling my leg, aren't you? You paid this little shit to prank me."

Chang-Min clears his throat, no longer willing to be ignored. "This little shit is standing right here." He doesn't appear to be put off by her, although dealing with obnoxious characters is his forte. And, if Chang-Min remembers me, then a colorful persona like Nari is bound to be unforgettable. She may have a crass mouth, but with an hourglass figure on the curvy side, deep set eyes and supermodel hair, Nari's what men would call a bombshell beauty. After all, my manager is still a man. "I'm sorry, I didn't get your name, Ms…?"

Nari pauses in front of him, crossing her arms coolly. A groomed brow arches. "Aren't you supposed to offer your name first, Mr…?"

Chang-Min is half-smiling. Nope. He's definitely not put off. "It's good to see you again, Ms. Cho Nari."

Unbelievable! He's teasing her. I feel like I'm witnessing the solar eclipse.

Nari splutters like a comic book character, arms dropping to her sides. "You're really Lee Chang-Min?"

He gives her the same 'are you an idiot' look often directed at me. "Yes. Were you expecting someone else?"

"Wow." She sucks in her breath, gesturing to his entire body. "What happened to you? You're like…hot now." Nari startles him by pressing a hand flat upon his chest. Feeling him up might be better description. "And rock solid."

I bite my tongue to keep from laughing. Chang-Min's consternation tells it's his first time being accosted by a woman. Will he play the chivalrous gentleman or be impolite?

My best friend's an acquired taste. Nari has a no filter habit, blurting out anything she feels or thinks about. Not everyone can handle her bizarreness. In fact, she's the complete antithesis of Chang-Min's reserved behavior. If I have to bet, I think they'll make an interesting couple. Watching them will be like watching National Geographic features 'When Exotic Animals Mate'.

"And you're still the same." Comes his dry response. Deliberately, his eyes flick from the top of her stylish hair to the tips of her sparkly heels. "A reckless troublemaker who doesn't think before she speaks. Seems like you haven't grown up as much." Then, he stares pointedly at her chest. "Or maybe one part of you has."

Nari gasps, eyes rounding at his provocation.

Oh boy, here we go! "Okay!" I declare, forcefully steering Nari towards the entrance before she can tear him to shreds. "We are leaving." Whipping my head around to Chang-Min, I shout. "I'll see you at work tomorrow. Have a good rest!"


At the parking lot, Nari scoffs angrily. "Can you believe the nerve of that guy?" She dumps her bag into the back seat. "He may be hot, but he's never going to get a girl with that kind of attitude. What an ass!"

More than a decade's friendship tells me she feels otherwise. I strap on my seatbelt, waggling my brows. "So, are you interested?"

Nari glances at me sideways, shoving on her sunglasses. "Are you kidding? Hell yes! He's H-O-T." She emphasizes each alphabet. "After a few sessions with me and he'll be singing a different tune." She snaps her fingers. "A guy who thinks he can get away for talking to me like that?" Her lips twist with certainty. "He won't stand a chance."

See what I mean?

Settling back for the ride, I say. "Then, I wish you guys good luck."


One week later, I'm in the pantry making coffee when I hear the staff gossiping over breakfast.

"Did you hear? Director Nam's daughter is marrying the Wang family scion. They're hosting a big engagement party tomorrow evening, and everyone who is anyone is invited. It's the wedding of the century between two powerful families!"

My ears twitch. Wang Family? Where have I heard that name surname before?

"You mean the finance minister's family?"

"Yes, that's him! Minister Wang Won-Shik." Another woman chimes in, her voice hushes. "I heard our company's been invited to attend the celebration."

"No way! Who is it?"

"I think it's Manager Lee from the operations department."

The rest of their conversation turns into background noise as I return to my desk, enjoying my coffee. Yura waltzes in, beaming happily. "Good morning, Aera!"

"Morning," I suddenly recall that it's her last day with us, sadness weighing me down. It's a shame because we've bonded well over the past fortnight.

"Why the long face?" Yura settles into her chair.

"I'm really going to miss you, Yura." I try not to let my emotions overwhelm me, but my stupid voice cracks. No doubt, my face is crumbling.

"Hey," She croons, touching my arm. "I may be moving to Japan, but we can still be friends. That's what the internet is for, isn't it?" Pulling several tissues, she hands them to me. "Now, wipe those tears. I want you to send me off with a smile on that pretty face, you understand?"

I take a deep breath and nod. "Yes, I'll do my best." Yura's so mature, it's no wonder everyone in the office looks up to her.

"Good." She states, switching into business mode. "Since it's my last day on the job, I'm going to go out with a bang. No regrets. Besides, you're already at the top of your game. Manager Lee is working like a well-oiled machine."

I chuckle at the metaphor. "I don't think he'll appreciate you calling him a machine."

"You get what I'm saying." She rolls her eyes playfully.

Just then, the devil himself walks in and we scramble to our feet. Chang-Min hands Yura an obscure shopping bag. I wonder what's inside. "This might not make up for all the years of service you've invested in this company, and for me, but I want you to have this."

"Oh, Manager Lee!" Yura covers her mouth, obviously touched. "You shouldn't have!"

"It's only right." He insists, ears reddening at the tips. "And it's an apology because I can't see you off. I have an evening appointment and," He looks at me. "Aera, you'll be joining me."

"Right. Okay." How important is this appointment for him to miss out sending off his best employee? Though it does explain the extravagant dinner we had a few nights ago.

Yura isn't the least upset, her smile growing wider with conviction. "Don't worry about me, Manager Lee. I'm a grown woman. You don't need to hold my hand and you've done more than enough. I can never ask for a better superior to work with." She bows deeply to pay her respect. "It's been a pleasure working with you, Manager Lee."

The scene's so touching, I blurt out. "I think I'm going to cry!" Quickly, I dive for the tissue box. Yura comforts me while Chang-Min shakes his head, but not with displeasure. I'm sure he's sympathizing with me in his own way, feeling it more than I do. Yura's been his right hand for so many years. Once I calm down, the day progresses routinely until it's time for our evening appointment.

During the drive, Chang-Min passes me his napkin. "I didn't peg you for a watering pot." He's quietly amused.

"I can't help it! I miss Yura already." I blow my nose, certain my eyes are swollen. "You could be more feeling about it you know." I accuse hotly. "She's been your assistant for the longest time."

Chang-Min contemplates my words. "I don't find goodbyes sad. In fact, I'm happy for her." His words make me pause to listen. "I truly appreciate her, but I don't want to hold her back. Yura's leaving for a better future. She's going to start a family with her husband in Japan, and prior to this, I connected with an old acquaintance to help her settle down easily."

Then, it hits me. "You found her a job!"

"Yes. So, there's no worry. She's going to land solidly on both feet and have a good life."

"You're like a real-life superhero." I muse, moved by how far he's thought ahead. If I ever leave this company, I know he'll do the same for me. It's reassuring and heart-warming. "I think you're a good boss too. You're one in a million."

He's embarrassed now, hands tightening on the wheel.

I chuckle in good nature. "We need to work on you learning to accept compliments." Glancing out the window, I notice we're passing by rows of elegant, couture boutiques. I sit up straighter. "Where exactly are we going? It's not a business meeting, is it?"

"We're going to get fitted for a new suit and dress."

This is why we couldn't see Yura off? My brows furrow. "But why…?"

"We're attending a very important event tomorrow evening." He announces. "I know it's extremely short noticed. I was equally surprised when the Director contacted me about it recently and confirmed it this morning."

"Are you talking about the finance minister's daughter's engagement party?"

He's mildly astonished. "How did you know?"

"I heard the staff talking this morning." I simply shrug. "I thought only the big shots get invited. How did we get one?"

"I'm not entirely sure myself. The Director orchestrated this entire thing."

Perhaps my dad knows the minister. "Then what is our motive?"

"Networking." He answers point blank. "They call it the wedding of the century, not because of the bride and groom. It's the biggest event where all the influential people in the country will gather. It's an entrepreneur utopia."

"Ohhh….," I drawl in revelation. "That makes better sense."

"I think your friend Yoo Hyeon has been invited as well."

"Now that you mention it, he did say something about a party." I can't help the 'cat got the cream' smile spreading across my face. He notices immediately.

Visibly, he leans away from me. "What's with that terrifying smile?"

"Nari's going to be Hyeon's partner for the evening." My brows dance. "I'm sure it'll be a very interesting night."

He heaves a sigh. "Please stop. I'm not interested in your friend."

"Who said anything about you?" I smirk. The poor man doesn't even know that his life is about to change. "I was talking about Nari."