Chapter Twenty Four - Mom and Dad (Part 1)

Chapter Song Suggestion - "Pandemonium by NIKI"

I hear a low moan.

Wait. I think it's coming from me.

Lashes fluttering, I look around. Goddammit. I'm in a hospital. Again.

Am I dreaming? I'm certain I had drowned. Am I truly alive? Rigidly leaning sideways, I see my mom's familiar head lying beside my hand. The sight alone hits me hard, like a fist around my heart. Raw emotions erupted within my chest and overflow to the brim. Hot tears flood my eyes.

I AM ALIVE! I bawl. Loudly.

Mom jerks awake, her widened eyes landing on me. Tears gathered and she's up on her feet, arms wrapped tight around me. "Oh! Aera! My baby! You're awake!"

"Mommmmm!!" I cry, sobbing hard, drawing in her wonderful scent. "I-I…I'm alive!"

"My baby!" Mom repeats over and over again, like she's afraid I'll disappear into thin air.

The door crashes open and my friends rush in. Dae too. Everyone looks terribly aged, though I'm probably no better than them. Nari throws her arms around me and mom. "Aera, thank God! We were so worried!"

Their love and warmth envelope me, telling me I'm safe and the worse is over. I don't have to be afraid anymore. A shuddering breath escapes me as I draw back, searching Nari's face. "I'm glad you're safe too. I was scared they were going to hurt you." Apart from her swollen black eye, she appeared unscathed.

"I'm fine." Her laughter is raspy but overwhelmed with relief. "They rescued me hours after you were taken. I have a GPS tracker installed into my bracelet. You know how paranoid my dad is. It saved my life." And once upon a time, we used to joke about how ridiculous it was. Nari wouldn't be alive now if it weren't for her father's precaution.

I blink rapidly at the sting of tears, overjoyed to see everyone again. The men let us cry to our hearts content, until the doctor interrupts to perform a general check-up on my condition.

"She's fine." He assured everyone. "Ms.Yang just needs plenty of rest and she'll be right as rain. After tomorrow evening, she's permitted to be discharged if there are no further issues."

"Thank you, doctor." Mom utters gratefully, looking like she's about to cry again.

Feeling a weighted stare on me, I turn and my stomach flips as I meet the agonizing black of Dae's eyes. Lips trembling, I whisper his name longingly. "Dae." My throat clogs up.

He doesn't need me to say it twice, his legs carrying him over. In an instant, I'm surrounded by his warmth and essence, my head buried into his chest as he plants several kisses on my head and face. "You don't know how worried I was." Emotions roughened his voice. "I wanted to die when I heard you were kidnapped! I'm so sorry, hellcat. So sorry…" He squeezes me tighter, uncaring that all eyes are on us. "I'm relieved you're alive. You're safe now." We drink each other in before regret tightens his features, his throat bobs restlessly. "It's all my fault, Aera. I'm so sorry. If it wasn't for me—," He shakes his head ruefully. "I don't blame you if you never forgive me."

I know he's sorry. I am too. I'm sorry things turned out this way. But regret is an emotion of the past. Right now, I'm just happy to be alive. Having knocked on death's door made me realize how much I want to live — for myself and my family. There are still many things I want to fulfil in life.

Dae holds me while I weep softly, his fingers crushing the strands of my hair, as if he's trying to convey his jumbled emotions that words alone can't express — his relief, his regret, his fear and most importantly, his love.

After a few minutes, I lean backwards. Now that I'm safe, I need to know how the nightmare ended. "What happened? How did you find me?" Grabbing onto his arms, I woefully admit. "I was so sure I was going to die."

Grimly, he explains. "After you were kidnapped, Detective Cha tracked the van through CCTV feeds and road traffic cameras, but we lost visual when it veered off the main roads. Without a lead, I was going crazy until Minister Wang contacted us. Apparently, he had a KNP retiree shadow you that day and he went in pursue of your location. An arrest team was immediately dispatched." His face hardens with a flash of animosity. "It was a bloody massacre when I arrived on scene. There were no survivors on the kidnappers' end."

My mind spins, hardly able to stammer out a reply. "Y-you mean…she's…?"

He gives me a curt nod. "Dead."

Shock reverberates through my system. I don't know what to say. Am I glad she's dead? Hell yes. She was going to kill me! But am I sad that Ji-Hoon lost his mother forever? Another yes. Things didn't have to turn out this way. I scrub a hand over my face, still shaken. "This shouldn't have happened. S-she was…crazy. She was obsessed with you, Dae. The look in her eyes…what she told me…" I shake my head in denial. "I couldn't believe it. She looked so normal. And I found out I wasn't her first victim." My hands tremble, recalling the fear I endured. "H-how could she?"

"Shh." His hand cradles the back of my head. "It's all over now. She won't harm you ever again."

"Are you…sorry?" I search his tired expression. Lines of fatigue mar his handsome face and the corners of his mouth are drooping. I've never seen him vulnerable like today, completely without his guard. This incident has taken a toll on him, that's for sure.

"That she's gone?" He sounds numb, giving me no insight to what he truly feels.

I nod, holding my breath.

Maybe he understands how important this question is to me, because he thinks hard. "No." He finally answers, certainty empowering his tone. "I'm not sorry at all."

He isn't lying.

My lungs slowly deflate. If he answered differently, I won't fault him for it. "Then, is Ji-Hoon alright? Does he know what happened?" I curl my fingers into his shirt, genuinely concerned. "He must be worried and confused."

Dae's thumb feathers along my cheek. He hasn't stopped touching me, probably to reassure himself I'm real. "He's at home. I haven't had time to sit down and break the news." His lips thin considerably. It's never easy to tell someone that the person they love is dead. On the bright side, Ji-Hoon's young, so he'll recover and put it behind him. I hope.

I chew nervously on my lip. "Will you tell him the truth?"

He sighs heavily. "I haven't had time to think about it."

Dae looks worn out and the smudges of faint bruises under his eyes convinces me he has done enough. Of course, I'm happy if he stays but, there's a little boy waiting for him. Making up my mind, I urge. "Go home, Dae. I'm glad and thankful that you're here but Ji-Hoon needs you more than I do. Besides," I turn to look at my amazing family. "My family is right here."

He frowns deeply, stubbornness befalling his face. I recognize that look. Clasping his hands in mind, I say. "I'm not going anywhere, Dae. You can find me anytime. After all, we do have unfinished business, don't we?" After everything that happened, I know I have a decision to make, and even if I don't, Dae will make it for me. "I just need a couple of days, alright?"

Obsidian eyes search mine, his shoulders relaxing. "Alright. But if anything changes, you call me. Not anyone else."

I have an inkling he's referring to the Minister. The utter possession in his voice makes me bite back a smile. I'm in no condition to fight back. And I owe him as much for never giving up on me. For his peace of mind, I acquiesce. "Fine. I promise."

Dae surprises everyone when he pulls me in and covers my lips with his. My hands attempt to encircle his thick wrists. It's a brief but heartfelt kiss, conveying his relief and happiness. "Get well soon. We'll talk in a few days."

My heart's a little heavier when he leaves. Part of me wants to yell at him to come back.

"Hey, chin up." Nari playfully nudges my jaw. "He'll be back."

Chang-Min sidles up beside her, arm around her waist. "I'm thankful you're unhurt, Aera. If anything happened, I wouldn't be able to look your father in the eyes when he wakes up."

My response is a sad smile.

"Well, now that Aera's awake, let's head out to get dinner for everyone." Nari breaks into our gloominess, wagging a finger at me. "Of course, it's hospital food for you, Aera."

"Ugh!" I stick out my tongue as they collect their coats and mom escorts them out. Hyeon who has been quiet and distant all this time finally comes over and crushes me in his arms. "I'm so glad you're alive. You scared twenty years off my life."