Chapter Twenty Five - Hot Spring and Sex (Part 2)

The hotpot restaurant is an isolated yet vibrant stone building sitting by the roadside, seemingly packed with customers tonight. Pushing open the doors, a blast of hot air hits us in the face. The shop owner seats us and explains their signature menu in detail.

"We'd like to try your signature hotpot stew." Dae orders for us, glancing at me expectantly.

I chime in. "With additional meat and side dishes, please."

"Yes, no problem. I'll be back in a few minutes. Please, enjoy our in-house tea." The shop owner gestures to the thermos jug and cups on our table, leaving us to self-service.

I proceed to pour the tea. "It's been ages since I've had hotpot. My family doesn't indulge in hotpots unless it's a celebration." I'm literally bouncing in my chair with excitement. "Is this place famous for mushrooms?" My gaze lingers on the variety of fungi photos on the walls, a chuckle escapes me. "It's everywhere."

Dae relishes me with open amusement, his eyes crinkling. "Didn't you read the signboard?"

"Nope." I made a 'pop' sound at the end. "Guess I was too excited and hungry." After serving Dae his cup of tea, I pick up mine, blowing off the top steam. Feeling the intensity of his stare, my lashes lift. "What is it? Why are you staring at me like that?"

The deep fondness reflected in his dark eyes, pierces my soul. I can barely breathe, powerless under his spell, feeling extremely conscious. He doesn't say a word. It snaps when our meal arrives, the tightness in my chest releasing immediately and my lungs expand.

Thankfully, the wonderful sight of hotpot helps to clear my head.

Layered with slices of pork belly, white fungus, shiitake mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, needle mushrooms and spring onions boiling in their signature brown broth, this is a bountiful feast. My mouth shapes into a flabbergasted 'O'.

Across me, Dae stifles a masculine laugh and abruptly takes a snapshot of my unsightly face.

"Hey!" I yell, startling the other customers. "Delete that photo!"

"No." He pockets his phone and picks up his chopsticks. "These are the only photos I have of you."

"You said photos. Does that mean you have more of them?" I demand, holding out my hand. "Hand it over right now or I swear - ,"

Dae stuffs a piece of kimchi into my mouth. "Eat more, talk less. The food's going to get cold. If you don't start eating, I'm going to finish them all."

That's enough to shut me up and make me dig in.

"Have you made up your mind about us?" Dae bombards me halfway through.

I nearly choke on a mushroom, washing it down with tea. "N-no…I mean not really. I don't know, Dae. Are we in a good place to start a relationship? Your wife just passed away and my father's still in a coma…,"

"Those are just excuses holding you back. I'm asking if you want to be with me. Do you still love me?" He jumps right to the heart of the matter, eyes burning a hole through me. Way to put a pressure on a girl.

Taking another long sip to stall, our eyes hold over the rim. I sigh, defeated. "Yes. I want to be with you." I do love him, but it's not easy to say it out loud after everything we've been through.

"Good." Male satisfaction. "That's the only answer I need."

"Why?" Suspicion creeps into my voice. "What are you plotting this time?"

"Because I plan to make you the next Mrs. Yun."

My chopsticks clatter to the table. This isn't how I imagined ever being proposed to. "Is this how you proposed to your dead wife?"

"No. She didn't receive one." His tone matter-of-fact. "Our marriage was arranged by our families. We only met at the engagement party."

It's crazy, how cold society marriages can be. I snort in amusement. "No wonder you suck at it. And no, I'm rejecting your proposal. Did you think I was going to fall at your feet and cry with joy?"

"Why not?" Now he's annoyed. "I nearly lost you. Three times." He states gravely. "I'm not going to let that happen again. We're getting married as soon as possible."

"Even if I accept your proposal, prepare yourself to have a very, very, very long engagement because I'm not getting married until my father wakes up from his coma." I announce firmly.

"Excuse me?" He finally splutters, pulling himself upright. "That's a questionable amount of time. I can't wait that long. Absolutely not."

"Fine." I hitch a careless shoulder. "Then no marriage."

"Aera." He grinds his teeth, setting down his soup spoon. He looks ready to throttle me.

Hand covering my mouth, I chortle uncontrollably with tears in my eyes. "You should have seen your face! Serves you right for always teasing me. Didn't you get the memo? Payback's a bitch."

Dae inhales once, then twice to calm down.

I laugh harder. It's fun to be purposely immature around him. He deserves it. "I was just kidding. You know I'd marry you in a heartbeat, AFTER you get permission from my mom."

"Fine." He relents in a single breath. "I can accept that." A devilish smile emerges. "Does that mean I can eat you up whenever I want?"

Face flaming, my eyes dart sideways to make sure no one heard him. "Shhh! We're in public!"

"Aera." His voice deepens, like gravel against stone wall. "Yes or no?" Those black eyes pin me down, making my heart stutter at the fiery intensity. The memories of our hot, sweaty bodies, his holding me down, our legs tangled up, him inside of me…it's suddenly too hot in here. Black magic is in the air. "Tonight. Yes or no, hellcat."


He doesn't look pleased, lips thinning. "You sound uncertain. I want you to be sure, hellcat. I want you to want me," A rumbling growl. "Want me as much as I crave you."

My body reacts with hot and cold waves of brazen thrill. I think my heart stopped beating. Why are his declarations always so intense? It's not fair. I'm sure my pupils are dilating. "Yes. I-I want it. I want you."

"Good girl. Now eat up. You're going to need all your energy tonight. We're not going to stop until the sun rises." Those seductive eyes never leave mine.

I shiver at the silken promise.