Chapter Nineteen - A Favor (Part 2)

"I need a favor." I say the moment he picks up.

"You know the drill, Aera. No free handouts." Dae drawls, knowing he's got the upper hand.

Gritting my teeth, I emphasize. "It's business. Can we meet up somewhere?"

"Why don't you come to my office? Now that everything's out in the open, I'd love for you to drop by." He returns silkily.

Translation: If you want it, then come and get it on my turf.

I drum my fingers. Can I do this? "What time?"

"It sounds like you're very eager. I can make time for you now if you like." He pauses, and I can hear him smiling through the phone. "Just say the word, hellcat."

"Fine." I mutter grudgingly, grabbing my purse. "One hour."

Taking the cab, I direct the driver to Yun International Group, located in the heart of Seoul. I stand on the sidewalk, eyes going up the skyscraper that is Dae's magnificent company. It's imposing and everything about it screams wealth. Office workers mill in and out — most of them in uniforms. I take note of the intimidating security walking around the building with discreet earpieces partially hidden beneath their dark suits. Squaring my shoulders, I march into the lobby and give my details to the female receptionist.

"President Kang is waiting for you. Go ahead to the lift and press the R button."

I falter. "Don't you need to check my identification?"

She perfects a commercial smile. "You're expected, Ms. Yang."

Hesitantly, I follow her instructions to the letter and when the elevator whispers to a smooth stop at R floor, I gawk at the fact that I'm on a rooftop office. I step out, drinking in the wood panel floors, tinted glass windows, the wide arrangement of sofas leading to an impossibly long meeting desk and lastly, the man sitting on the other end of the enormous room.

"Judging by your expression, you like my office?" He leans back in his chair, fingers steepling against his chest.

I walk right up to him. "I'm only going to ask this once. After that, you'll give me your answer and I will walk right out of here."

"Tsk. Tsk. If you're here to ask for a favor, then you should learn to be sweeter. Don't you know you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar?" He openly admits he's going to make me work for it. "Since it's almost noon, let's have lunch together. We can have a nice, long chat at the restaurant downstairs."

"Dae." I grate at his antics.

He unfolds his tall frame and stands up, not bothering to put on his coat. "I made a reservation, so let's not waste time. I'm really starving." He's already halfway across the room. "Shall we?"

Think of the contract! I remind myself. I don't look at him when I step into the lift, feeling his stare the entire ride down. I'm surprised when the doors open, and a private dining room greets us. I hear him snicker. "You didn't actually think I was going to parade you in front of the entire company, did you?" He comes close enough for me to smell the familiar notes of his aftershave. "The privilege of looking at you is for my eyes alone." His voice lowers. "I don't share."

The way his eyes bore into mine makes me inhale sharply. The sudden movement jostles my healing ribs and I wince.

He's alert, looping a steady arm around my back. "What's wrong?"

"Breathed the wrong way." I wheeze. "My ribs…,"

He chuckles. "I'm glad I still affect you as much as you affect me."

My gaze jumps to his and I try to shove him away. "Dae, stop it."

"No." He denies stubbornly. "You've made yourself fair game when you decided to step into this building, Aera. Whatever favor you've come here to ask for, have no doubt I'll grant it." His fingers softly trace the side of my cheek, the one that still bears the scar from the accident. "But I want something in return. You know that better than anyone."

If he's not going to back down, then I just have to build stronger defenses. Dae doesn't like it when I'm flippant. "Not even a discount for an old friend?"

His eyes flash dangerously. "Oh. You're much more than a friend. And we're going to get reacquainted. I promise you that."

I swallow hard, breaking our gaze. My confidence fizzles. "Umm, are we going to eat or what?"

He retreats, allowing me to recollect myself. We take our seats. Mine's right across from him, a safe distance away. Mirth sparkles in his gaze. "Hellcat, how are we going to talk if you're sitting all the way over there?"

"I'm good right here." I assure him. Yes, away from you or you'll mess with my head.

He looks like he's about to sigh. Just then, the waitresses serve our lunch, setting traditional dishes of stir-fry bulgogi, a hefty portion of japchae, hearty ox bone soup and my eyes light up at the sight of mandu. My traitorous stomach chooses that moment to announce itself to the world.

"Looks like you're hungry." Dae smirks, picking up his chopsticks. "We'll talk after we eat."

For once, we're in perfect agreement. I tuck in, going straight for the mandu. At first bite, I groan with pleasure.

"You like mandu." He observes with pleasure.

Well, it's not a shocker he doesn't know. When we were together, our relationship was limited to certain activities. We barely spend time outside the bedroom. I don't know his favorite food and he doesn't know mine. I pop in another piece of mandu. "I don't like it. I love it. When we were in college, I could eat these every day."

"I'm glad you love it. Maybe it'll tempt you to come back here next time."

Reverting to my comfortable state around him, I snort. "I doubt it."

He only grins.

When we're done, he looks me over the rim of his glass. I expected him to be drinking whiskey in broad daylight. "Tell me, what is this favor I can help you with?"

"With my father in a coma, the company's facing an internal dispute. In two weeks, there will be a board meeting to vote for the new acting Director. There's no one else I trust to oversee the company other than Chang-Min. With Yang Logistics being newly listed, our shareholders aren't confident with our current instability." My defeated tone is deafening. "Unless Chang-Min secures the Emerson Electronics project, we're fighting a losing battle."

Dae listens with a contemplative expression. "And you want me to…?"

"We just need you to put in a good word or two...get them to sign the contract with us."

A devilish grin twists his lips, followed by a complacent look. "Well, well, well." He leans back, setting down his glass. "I never knew this day would come. You're learning to play like the big boys." Then, he frowns. "This isn't like you."

"It was Chang-Min's idea." I confess, feeling chagrin. "I wouldn't have taken up his idea if we weren't desperate. Which is why I'm saying again. This will be the first and last favor I'll ever ask of you."

"No, it won't. The thing about businesses, Aera, is that when you ask for one favor, it turns into two and then it snowballs into three." He crosses his legs in a leisurely manner. "Normally, I won't agree to a situation like yours, but we both know you're a special case. If granting you this simple favor keeps you indebted to me, then by all means, ask me for more."

"You're despicable." I bite out, eyeing him in a new perspective. So, this is a glimpse of Dae's business persona. I know he's being lenient with me. It's unimaginable how frightening he can be when he's serious.

"I've barely even begun." He returns lightly. "I can do much better than put a good word for you. I intend to invest in Yang Logistics."

"What!" I exclaim, pushing back my seat. "No. No, no, no."

"Set aside your personal feelings, Aera. This will be good for the company. If I invest in Yang Logistics, there won't be further issues. Director Lee's future will be set in stone when everyone knows I've got his back."

Damn it, he's right. Propping my hands on the table, I ask reluctantly. "What do you want in return?"

"Your time." He doesn't even think about it.

"This better not be another contract." I warn him, eyes narrowing.

"Relax. If we're going to get to know each other, then I want us to do it right." He's so stubborn about this.

I drop my head dramatically. "Dae, how many times must I repeat this? There will be no us. Have you forgotten your dear," I bracket my fingers into air quotes. "Wifey?"

"Time, Aera. I want one whole day with you. This Sunday. I'll pick you up."

"But- "

He shrugs. "We can forget about the favor. There's nothing for me to lose."

I scowl at him while he wears a stupid grin telling me he has won. "Fine. Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise. But you can dress comfortably. You're beautiful in anything," He then interjects smoothly. "Especially when you're naked."

"I'm leaving!" I bark, standing up and removing myself from the premise.

OH MY GOD. I fan my cheeks as I storm out. He's not playing fair. He can't say that to me and expect me to take it. He's outrageous! Always getting a rise for teasing me. At the lobby, a woman bumps into me and I flinch at the jarring pain in my sides.

"Oh dear! I'm so sorry." The woman apologizes profusely, a waft of her cloying perfume tickling my nose.

I glance at her, every muscle on my face stiffens. "Joo Mun Hee."

She appears surprised. "I'm sorry, have we met?"

"Oh no." I quickly cover up my distress. "I see your umm...face in the news all the time."

"Ah, yes, the life of a President's wife." She titters softly, pushing her sunglasses to the top of her head. "Are you a staff here?"

"No. I came here for lunch." I lied, not knowing why this woman makes me antsy. My affair with her husband ended long ago. Am I feeling guilty? But no…there's something hostile about the way she's eyeing me — like a meal gone bad.

"Well, I hope you enjoyed your lunch." There she goes again, flipping her hair like she's in a commercial. "I'm here to join my dear hubby for lunch. If you'll excuse me."

Was that a bald face lie? I know Dae wouldn't have invited me to lunch if he was preoccupied. Something's off about that wife of his. Oh wait. Could it be that she knows? Damn it. I need to find another way to repay Dae without getting more involved than I already am.

How did we end up back in each other's orbits?