Chapter Twenty Seven - I'm Pregnant (Part 1)

Chapter Song Submission - "No Less by G-Eazy x SG Lewis x Louis Mattrs"

Work has been off the charts since Dae invested in our logistics company and with Chang-Min as the acting Director, everything is going smoothly. Though I'm no longer assisting Chang-Min, he's training me to succeed as manager, at least temporarily while he's serving in my father's stead.

We finally hired an experienced manager to handle the branch and business development, so it's one less thing to worry about.

Due to our hectic schedule, Dae and I haven't met up in two weeks. We text and call but, it's different from being able to touch and breathe him in. When I ask what he's been up to, he shrewdly changes the topic. I'm curious but not offended. I know he's working towards our goal of being together. I won't question what he's not ready to tell, and I don't want to know how he's doing it too. Some things are better left in the dark for my peace of mind.

During my free time, I visit Ji-Hoon who is handling his mother's death as well as can be. He doesn't bring her up as often, and he's settling into a new routine — one that revolves around his father, Secretary Park and me. One night, after Dae cancels on our date, I meet up with my best friends at Nari's lounge.

Dressed in a crisscross silver dress and four-inch strappy heels, I'm set for the night. It feels like forever since I had a decent date night with friends. Hyeon greets me with a warm hug, looking mighty fine in his navy suit. Judging by the surreptitious glances from the women down the bar, they think so too.

I'm glad we're on good terms despite his previous breakdown. In fact, it seems a weight has been lifted off his shoulders, and he doesn't hold back on expressing his love — to Dae's dismay.

"You look beautiful as always." He compliments, signaling for Ju Won. "I'll have another whiskey sour. Aera will have…,"

"A white lady, please."

"Coming right up." Ju Won winks and start mixing our drinks.

"How are you? I haven't seen you lately. Is Chang-Min working you to the bone?" Hyeon studies me for signs of unhappiness. It's a new habit of his after I announced that Dae and I are officially dating.

"I'm fine. Chang-Min's showing me the ropes to handle the business and I'm learning something new every day. It makes me feel useful." I start by telling him, perching my heels on the barstool. "I heard that you're leaving for France. Is it temporary or…?"

He wears a soft, sad smile. "I requested for the transfer. I think it'll do me good to get away for some time. After everything that's happened…I need a new perspective in life."

I nod, gripping his hand. "I get it, I do. And I'm glad you're still talking to me after what I put you through. You have no idea how afraid I was knowing you might hate me. Or that I'll lose your friendship forever."

"Far from it." He snorts. "I need time. It's hard to see you and him together. Maybe after a couple of years…,"

"I'll miss you."

"We'll keep in touch." He squeezes my hand then releases me. "If Yun Kang-Dae hurts you, I'll come flying in just one call. I'll always be here for you. Have no doubt."

I blink away the sudden prickle of tears. "I know."

Ju Won serves our drinks and we toast to an uncertain future. Nari appears minutes later from the back room, asking for orange juice instead of her usual vodka shots. My intuition sparks to life. "Okay, spill it, Cho Nari. You hate orange juice."

"I have a confession to make." A defeated air emanates from her crooked posture. I've never seen her look so sad...and dowdy.

Observing her eyes, I realize they're swollen, and her lipstick is smudged, like she took a towel to it. Even her skin looks pale.

"Oh shit." I panic on her behalf. "Please tell me it's not what I think it is."

Miserably, she nods her head vehemently before bursting into tears. I bark at Ju Won. "Tissues! Now!" He scrambles for a box and hands it to me, beyond puzzled. Hyeon's already out of his chair, comforting her.

We exchange a troubled look.

I sling an arm around her shoulder. "Hey, it'll be fine. Chang-Min's going to be a fantastic father."

"Did you tell the bastard?" Hyeon demands hotly, his fists balled.

"I-I don't know…if…I'm r-ready to be…a m-om!" Nari wails, her mascara tears running down her cheek. "I'm scared!"

I pass her another tissue. "You have to tell him." Then, I smirk. "You know, he's more likely to be over the moon about this."

"That's what…I'm afraid of!"

"Why?" Hyeon's brows snap in confusion. "The bastard should take responsibility as a man. It takes two to tango."

She shakes her head violently. "Do I look like the kind who gets married?"

"Why wouldn't you?" He shoots back. "You're a woman. Don't all women want to get married and have kids?"

"No!" Nari retorts, then crumples into tears again. "I don't know! This is all so sudden, I don't know if I'm ready to be a responsible adult!"

"Well, ready or not, you have to be because this baby's going to arrive in…," I pause, eyes darting to her still flat stomach. "How far along are you?"

"Maybe three weeks?" Her lower lip quivers in misery.

"Okay. We'll schedule an appointment with your ob-gyn tomorrow. I'll go with you."

She blows into the tissue. "O-okay."

"And you have to tell Chang-Min about this." I insist, my voice non-negotiable. "He deserves to know, and you need to discuss the next step. You always tell me what I need to hear, even if I didn't like it. So now it's my turn." Grabbing both her shoulders, I look her in the eye. "You used to be a kite without a string, but now Chang-Min's your anchor. He's good for you. He's the one who reels you in when you start slipping. And don't you dare deny it because things have been working out great for you. So, put on your big girl panties and give him a call."

Her mouth twists into a sneer. Clearly, I'm not her favorite person right now. "Ughh! You're obnoxious!"

It doesn't deter me. "You know I'm right."

"Ughh, fine…," She returns childishly, digging out her phone. Fingers trembling, she pulls up Chang-Min's contact. I hold back from snickering at his nickname 'Big Daddy Lee'. She calls him and switches to speaker. Chang-Min answers on the second ring. "Nari, what's wrong? I thought you're out with Aera and Yoo Hyeon?"

"Opppaaa!" Nari breaks down at once.

The assistant in me feels Chang-Min's panic over the line. "Nari, what's wrong? Are you hurt?"

"She's fine," I answer, refraining from rolling my eyes at her theatrics. "Come on Nari, get it together."

"You're a meanie!" She hiccups and glares at me.

I grin widely, knowing I'll use this against her in the next few years.

"Aera, what the hell is going on?" Chang-Min's impatience wears thin. A new trait he must have developed because of Nari's impetuosity. "Is Yoo Hyeon there?"

"I'm here, hyung." Hyeon responds awkwardly. "Umm, Nari has news for you."

I beckon Hyeon to come closer, whispering. "We should give them some privacy."

"You're right." He nods. "I'll take her to the office."

Nari doesn't resist when Hyeon assists her to her backroom office. Chang-Min's cracking voice disappears along with them. Right on cue, my phone rings. It's Dae video-calling.

"You can't imagine what just happened." I announce the moment his face pops up on my screen.

He frowns. "Are you hurt?"

"No," I deny. Why is that the first thing out of his and Chang-Min's mouth? Oh well, it's nice to know he cares so much. Not many women can say the same. "Our dear Nari is going to be a mom."

Dae's eyes widen a fraction, then it's gone. He gives a light snort. "Good luck to pale face. That woman's a handful."

I giggle at his less than enthusiastic reply. Dae still maintains a love-hate relationship with Chang-Min ever since Gwangju. "In eight months, I'm going to be an aunt! I'm excited for them."

"Just say the word, and we can have our own." His smoldering eyes makes my belly flutter.

"Not until we're ready." This is one decision I won't budge on. "You promised my mom and dad."

I can see his mind turning, probably regretting his promise. No one said doing the right thing is easy. He sighs then gestures for me to show him my outfit. "You look beautiful, hellcat. What are you wearing?"

Naughtily, I angle the camera, flashing my cleavage in the low-cut dress. "Do you like it?"

His delicious growl sends wildfire coursing through my veins. "You're letting other men see what's mine?"