Chapter Fourteen - The Ugly Truth (Part 2)

Our limousine pulls up outside the grand hotel, my heart racing incessantly. Spotting the paparazzi and local press lining along the red-carpet entrance, my palms begin to sweat. This engagement party is as glitzy as a Hollywood movie premiere, adding more pressure to the situation. Anxiety gnaws on me.

Last night, after I told my best friends that I will be attending, Hyeon decided that we should all attend together...something about advantage in numbers. And Nari refuses to take no for an answer because Chang-Min will be there. Either way, I'm glad they are both here. Social events are beyond me and I'm afraid I might slip up or embarrass us all. The trio are familiar with but for me, it feels like a duck waddling into a bevy of swans.

"Relax, Aera. Everything's going to be fine." Chang-Min squeezes the hand on my lap. "You look extremely beautiful tonight, so have more confidence."

I want to say I know, but the words are lodged in my throat. Tonight, I'm wearing a stunning navy blue off shoulder evening gown with a mermaid hem. It moulds perfectly to my slender figure and sets off the matching jewels adorning my neck and ears. While I feel beautiful, it doesn't give me the much-needed courage you see in movies...the confidence boost fizzles out like soda in the open, leaving you wilted.

Hyeon clears his throat, eyes zeroing on our joined hands. "We're here. Remember to keep it professional." Both men exchange a heated look, before we alight from the limousine and enter the hotel. Stepping into this opulent world filled with politicians, celebrities, and reporters alike is...intimidating. Despite their glittering smiles and raucous laughter, the surrounding tension is suffocating.

I had no idea my fingers are clamping onto Chang-Min's arm until he touches my hand. "Aera, calm down. They're just human beings, same as you and I. They eat, sleep and take a shit like we do."

I snort at the last one, earning a smile. Chang-Min looks clean-cut tonight, adding to his gentlemanly charm. I know Nari certainly appreciated it because she couldn't keep her eyes off him. He grips my hand, channeling his strength. "Just leave the talking to me. You're my partner for the evening, alright? Not our company's representative."

Releasing my pent-up breath, I nod steadfastly. "Alright."

Hyeon and Nari mingle with their associates while Chang-Min and I advance to find our seats. Seeing them in action, reminds me of the social gulf between us and for the first time in ten years, I question why they're friends with a nobody like me. After a few glasses of champagne, my senses are dulled, and I feel calmer.

The night advances smoothly, with me smiling and nodding while Chang-Min makes small talk and accesses potential business partners. As usual, it's interesting to watch him work and reel people in with his dependable charisma. Halfway through, I excuse myself to the powder room with Nari.

"How's the party so far?" She asks, reapplying her lipstick. Nari looks gorgeous in an emerald embroidered dress, flaunting her curves to perfection. Many eyes were watching her tonight, but I know she's only got one man in mind.

I wash my hands. "Dull. I can't wait for the night to end. I've been hanging on Chang-Min's arm like a mute Barbie doll."

"Chang-Min, huh? Not Manager Lee?"

"At his insistence." I state, knowing she's not the jealous type. "When are you going to make your move?" A lightbulb flickers in my mind. "Want to switch partners for the night?"

Eyes sparkling with mischief, she closes her lipstick. "Shall we?"

"Go for it." I encourage her. "This will be your opening shot. Don't mess it up."

"Please," She fluffs her hair. "If dating could be considered a sport, you're looking at a champion."

Amusement suffuses me. Nari's self-confidence is on another level, and being around her positive energy often makes me feel good too. So, we switch partners for the evening.

While searching for Hyeon, an older gentleman bumps into me. Reflexively, he steadies me and apologizes in a kind tone. "I'm sorry, young lady. I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you alright?"

I snap out of my momentary stupor. "Oh yes. I'm fine." I glance up, looking into brown eyes tinged with blue. How odd. Why do they look so familiar? "Thank you."

"It's no trouble." His laughter deep and hearty. "And you are…?"

"Oh!" I extend my hand, not knowing the right protocol for this. "I'm Yang Aera of Yang Logistics."

"Yang Logistics," He echoes, shifting his walking cane before shaking my hand. He has a warm and strong grip. "Yes, I know your company. It's growing steadily and recently became public listed." He stares fondly, as if he knows me, though I've never met him before. It's a little creepy.

"That's right." I paste on a professional smile. "Forgive me, but have we met before?"

"Dear me, where are my manners?" He barks with laughter. "I'm Wang Won-Shik."

I nearly choke, eyebrows leaping above my hairline. "Our finance minister?"

"Yes, but don't let my title get to you. I'm just an old man celebrating his son's engagement. Marriage is a cause for celebration, don't you think so?"

"Absolutely!" I blurt out, eager to escape him. Bumping into a bigwig was exactly what I wanted to avoid. "Congratulations on your son's engagement. I'm sure he is as dashing as you are."

"Dashing, eh?"

Oh God. Now he's laughing at my expense. Well, as long as he isn't offended, I'll take it as a good sign. "I'm sorry, I have to get back to my partner." I excuse myself, lips stretched. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Minister Wang. I'll be sure to give my warm wishes to the happy couple."

He nods appreciatively. "Thank you. It is nice to finally see you, Aera."

My expression falters as he walks away. Why did he address me by my first name? I have a strange feeling about him.

"Aera!" Hyeon reaches me, completely bent out of breath. "I was looking for you and Nari. You were gone so long, I was worried something had happened."

"We're fine." I assure him, hooking my arm around his, needing the comfort of a familiar face. "We decided to switch partners for the night, so you're stuck with me. Nari's on the hunt."

His face relaxes. Cupping my chin, he turns my head from side to side. "You're sure no one bullied you?"

"How old do you think I am?" I retort, completely offended that he doesn't trust me to handle myself around the elite members. "I was talking to Minister Wang."

Hyeon's eyes widen. "You're kidding. I've been trying to get him alone for hours." He lets out a weary sigh. "The old coot's as slippery as an eel."

Studying Hyeon, I realize he's sweating profusely. I guess he's been running around, and the ballroom is kind of crowded. Coupled with the few bites of canapes and glasses of champagne, I'm not feeling well myself.

Suddenly, whispers erupt from the main entrance and all eyes swivel to the center of attention. I yelp when a reporter knocks me over with a violent shove. Cursing the fellow, Hyeon leaps to save me from falling flat on my back.

What the hell!

"Ouch!" My cheek smashes into his chest. That reporter isn't the only one. Like a pack of wild dogs, more of them swarm a tall couple, though I only catch glimpses of a black tuxedo and flashing pink silk.

"What's going on? Are they celebrities?" I ask, feeling annoyed.

"President Kang! Over here!" A reporter shouts. "Mrs. Kang, can you please smile at the camera!"

Like a slow-motion reel, the crowd parts, and my heart sinks to my stomach. Standing there in all his perfection and glory, is the man I've been seeing for the past three weeks. The one who has given me gifts, whispered me sweet nothings and fucked me like he owns me every other night. My gaze swings to the dazzling woman by his side — reed slim and elegant with upturned eyes. She's a classic Korean beauty.

A really, really bad feeling churns my guts. "Oppa," My voice sounds weak and distant to my own ears. "W-Who are they?"

"That's Yun Kang-Dae, the president of Yun International Group and his wife."

His wife...

Pain unfolds in my chest, crowding the breath from my lungs. Mind swirling, I feel the sudden need to throw up. "Oppa...I don't feel so good..."

"Aera!" He panics when I dry heave, face turning ashen. "Shit. Come on, I'm taking you outside."

The moment we reach the parking lot, I hurl. Hyeon holds my hair back while rubbing circles on my back. "You're okay, Aera. I've got you." After that, he patiently cleans my face with his handkerchief, not the least bit put off.

His kindness breaks the dam, my tears start to spill.

"What's wrong?" He demands in alarm. I weep harder.

"Talk to me." Frustration strangles his voice as he turns me to face him. "Why are you crying? You're scaring me."

I'm in pain! I want to scream. It hits me now after witnessing who Dae is, that I've fallen in love him...that we are impossible.

It hurts. The truth hurts so bad, I can't breathe. Doubling over, I sob convulsively. "It hurts!"

Hyeon appears terrified, hastily checking my body for signs of physical wounds. "Where does it hurt? I'm taking you to the hospital." He's about to carry me up but I stop him, shaking my head wildly. Repeatedly hammering a hand over my bleeding heart, I tell him. "Here. It hurts here."

He doesn't comprehend, his brows knitting together in consternation. "Your heart hurts?"

Eyes shut tight, I clutch onto his arms and bury my face into his suit.

"Shh, shh," He murmurs, stroking my hair like soothing a child. "It's okay, I'm here." He hugs me close, comforting me. "You're not in physical pain. Is there something you want to tell me?"

I shake my head, making an incoherent noise.

"Okay," He plays along, pacifying me. "We'll talk about it later. I won't ask you until you're ready." He shifts, exhaling loudly. "You scared the hell out of me. I'm just relieved you're not sick."

We stay in this position briefly, until I calm down. Sniffles jostle my body, but otherwise the pain is a dull blade if I don't dwell on it. Hyeon whips out his phone, typing furiously. "I texted Nari that I'm taking you home. Come on." He helps me up, careful of my dress. "Can you walk? Do we want a piggyback ride?"

"N-no, I can walk." I dry my swollen eyes. "Let's g-go."

He nods curtly, still worried stiff. We walk to the lobby and request for a cab. Once it arrives, I get in and mumble to Hyeon. "Can I stay at your place for the weekend? I don't want to go home."

I can't face Dae after tonight. My senses are overloaded, and I need time to process what's happening. And knowing Dae, he might show up at my house to confront me if he knows I'm avoiding him.

Hyeon studies me grimly. I'm sure my face is a miserable mess. "Alright. I'll let your mom know. I won't pressure you to tell me what's wrong, but know that I'm entitled to the truth, alright?"


Satisfied, he instructs the cab driver to take us to his town apartment. "Come here," He murmurs, opening his arms. In need of comfort, I don't think twice to burrow myself into him. His whisper is fiercely protective. "You're going to be alright, Aera. I promise you that."