Chapter Nineteen - A Favor (Part 1)

Chapter Song Suggestion - "Love Drunk by Epik High ft CRUSH"

— Kang Dae


One hundred and twelve days later, she texts me with these two words. Even so, it feels like the weight around my heart has lifted. A smile stretches my lips. I hadn't known I was waiting for her to reach out to me. I'm an idiot to think I will be content with her hatred when deep down, all I crave is a connection to know she's thinking about me too.

"What's so funny?" Ji-Hoon squeezes under my arm.

Like a teenager getting caught, I set my phone aside and kiss my son's head. "Nothing that little kids should stick their noses into."

"I'm not a kid!" He denies strongly. "I'm turning seven next week!"

"And have you thought about your present?"

"I want a PlayStation 5!"

Kids these days have it lucky. When I was Ji-Hoon's age, I was nose deep in books. "We'll see if you deserve it after your exam results are back."

"It's not fair!" He whines, flinging my arm aside and shuts himself in his room. I chuckle. That worked well. Opening Aera's text again, I type.

Me : I'm just doing the right thing. Isn't that what you taught me?

Aera : But you didn't have to.

Me : Yeah? Well, you weren't supposed to find out. How's your injury?

Aera : Better...but my ribs still hurt. Sometimes, it hurts to breathe.

Me : Ribs take a longer time to heal. It took me six months to recover when I broke my rib playing skateboarding at sixteen. It was my most embarrassing moment.

Aera : I didn't know you could skateboard. Well, I have two broken ribs and a fracture.

Me : Keep taking those pain meds. It'll help. How's your father? I heard about his condition.

Aera : Still in a coma. It's been hard on us.

Me : Your father's a strong man. I think he'll surprise you.

Aera : Anyway, thank you for saving his life. I mean it.

Me : You're welcome.

She doesn't continue the conversation, but I don't mind. The fact that she sought me out, gives me the barest glimmer of hope. Aera is afraid to take a chance on us. I don't blame her. We started off on a rocky foundation built on lust, lies and mistrust. We did it all wrong. Love and passion aren't enough. She's right. I didn't throw her a solid rope to hold on to, and I'm not giving up on us. I'm just abiding my time, planning on the side before I make my move. For us to move forward, I need her to want me the way I want her. My hand will always be outstretched to her. Now, I just need her to take it — to take the first step towards me.

My phone rings. It's Detective Cha. "Detective, I hope you have good news."

"We found the car. It has been abandoned and torched in an empty warehouse, located miles north from Seoul. We're searching it for prospective evidence. I'll call if we find anything."

"Thank you, Detective. If you catch this criminal, I'll owe you a life debt."

"Yun Kang-Dae promising a life debt?" Cha chuckles. "I'll be stupid not to take it."

"Also, see if you can find out the driver's point of origin."

Our call disconnects, and I try to piece together the information Cha has provided. I have read through the letters Aera submitted with Detective Cha but, we couldn't pin down the culprit's motive. All we know is this person holds deep resentment. For added measure, I doubled up on Aera and Director Kang's security detail. Although the killer's been quiet, I don't want to take chances.

A message pings on my phone. It's from my brother, Kang-Chul.

< Family socials in three weeks. Saturday, 7.30p.m. The Chateau. >

"Fuck!" It's that time of the year already. Annually, the Yun household hosts a family gathering at our Chateau in Jindo Island. It's an event I will need ten bottles of whiskey just to get me through the night. I'll have to put up with my conspiring cousins, make nice with my other siblings and mother and be pleasant to my wife.

I fire a quick text to Secretary Park. 'You're coming with me to the Jindo Chateau in three weeks. Pack light.'


— Aera

A knock on the door lifts my head and I see Ahn Jung, the company receptionist holding a bouquet of flowers. "Assistant Yang, these came for you."

Curious, I accept the flowers. It's a beautiful mix of Gerbera flowers. "Thank you." There's a white card sitting on top so I pick it up. I nearly drop everything.

< Congratulations on your recovery. Next time you won't be so lucky. Stay away from him.>

Scrambling to my desk, I dial for Detective Cha. "I just received a bouquet of flowers from my killer."

Ten minutes later, Detective Cha arrives to confiscate the flowers.

"Thank you for coming over. I could have gone down to the station." I thank him, feeling shaken. How arrogant I was, to think my assailant won't target me in the office.

"It's no trouble. I want to catch this man or woman as much as you do. Besides," A smile grazes his lips. "Yun Kang-Dae contacted me to pick up your case. It was hard to turn him down." He then reassures me. "Oh, I wasn't forced into it. I just owe him a favor."

I've never met any of Dae's other acquaintances. It's funny how I'm getting to know him more after we've broken up. "Are you close?"

"We met in the army. I help Kang-Dae with independent cases from time to time."

I wonder what Dae was like in the army. That's an interesting tidbit.

"If there's any update, I'll be sure to give you a call. In the meantime, keep an eye of your surroundings." Detective Cha cautions, his mouth set in a grim line. "This killer's got eyes on you, so be careful."

I nod with a favorable smile. "I will. Thank you, Detective."

After he left, Chang-Min enters the room, having finished the managerial weekly meeting. He looks disheveled and a little haggard. Dumping his files on his desk, he slumps into his chair and loosens his tie. "Coffee please, Assistant Yang."

Oh. He sounds stressed. Promptly, I serve his coffee and he drains the entire cup. I quickly shut the glass door. "I take it the meeting didn't go so well?"

"The other managers have been on my case about the Director's recovery. Those bastards." He swears. Chang-Min rarely curses. It must be worse than I thought.

Chewing my lip anxiously, I ask. "What do they want to do?"

"They want to hold an official vote to replace the Director while he's out of commission."

Confusion notches between my brows. "But you're the acting Director. They've already voted."

He releases a pent-up breath. "Ms. Kang's trying to sway the managers and our shareholders. Because we're a newly listed company, our shareholders aren't confident about the unstable circumstance."

"But aren't they mostly Dad's old friends?"

"Apparently money speaks louder than friendship." He massages his eyes. "They'll be holding a general meeting to vote for the new acting Director in two weeks' time. The only way I can secure my spot is to nail the Emerson Electronics contract. Because our rival company is offering the Emerson brothers a better deal, they're considering on switching over."

"Is there a way to convince them?"

He looks at me through the cracks of his fingers. "I don't like to play politics but I'm desperate. There's one person who can help us. And I think if you ask him, he'll do it. No questions asked."

I have a bad feeling about this. I'm already shaking my head.

"Yun Kang-Dae." He declares and I groan aloud. Sitting straight, he props his elbows against his desk. "Yun International Group has a massive influence in manufacturing, the media, hospitality, service, I.T and heavy industry."

"I don't understand. What exactly can Dae do for us?"

"He just needs to put in a good word. Everyone knows that his word is solid gold."

Incredulous, I stare at him. "Are you the same Lee Chang-Min I know?" I cannot believe I'm actually going to listen to his crazy idea. "You're serious?"

"Aera. This is your father's company on the line. His dream is my dream." Chang-Min voices sincerely. "I want to protect this company and I'm not going to let some power-hungry woman ruin everything we've built. We need this contract." The assertiveness in his tone is new. I know he's dedicated, but to be this passionate…I think my best friend has a hand in it.

Sighing, I relent with a gradual nod. "Okay, we'll do it your way." Before heading to my desk, I get to have the final say. "By the way, Nari's a good color on you. I see your social skills are definitely improving."