Chapter Seventeen - Hit & Run (Part 2)

— Kang Dae

"Ma'am, I need you to step back." The nurse orders sternly. "Your husband and daughter are in critical condition. They've lost too much blood. Unfortunately, your husband is an O-negative and we don't have enough supply in our blood bank." She glances over Mrs. Yang's shoulder. "Is anyone of you an O-negative?"

I immediately raise my hand. "I am!" Everyone turns to look at me.

"Are you willing to donate your blood, sir?"

"As much as you need." I agree resolutely, rolling up my sleeves.

Suddenly, another nurse appears, barking brusquely. "Nurse Shin! We need more A-negative blood! That girl won't hold on much longer!"

Is he talking about Aera? NO! I won't let anything happen to her.

Grabbing the nurse, I shake her harshly. "Take as much of my blood you need! I don't care! You have to save them both!"

"Sir, please! Even if we bleed you dry, we need more than you can donate!"

"There is no need." A commanding voice asserts itself. All heads snap to look at its owner.

Standing there with his cane, I stare in shock. "Minister Wang?"

Why is he here?

"Won Shik?" Mrs. Yang whispers, her face as pale as a sheet. "W-what are you doing here?"

I notice the looks between the two. Are they friends? No. More than that, I'm sure of it. Hidden pain and wariness lurk in Mrs. Yang's gaze.

"I'm an A-negative." He approaches me, firmly squeezing my shoulder. "We'll save their lives, boy." Minister Wang turns to the nurse. "Let's hurry up. We can't lose any more time."

After donating my blood, I sit up and adjust my sleeves, discreetly watching the minister. What is his relationship with Aera's family? How had he known about the accident?

"Boy. Did you know that curiosity killed the cat?" He breaks the silence, his eyes closed.

My lips quirk. I know he's calling me boy just to needle me. What a childish old man. "If I were afraid of such things, I wouldn't be fit to lead a corporation, would I? I'm disappointed that you believe intimidation works on me."

Wang Won-Shik chuckles deeply, cracking an eye open. "I've always liked you, President Kang. You remind me of myself when I was your age, though you probably won't repeat my mistakes."

My brows furrow. Trust a politician to speak in riddles. "What do you mean?"

"It doesn't work this way." Minister Wang shakes his head. "We're not going to braid each other's hair and exchange secrets now."

I stare unblinking, not in the mood for his wisecrack. "If you don't tell me, I'll find out eventually. If we're alike, then you know what I'm willing to do. Secrets are meant to be unearthed." I pause, voice turning flat. "What is your connection to the Yang family?"

A hefty sigh floats from him. "Straight to the point. Since you have the audacity to ask, I'll humor you." Our gazes lock. "I know about your relationship with Aera. I've been keeping an eye on her months before you met. While I like you as a businessman, I don't want you anywhere near my daughter."

"Your daughter?" I frown, mentally recalling his family tree. "Your daughter is married."

"And so are you, but that didn't stop you from having an affair with mine." His tone glacial.

I freeze, registering his meaning. "No…,"

"Oh, yes." He nods imperceptibly. "Aera is my biological daughter."

Fingers at my temple, I slowly shake my head. "This doesn't make sense. How is this…possible?"

"Believe it, boy. I have everything stated down in black and white." He adds. "And I'm as curious as you are how I have a daughter I don't know about for twenty-seven years. If that damn Suk-Chin isn't dying I would have shaken the truth out of him."

All this information has my mind spinning. I take a seat. "You're planning to confront them."

Wang Won-Shik doesn't confirm his intentions, but he replies. "I don't have many years left. I want to get to know my daughter."

My gaze drifts back to him. "Are you dying?"

"No." He looks affronted. "I'm as healthy as can be. I mean that I'm an old man. Who knows how many years I have left on my belt?"

What I can't wrap my head around is. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Oh, I know you aren't lying about being in love with my daughter. If you weren't, then those women over the last three months wouldn't have gone home with unsatisfied looks on their faces. Or a fatter bank account."

I'm not embarrassed. And I won't deny it. The past three months have been hell. After Aera left, I seesawed between my old lifestyle and picking up the phone just to hear her voice. I burnt through packs of cigarettes and emptied out my wine cellar. Both my mental and physical health took a detrimental plunge...even my son's worried about me when it should be the other way around. I'm a failure as a father and a lover.

I feel my face closing over. "You had a tail on me."

"Like you have one on my daughter." He throws back in my face.

It's creepy, how much we think alike. Long, anxious moments pass as we stare at each other. With a frustrated sigh, I demand quietly. "What do you want from me?"

"Nothing. Just stay away from Aera, and we won't have any problems."

That's easier said than done. I will never leave Aera alone even if she doesn't want me anymore. "Threats aren't new to me, Minister Wang." Frost hardens my voice. "But I can assure you I don't take kindly to it. Not even from you. Have a good day." I head for the exit.

"Aera's mother won't let you near her daughter if she knows who you are." Minister Wang warns.

I don't react, striding out the door. Right now, I need to check on Aera and make sure she's going to be alright. I dial for Secretary Park. "Park, I need you to investigate the hit and run attempt on the Yang family. Get all the CCTV records, black box cameras and find any witnesses. I want Detective Cha on the case immediately."

"I'm on it, President Kang."

I return to the operating theatre, waiting a distance away. Yoo Hyeon's hostility is setting everyone on edge, and I don't want to fight him. Aera is my priority.

When the operating-in-session light turns off, a weary doctor emerges and declares that Aera is out the woods. "The patient is being transferred to the ICU. Family members can visit her once her condition is stabilized."

Relief relaxes my shoulders, and the organ in my chest slows to a normal heartbeat.

"What about my husband, doctor?" Mrs. Yang demands, panic setting in.

"He's being given a blood transfusion as we speak. The doctor-in-charge will inform you once the operation is completed." He gives a curt nod. "If you will excuse me."

Cho Nari pulls Mrs. Yang aside when the older woman opens her mouth to protest. "Everything's going to be fine. Mr. Yang will pull through too."

The danger isn't over for them, but my fight is over. Aera is safe, and that's all that matters to me. Leaving the family alone, I head to the counter and ask for Aera's ICU room.

"Are you a family member or relative, sir?"

"I'm her fiancé." I baldly lie.

"The patient is being transferred to the ICU level on the fourth floor. Room four."

Half an hour later, I finally get to see Aera through the ICU window. I want to hold her so badly. At this point, just a hint of her voice will relieve me of my interminable worry. I regret that I couldn't be there for her. Majority of her face is wrapped in bandages and her neck is supported by a cast. The glimpses of her skin reveal black and purple mottling. Fury sparks my chest, unruly hatred taking root. Who would dare to attack the Yangs in broad daylight? When I catch the culprit, they will wish they'd never been born. Palm on the window, I quietly promise. "I'll avenge you, Aera. Please, get well soon."

"I knew I'd find you here." Lee Chang-Min's reflection appears beside mine. I was so absorbed, I didn't hear him coming.

"If you came here to gloat, then save it. I'm not in the mood." I caution crisply, still a hair's trigger from blowing up.

"Relax. I've moved on." He confirms my earlier suspicion about Cho Nari. "I'm here on behalf of the company and for emotional support. I owe the Director my life."

I remain silent.

"You know, Aera's been different after your affair ended." He tries to make conversation. "In fact, she's more focused than ever."

Is he trying to rile me up? "Aera's a smart woman. Maybe you should step aside for someone befitting your position."

He ignores my taunt, adopting a serious air. "Thank you for saving Director Yang's life. I owe you one."

I snort. "Far be it for me to reject a debt. I don't provide handouts easily."

"That's untrue. You didn't think twice to save his life. You reacted on instinct."

My shoulder hikes in a careless shrug. "Aera's goodness must have rubbed off on me."

An amused smile tugs at pale face's blurry twin. "I don't care if you did it for the right or wrong reasons. The outcome is fact."

Hearing him thank me is strange enough. I'm not going to stay and listen to him drone on about things I don't care for. "Do me a favor. Don't let Aera know that I saved her father's life." With that, I turn and leave the hospital.