Chapter Twenty Six - Our Decision (Part 2)

"Nine months later, Ji-Hoon was born. After the wedding, I moved out of the Yun family manor. I couldn't breathe there. Everyone, even my wife was the enemy. Honestly, even before marriage, my head was never in the right place. Night after night, I went to social parties, met a lot of people, slept around, and built my connections." Pensiveness enters his voice. "Actions have a way of biting you back and I learnt my lesson. That's why I'm extremely cautious when I make deals – both in business and pleasure."

For several heartbeats, we are lost in our own thoughts.

"It's hard to imagine growing up like you did. Just listening to it…," I shudder. "I'll never fit into your world. All this politics, games and manipulation, isn't me." I grab hold of Dae's hand. "But if I have to compromise to be with you, then I'm willing to try."

A hot flicker of emotion rises in his gaze, followed by a soft quirk of his lips. "I appreciate your intent, but I don't want you to change for me. You've brought meaning to my life." He settles my hand over his racing heart. "You taught me things, made me feel more than anyone has and that's your gift to me. Now, it's my turn to make it right for you."

I stare at him in bafflement. What does he mean?

"All I'm asking from you, is time." His resolve is firm, coiled tension beneath calmness. "Until I'm ready, I won't divulge what I have discussed with your mother, and it may be unfair but I'm asking you to wait for me. Six months, tops."

Those eyes that captivated me when we first met, are cajoling me to trust him. And I do. Dae's a man of action. Not words. He may have stumbled, but I trust him to do the right thing. "Okay." I exhale on a shaky breath, nodding simultaneously. "I trust you. I'm in no hurry to get married anyway." I can't help smiling cheekily.

It works to lighten the mood. He tweaks my nose playfully. "I am."

"Aren't you glad to be unshackled after seven years?" I tease, surprised my voice sounds casual when I'm honestly flummoxed — almost like an out of body experience. "You should enjoy your freedom while it lasts."

His wax-free hair falls over his forehead as he shakes his head. "If it's your chains, then I'm willing to be bound forever."

Goose bumps break out on every inch of my skin and I cringe. "Seriously! Where have you been learning all these cheesy lines?" I laugh, meeting his warm gaze. "I'd like my brooding Dae back now, please."

"It's your fault." He accuses gently. "Ever since I met you, I turned into a soft lump of emotions." Those strong arms I love wrap around me, engulfing me with comfort and security. "Not a single day goes by that I don't think about you."

I melt into him, eyes dropping to his lips. "Oh, you're getting really good at this. Expressing your emotions…love…,"

Our noses rub. "Oh yeah?" He whispers.

"Uh-huh." I reply unevenly, clutching at his coat. The mood is perfect yet he's holding back. Patience isn't my strongest suit. "Aren't you going to kiss me?"

"Just one more thing," He rummages through his coat pocket, producing an iconic turquoise ring box.

My eyes bulge unforgivingly.

Dae grins at my speechlessness. "It's not a proposal. You'll know when it is."

My lungs deflate like a punctured balloon. In relief. Not disappointment.

He pulls out a slim and beautiful, rose gold ring with a full circle of brilliant round diamonds. It's elegant but not showy, just the way I like my jewelry. "This is a promise ring."

I give a nervous laugh. "Isn't this promise a little too expensive?"

"You do realize I can buy a diamond mine's worth, but I thought you'd prefer this to a gaudy ring?" He reasons bluntly, and I hide my smile. When Dae states a fact, he isn't necessarily showing off. What he isn't saying is that he personally went to buy this ring. I doubt he has ever done this for any other woman.

"Well then, I graciously accept," I hold out my left hand. "But you didn't have to do this."

"I wanted to," He slips on the ring, a glimmer of possessiveness in his dark eyes. "It's my promise to you, from a man to his woman. And you'll know how serious I am about us."

I'm not the kind of person who cries at weddings, so it shocks me when a tear rolls down my cheek. "That's weird. I don't know why I'm crying."

"I'm glad." Is all he says, before he finally kisses me.

Rising on tiptoe, I press my lips harder into his, wanting him to feel everything – my love, adoration, pain, and hope. I love it when his tongue seduces mine, beckoning me to play and when I do, he sucks me in. The kiss goes on until I stop crying and we're both out of breath.

I half-giggle. "We should stop, or I might jump you in public." Pushing back, I wipe the tear stains off my cheek.

He sighs deeply, resting his chin on the crown of my head. "I wish we could stay here another night. Then we can spend all day in bed."

"You've got a company to run, and I have to get back to work." I pat his chest. "Besides, I'm sure your son misses you. I know when I was younger, I waited for my dad to come home every day. I was sad when he had to stay up late for work or when he went away on a business trip. I'm sure Ji-Hoon feels the same." Then, I gasp in alarm. "Wasn't his birthday a few days ago? We didn't even get to celebrate it when I was kidnapped!"

Dae tips my chin up, amusement dancing in his gaze. "You're more upset than he was. If you like, we can celebrate it tonight — just the three of us."

"Can we?" I brighten up, then stall. My lips turn upside down. "But I don't have a gift for him."

"I'm sure you'll think of something."

"Can we at least get him a cake? It's not a birthday without cake."

"Of course." He smiles, fingers entwining with mine. "Come on, let's hit the road. We can make it to his favorite patisserie shop before it closes."


Ji-Hoon surprises me when he launches himself into my arms and bawls his eyes out. I hug him close, rubbing circles on his back. "It's alright, Ji-Hoon. I'm alright." It hits me that he hasn't seen me since the incident. The poor baby must be worried sick.

"I-I thought you w-were gone like mommy!" He wails, those little fingers tangling in my hair. "You c-can't…l-leave me too!"

"Shh. It's alright, Ji-Hoon." I croon, rocking him gently. "I'm not going anywhere, I promise. I'm safe and I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. I was in the hospital."

"A-are you…bet-ter now?"

"Yes, baby. I'm feeling better now." My hand cradles his head, stroking to calm him down. "In fact, I'm here to celebrate your birthday tonight. I know it's a few days late, but I want to make it up to you. What do you say?"

He pulls back, those watery eyes staring into mine. "W-we are?"

"Yes. You didn't think I'd forget, did you? We even bought your favorite chocolate cake!" I dry his tears with my sleeves. "Do you want to see it?"

Sniffles rack his tiny body as he nods jerkily. I bite my lip to stop smiling at how adorable he is. Grabbing his hand, I lead him to the kitchen. Dae who has been silently watching us, shuts the door and follow behind. He sets the groceries onto the counter while I unbox the cake for Ji-Hoon.

"It's really chocolate cake!" Ji-Hoon exclaims in delight, his sadness forgotten.

"Yes." I return eagerly. "And we're going to make dinner tonight. Your father says you like to eat spaghetti and meatballs?"

"I don't like it!" He retorts with infectious enthusiasm. "I love it!"

Smiling broadly, I ruffle his hair. "Good. Now go wash your hands and you can help us to prepare." I'm glad he isn't as broken up about his mother's death, although I'm not sure how close they even were. I know I'd be down in depression if I ever lost my mother.

He obediently rolls up his sleeves and washes his hands. I help Dae sort out the groceries, whispering lowly. "I wasn't expecting that."

"I didn't want the both of you to worry." He admits sheepishly. "He's been asking about you day and night. The timing just wasn't right."

"I wouldn't have mind." I say frankly. "I'm glad he seems fine."

"Yes, but he still has nightmares."

It'll be surprising if he didn't. Children are resilient only after experiencing the worse. I paste on a bright smile when Ji-Hoon returns, waiting patiently for my instructions. I assign Dae to chopping duties before teaching Ji-Hoon how to boil the pasta, and then we start making the meatballs. After demonstrating how to roll the minced beef, I leave Ji-Hoon to finish up and move on to cook the bolognaise sauce.

In less than an hour, the dining table is set with three bowls of spaghetti bolognaise, a pot of mushroom soup and a hefty serving of salad. Dae skips the alcohol, opting for orange juice in the presence of his son. We exchange childhood stories, Dae embarrassing his son with some hilarious moments. I learn that Dae's quite a hands-on father and something about it...maybe it's his care and unwavering dependability...makes me fall a little more in love with him.

"It's unexpected to know how involved you are with your son's life. With how he was conceived and your work, even the family politics…I just didn't see you as the kind of father who cares." Before he can get a word in, I quickly add. "You have to admit, the whole womanizer and workaholic vibe you gave off didn't scream father of the year."

"No, you're right. To be honest, I was indifferent for the first few years of Ji-Hoon's life. I held a lot of resentment towards my late wife and her family. Unknowingly, it extended to my son. It wasn't until three years back. Ji-Hoon had a high fever, and his mother wasn't around. I was furious that they left a four-year-old alone at home. The maid gave me a call because she didn't know what else to do. That was when I realized how important he is to me. He's innocent. And I abandoned him. Guilt played a big role after, but now, I love him more than life itself."

"That's sweet." I murmur, leaning in. "If your son isn't behind us, I'd show you how much it turns me on to know you're a good father."

Black eyes turn sensuous, his voice a dark velvet. "I'll hold you to it."

"Dad! Unni!" Ji-Hoon calls from the living room. "Can we play scrabble?"

"We'll be right there, son." Dae gives me an electrifying look that promises 'later'.

Sadly, later never comes. And I'm given a glimpse of what parenthood feels like. I don't mind. It's nice to just spend time with the people you love.

The rest of the night, we lay on our bellies playing scrabble and then watch a dinosaur cartoon. Dae and Ji-Hoon falls asleep on the couch, and I cover them with a blanket. Curling up on my side of the sofa, I watch them. The sight of them brings warmth to my heart but, I'm unable to let my guard down.

It feels wrong to be enjoying myself, when Dae's wife just passed away. Even though she tried to kill me, the fact that I might have stolen her family, pushed her to the edge, lingers within me. I can't help wanting to justify the uncertainty gnawing at me. Dae will tell me I'm overthinking it. Nari will tell me Joo Mun Hee deserved it. And Mom…she'll probably give me some cryptic advice. Maybe Chang-Min can shed some light on my troubles. Yes, I decide, eye lids fluttering shut. I'll ask him when I see him.

Because if I don't, then this happiness inside of me will never take root.