Chapter Twenty Four - Mom and Dad (Part 2)

"I thought I wasn't going to make it home." I return his heartfelt hug. "When I was drowning, all I could think about was you guys. The family I'm leaving behind."

"It's all over now, Aera. That woman's dead, she can't hurt you anymore."

"Hyeon," Mom approaches. "Can you buy me a drink? I need to speak with my daughter."

Taking the hint, he leaves us alone. Mom settles on the bed, taking my hand in hers with a determined expression. "Did he come find you?"


"Your real father."

Eyes lowering, I answer quietly. "Yes."

"What did he want?"

"He wants to get to know me."

"And how do you feel about it?"

I give her an exaggerated shrug. "Shocked. But maybe deep down I always... knew? I don't look anything like Dad, and every time I ask about your past, you look like you're going to cry." I meet my mother's brown eyes. "I do want to know Minister Wang. He wants to be part of my life, and frankly I'm curious to know more about what happened between the two of you." I scoot forward, finally able to ask her the truth. "Why did you leave him? He told me his side of the story, but I'd like to hear yours."

Her lips flatten in contemplation, then she sighs. "I had you when I was eighteen. In our society, it's shameful for an unwed young woman to get pregnant. I loved Won-Shik. He was the one for me. Back then, we were starry eyed dreamers who thought love would conquer all. Won-Shik is a good man. I knew he would take care of us and I didn't want to hide the truth, so I told him that I was pregnant. He was so happy and excited." Tears well in Mom's eyes but she continues her story. "He wanted to get married right away. I thought he was crazy. We were so young, and his family is wealthy. You can imagine what happened. We went to his mother to ask for her blessing but, she laughed in our faces and told me to get rid of you. Won-Shik rebelled against his family and my own parents disowned me the moment they discovered my condition. They threw me out like a diseased dog. It didn't bode well for us."

The pain in my mother's voice is stark, as if it all happened yesterday.

"I reached my breaking point when Won-Shik became badly ill. He needed the hospital. With barely any money and nowhere to go to, I knew I had to end this. So, I went to his mother. I took the money she offered on the condition that I never set foot in Seoul again and for Won-Shik to believe you were dead. I told her where to find her son, and then I got on a bus to Busan. I never looked back."

My own eyes sting with unshed tears. What a sad story. "And how did you meet Dad after?"

"I told you we first met when I rescued him from school bullies. A few months after that, he disappeared without a word. I didn't know where he went. Years later, we run into each other again in Busan. I found out that he dropped out of school and started working for an industrialist who helped to fund your father's logistics business. When you were a child, you were quiet but with Suk-Chin, you light up like fireworks in summer. He treated us well, and when he proposed, I accepted. I never fell in love with Suk-Chin, but I feel fondly for him and grateful too. Without him, who knows what would have happened to us?"

"Oh, Mom." I wrap my arms around her. "I'm so sorry."

"I know Won-Shik hates me for abandoning him. He found me once in Busan. He confronted me and we had a big argument. The hurtful words we hurled at each other, we couldn't take back. And I didn't want him to give up the future he had. Won-Shik was destined for greatness and I was right. A week after that, he got married and I closed the chapter of our story." Mom pulls away and cups my cheek. "Even if Won-Shik hates me, I know he's not petty to extend it to you. I know he'll love you because you're his flesh and blood. I won't stop you if you want to know your biological father. But I don't want him to interfere in our lives. Spend your time with him, but keep him away from your father and I. There's still too much resentment and pain, the old wounds I have…," She shakes her head sadly. "They won't ever heal."

It's unbelievable to hear the ordeal my parents went through. All the years with them, and I never once suspected about their rocky past. Their relationship was far from perfect, but they raised me well, provided me with all my needs and wants, made sure I have a roof over my head and gave me a proper education. I was showered with unconditional love, fairness and I know what it means to have a family. I cannot thank them enough for everything. My mom is strong, and the best mother in the world to me. My father may not have made me, but he sure as hell shaped my life, influenced me, taught me how to ride a bike, took me to school, pick me up when I fall and he's always there when I need him.

"I love you so much, mom. And Dad too." Heavy pressure behind my lids. "Dad's always going to be my dad. As far as I'm concerned, he's the only father for me. But I'd like to get to know Wang Won-Shik too. I admit, I am curious about him."

"It's your decision, Aera. We always have your back, don't we?"

"Thanks, Mom." Then, a thought hits me and I decide to test the waters. "Mom…what are your thoughts about Dae and I?"

She astonishes me with a light scoff. "That stubborn boy. He's wrapped around your little finger and you don't even know it."

"Mom!" I gasp, a flush rising to my cheeks.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" She asks dryly.

"Isn't it obvious? He was married and we weren't serious…at least it didn't start out that way." I fidget. Oh God, this is so awkward. It's that feeling you get when you tell your Dad you're having your period. "I wasn't going to date him! I swear!"

"And look where it got you. He left you moping about for the past four months. Even if he's not married, I forbid you to go out with him." Her tone is final.

"But why? Aren't all moms happy to snag a possible rich son-in-law?"

Mom pinches my ear and I yelp in pain. "Haven't you been listening to me? Your real father and Yun Kang-Dae are the same species. I don't want my daughter's heart to be broken like mine. I don't want you to face the same things I did. His family will never accept you!"

"Calm down, Mom!" I rub my sore ear. "I thought a lot about it, okay. It's all I've been thinking about for the past three months." I admit grudgingly. "We broke up months ago. I will never be with a married man. I'm not a homewrecker, mom. You and Dad taught me better. I swear I had no idea who he was at the time. The moment I learnt the truth of identity, I walked away."

Her eyes narrow to slits and she crosses her arms. "And now? How do you feel since his wife's dead?"

"Mom! The woman just died!"

"So?" She lifts a brow, looking every inch a pissed off lioness. "That woman deserved her fate when she decided to kill my baby. I have no tears for that evil corpse." A hint of impatience seeps into her voice. "Do you want to be with Yun Kang-Dae? Answer the question."

Mom should have been in law enforcement. My eyes darts around the room. "Umm…yes?"

"I think you'll disappoint him with that weak willed answer."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

She exhales sharply, giving me 'my daughter is helpless' look. "Yun Kang-Dae spoke to me weeks ago when you were hospitalized from the attack. It's the first time I've seen a man like him let down his pride and bared his soul to a mother. He is serious about you, dear daughter. I told him straight in the face that I won't allow a relationship or give my blessing if he's married and still part of the Yun family."

A sharp gasp burst from my lips. "Mom, tell me you didn't!"

"I didn't." Her answer calm but smug. "He did."

"I don't get it."

"The boy made up his mind to leave the Yun family for you."

My hysterical laughter envelopes the room. She's such a joker. But she isn't laughing. Like a radio being turned off, my laughter dies. "Wait, you're not joking?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?" She slaps my thigh. "That boy is ready to abandon his family for you and if you're not ready for his sacrifice, you better let him know. Don't drag him along, and don't let your heart get broken. That's my advice as your mother."

"Wait! Wait!" I hold up my hand. "That's impossible! Mom, he did so much…went through so much just to get to where he is today. He even married that psychopath and has a son with her. He must be pulling your leg."

"I don't know him like you do, Aera." Mom admits dully. "Can you honestly tell me he's the type of man to lie and make impulsive decisions?"

"No." I squeak. Dae is anything but impulsive, at least that's what I used to believe.

"Well," Mom gets up and forces me to lie back down, tucking me in. "Get some rest and think carefully about what you want. From what I've seen, he's not going to give up and you're going to have your hands full." She gives me a meaningful glance. "I'll wake you up when it's time to eat."

I lie there, thinking about her words. If Dae's serious about me, then I don't stand a chance of pushing him away anymore. Do I even want to? The lines are blurred - what I want and why I pushed him away in the first place. I think about my answer…my lids drifting shut.