Chapter Twenty Five - Hot Spring and Sex (Part 3)

It's like déjà vu as we crash into the hotel room, kissing like a pair of horny teenagers. Tongues tangling, I climb Dae like a tree as he hikes my dress up to my waist. I unbutton his pants, yanking it down with his boxers. Levering me against the wall, he pulls out a condom from his wallet. My brow raises at that. He flashes a smile. "I learnt my lesson."

"Clever," I purr, leaning in to capture his lips again. Dae quickly rolls on the condom and tears my panties, sinking his length inside me. We both moan at the contact, he is so hot, throbbing deliciously inside my walls. "Fuck. You feel so good inside me, Dae. You're so big and hot."

He presses his forehead against mine, breathing harshly. "It's been too fucking long. This first round's going to be hard and fast, hellcat."

Gripping his forearms, I rock my hips and arch my back, urging him to move. "Please. I want you to fuck me hard."

He swells larger. "Your wish is my command." He pulls out and slams inside of me. He does this a few times, my back hits the wall with each thrust. Through it all, I pant and scream, nails marking his skin. A hot, burning sensation builds in my groin, my walls clenching and releasing his cock.

Dae grabs my jaw, squeezing hard as he pulls me in for another devouring kiss.




The loud slaps of our bodies coming together echoes around the thin walls. The fact that our neighbors can hear us having sex, turns me on even more. I might be a closet exhibitionist.

"What are you thinking about?" Dae rasps huskily, his lusty eyes attentive. "You just tightened around me."

"They can…hear… having sex." I force out, unable to form coherent sentences. The pleasure spiraling out of control.

"Have we discovered another kink of yours?" His teeth gleam under the dim lights. Looping an arm around my waist, he brings us to the living room. Every time he snatches me to him, his biceps bulge and I lick my lips. "You're so hot, Dae. I want to lick every part of your body."

"Yeah?" He breathes, turning to pull out of me and dumps me on the bed. I don't get the chance to bounce before he's on top of me. He rolls us over, so my thighs straddle him. "Go ahead, lick me. Show me how much you want me, hellcat."

Bracing my hands on the mattress, I dip down to drag my tongue over the firm ridges of his abs, then back up again. My tongue stabs at his flat nipple and I circle it a few times, earning a low, sexy moan. Sucking it like he does to mine, I tease it with the edge of my teeth before repeating the same ministration to his other nipple.

"You're a good student, hellcat." He groans as I move higher to his neck, sucking hard enough to give him a hickey. Peppering kisses up his jawline, I stick my tongue down his throat. Soon, he pulls away. "Straddle my face."

We've never tried this before.

I'm not fast enough, so he seizes my hips and pulls me up to ride his face. "Dae!" I shriek, grabbing onto the headboard to steady myself. He reaches up to mold my breasts with his big hands, fingers plucking my sensitive nipples. "Show me where you ache."

With a blush, my hands dip and I spread my pussy wide open for him. Running his jaw against my inner thighs, he nibbles his way down to my pussy, removing my hands to replace them with his own. I can feel his hungry gaze. "Here?" He licks the rim of my pussy.

"Mmm! Yes!" I throw my head back, my long curls brushing my ass and his thighs.

"What about here?" His strong tongue slides across my throbbing clit. My thighs clench in response and I arch deeper into him. Without warning, he suckles my swollen bud between his lips. My eyes flash open in surprise, my lungs emptying on a scream. "Dae!" In total abandonment, I grip his hair when he tugs my bud, sucking me off and BOOM! It sets me off. I come so hard. "Ahhhhh! Dae! Dae!"

He wrings every moan from me. I try to escape from the intensity, but he holds fast and licks mercilessly at my orgasm. "No! It's too much! Let go!" My thighs tremble around his head as he feasts. Dae ignores me. My cries of agony only spurring him on. I claw at the headboard, struggling to escape. A scrape of his teeth. His brawny arms curl around my thighs and clamps me against him. Once my pussy is locked to his mouth, he stiffens his tongue and fucks me with it.

"Oh, fuck!" I hunch over, helpless but to surrender to his hot tongue-fucking. "You're going to make me come again, Dae." Like an animal, he only tightens his arms, forgetting his own strength. The fact that I'm able to make a man like him lose control, only ratchets up my need. His forceful tongue breaches my core over and over. Sensations bombard me. "Please! Make me come, Dae." I mewl. "I want to come so bad!"

When the climax hits, it hits harder than the last and my fingers clasp his head, I melt against the onslaught of his nimble tongue, grinding my flesh against it. "Your pussy is beautiful, hellcat. Tell me it's all mine."

"It's all yours." I pant, my hand reaching behind me to wrap around his hard dick. "Just like this is all mine."

A sexy laugh rumbles from his chest and he lifts me like I weigh nothing, putting me over the head of his twitching cock. "Ride me. Beautiful girl." His bulbous crown nudge my opening and I undulate on the tip.

"Play with your tits for me." He orders hoarsely. "Pinch your nipples."

I cup my breasts, tweaking my tender nipples. The sensitive sting makes me arch faintly. He makes a growling sound that gets me wetter. "Look at you." His hooded gaze rakes over me. Like the cat he calls me, I purr for him, vain enough to love the fact that he loves my body. "Are you going to fuck me yet?"

"I am." Those obsidian eyes glitter, hands on my hips. "And you're going to take it." His big body surges forward, ramming his cock into me to the hilt. "Uhhhn!"

Oh My God. He's filling me up so good, my pussy flutters. "Dae!"

"Again, hellcat?" He groans. I can't deny the pleasure exploding inside me, my cry pitches to a scream. "Dae! Oh fuck!" My core-deep tremors clench him. Dae gnashes his teeth. "Feel you…," He starts thrusting rigorously, then grinds between my legs, stirring his cock. He's drawing out my pleasure, and maybe his.

"I want you on top." I gasp, still feeling the tremors of my orgasm.

He flips us and hauls up my leg into a 'V', giving me his hardest thrust yet. "I love watching you…your bouncing tits, your gripping pussy but most especially those exotic eyes of yours. They turn almost blue under the light. You like to watch me fuck you?"

"Oh yes!" I moan. "You look so sexy when you're fucking me. I love how you talk dirty to me…with that voice…," My breath hitches when he hits a spot so good, deep inside me.

"Am I hitting your pleasure spot?" His lips curls and the lines on his face grows taut as if he's in misery. "Fuck! Gonna…come…!" His body stills. Dae's look of misery disappears, ecstasy replacing it as he ejaculates. He throws his head back and roars to the ceiling, his throat working. I watch his violent throes, spellbound by the chiseled planes of his body, those whipcord tendons. Rocked by his passion, I stare at him and whisper his name.

Once his orgasm subsides and, those predatory eyes pin me down. "Don't you dare move." He pulls out – we both groan and discards the condom. Not a second to waste, he retrieves a whole pack of unopen condoms from his night bag. "We're not done yet, hellcat. That was just a warmup."

I scream in mock terror when he pulls me to the edge, caging my body beneath his. "Can we try it my way next?" I rub my nose along his. "I want you to fuck me pinned down to the bed. I love your weight on my body."

"Yeah?" He inhales my scent, our sweat mingling. He slips an unopen condom into my hand. "Then suit me up."

"One day," I say softly, eyes meeting his. "I want to feel you cum inside me."

A fierce, hungry look descends on his face. I think I woke the beast again. Dae jumps on me right after I roll on the condom. "One day, hellcat." He promises savagely. Turning me onto my front, my breasts pressing into the bed, he tugs my legs open and thrusts in. From this angle, it's a tight fit and I writhe with the pleasure and pain. When he's all in, Dae crushes me with his weight just like I ask, his hand palming my throat, almost choking. "Is this what you want, hellcat?"

"Oh, yessssss….," I squeeze my eyes shut at the assaulting sensations, my mouth gaping at the pleasure and pain.

"Then hold on tight," He nibbles my ears. "We're going for a ride."