Chapter Seventeen - Hit & Run (Part 1)

Chapter Song Submission - "Comatose by jxdn"


They say time heals all wounds, but it still leaves a mental scar. You won't appreciate the sentiment of it's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. Maybe when it's over and I can look back fondly upon those memories.

But right now, I'm bitter. Nari tells me I've lost my sparkle and I don't know how to get it back.

After spending a month in Nagoya establishing a new partner branch, I'm back in Seoul...still a shell of my former self. I didn't hesitate to jump onboard the trip when Chang-Min offered, the work exhaustion helped to keep unwanted thoughts at bay.

But back at home...the silence unravels and before I know it, a tear rolls off my cheek. I swipe at it angrily. I promised not to shed another tear since the breakup. I guess I hadn't the time to properly grieve for my short-lived affair. Sleep eludes me too, the faint circles under my eyes are a stark testament.

Getting up, I decide to unpack my suitcase, setting aside the souvenirs and gifts I bought for everyone. Halfway through, a pack of letters fall out.

Fear coils around my heart.

It started two weeks ago, in Nagoya. Initially, I assumed it was a coincidence but when the letters flooded in, I knew I was being targeted. They were mostly explicit curses and graphical warnings — in Korean, not Japanese or English.

Who are they from? What does this person want from me? I'm clueless.

Something holds me back from throwing them away. Until I discover who is threatening me, I'll keep them as evidence. A police report is futile when no attempts have been made on my life. Whoever is doing this is messing with my head. It's frustrating to have to constantly look over my shoulder. The hounding nerves got me stressed out. In a bustling city, you never know who is out to get you — every face becomes the enemy.

Stuffing the letters away, I admit...I'm a little freaked out. Who wouldn't be? Until things escalate, I'll just have to be careful.

The next day, while returning from my morning jog, I spot my father carting his golf set in the driveway. Excitedly, I call out. "Dad!"

He whirls around, a smile breaking across his face. "You're back. I'm going out with my golfing buddies. Last month I promised –" His expression falters, morphing into horror and alarm. Dad looks frozen in time. Instinctively, I slow down and turn around, seeing what's got him so petrified.

Speeding down the street towards us, is a black, anonymous car. It's obvious what's going to happen, but like a deer caught in the headlights, my legs stand rooted to the ground. A rush of blood pounds in my ears.

"Aera!" My father bellows, jumping at me.

Everything happens in a blink of an eye. Tires screech noisily. A loud BAM! And then I'm flying and rolling like a pinwheel.

Slap! Crack! Thud!

Pain. All I feel is immense pain.

My lungs seize. I can't breathe. A gurgle of liquid spews from my mouth. Metal coats my tongue. Is that…blood? My vision starts to swim. I try lifting my fingers, but my muscles won't cooperate. My throbbing cheek is crushed on the gravel. A few meters away, I see my father's lifeless body.

Agony sears my jaw when I try to speak. I need to get to him! I shift my legs.

Excruciating pain! "Mmmnnnhhh!!!!" An animalistic yowl erupts from my chest. More blood gushes from my mouth. I hear a distant scream.


Darkness creeps in, the edges of my vision blurring. Why does it feel so cold? Even the pain starts to feel distant...

"Suk Chin! Aera! Someone –"



— Kang Dae

I'm in the middle of a meeting when Secretary Park barrels in, bending down to my ear. "Ms. Yang and her father were involved in an accident. They're on the way to the E.R as we speak."

Unimaginable terror grips me. "Send me the location." I leap to my feet and run straight for the door, ignoring all the managers' protest.

When I arrive at the hospital, I head for the nurses' station, demanding for Aera's status.

"I'm sorry, sir. We cannot disclose information to non-family members." The head nurse insists.

"If you don't tell me right now, I'm going to shut this place down and put you out of a job." I threaten angrily, eyes flicking to her name tag. "Ms. Yoon Shi"

She stills like a frightened rabbit. After a few clicks on the monitor, she divulges. "Yang Aera. She was admitted a few minutes ago. The patient is currently undergoing emergency surgery on level three."

"Thank you." I acknowledge curtly and head for the elevator. Familiar faces greet me when I reach the operating theatre.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Yoo Hyeon charges at me. Without warning, his fist connects to my jaw, sending me to the ground.

"Hyeon!" An older woman rises to her feet. "What are you doing!"

"This man is responsible for everything!" Yoo Hyeon rages, standing over my crumpled form like a vengeful warrior. "You pulled her into this mess, Yun Kang-Dae! If not for you, none of this would have happened! That hit was meant for her."

"Who are you?" The woman I assume is Aera's mother asks, agitation on her worn face.

Levering myself off the floor, I tug at my suit, dusting off the dirt. Ignoring the angry pup, I bow politely to Aera's mother. "How do you do, Mrs. Yang. I'm sorry we had to meet under these circumstances. I am Aera's — " I falter, uncertain of my position. "— friend and I heard about the accident." I take a step closer, but Yoo Hyeon obstructs me. In a brittle voice, I plead. "Please, I need to know. How is she?"

Mrs. Yang takes me in with those perceptive, tear swollen eyes. She orders Yoo Hyeon to stand down, glaring at him when he refuses to. Though Aera's mother is a head shorter than me, right now she feels like a giant. I gulp, anticipating her words.

"My daughter and husband are still in surgery." She confirms, trying hard not to crack before me — a stranger. "Who are you truly to my daughter? You're not just a friend. Aera brings all her friends home to meet me, but you," Her eyes narrow. "I've never seen you before."

"I am Yun Kang-Dae. Your daughter and I met several months ago."

"Are you the one responsible for the hit and run?"

"No!" I deny vehemently, unable to believe she thinks I'm the culprit. "I am in love with your daughter. I promise to find whoever is responsible for this accident and bring him or her to justice."

Surprise, then shock dances in her eyes. "I see. You're the one who put the sadness in her eyes."

I frown, not understanding her meaning.

"You bastard!" Yoo Hyeon curses, ready to fight. "You don't know a thing about love!"

Cho Nari struggles to hold him back. "Oppa! Please!"

"Nari, stay out of this!" He snaps at her, uncaring that he's causing a scene or being discourteous to his friend.

"Nari! Yoo Hyeon!" A man calls out, his dashing footsteps approaching from behind. "How are they? I came as soon as I got the call."

"Chang-Min!" Nari breaks away, looping her arms around pale face. Wait. When did the two of them get together?

The doors to the operating theatre burst open and a blood covered nurse emerges. Mrs. Yang hustles toward her. "Nurse! How are they? My husband and daughter!"