Chapter Twenty Nine - Family Day & Acceptance (Part 1)

Chapter Song Suggestion - "Nerdy Love by pH-1"

"He's coming to get us!" The children cry out excitedly.

Today is family day and we're playing the eagle and the mother hen under the open sky. I'm the mother hen while one of the male teachers' is the 'man-eating' eagle. Lining up behind me are Ji-Hoon and his classmates. Watching on the sideline with smiles and laughter adorning their faces, are some of the parents.

"Watch out! Here he comes!"

Frantically, the children break formation, running in disarray to avoid being snared. I'm working up a sweat catching up to their vigor — thankful for my morning runs. The eagle nearly seizes one of my children, but I save the little girl in the nick of time. A whistle blows and time is up.

"The mother hen wins!" Ji-Hoon's homeroom teacher announces, clapping for our victory. "As promised, everyone gets to enjoy a slice of chocolate cake today."

"Hooray!" The young ones cheer enthusiastically.

Ji-Hoon runs up to me, his cheeks red from exertion. It gives him a wonderful glow that defines a happy child. "I told you! You would make a great mother hen!"

I brush aside his sweaty hair. "And now you get to eat all the chocolate cake you want."

He puts a stubby finger on his lips. "Don't tell daddy. He only lets me eat cake on my birthday."

We walk hand in hand to the shaded benches. "Why is that?"

Full of energy, he hops onto our bench. "Daddy says too much sugar is bad for my health. He rarely lets me eat candies either."

I wonder if Dae's teaching his son what he was taught as a child, because he's the kind of adult who kills Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny in children's dreams.

"I won't tell if you won't." I promise, handing him his water bottle. "Now, drink up. I don't want you passing out on me."

We share a secretive smile until his eyes wander to something in the distance. His sharp exclaim startles me. "Uncle Kang-Chul!"

Pivoting, I see a tall, dark haired man, elegantly dressed in a brown coat and matching pants walking our way. His sharp and angular features resonate with Ji-Hoon's softer ones, which can only mean that he's Dae's brother – the one he's on good terms with.

My nerves prickle with dread and my heart begins to drum. I am unprepared to meet Dae's family, my defenses rising should he attack me. Perhaps I have been watching too many dramas.

Ji-Hoon races across the field and throws his arms around his uncle. Yun Kang-Chul scoops up his nephew and whirls the little boy in a wide circle. Ji-Hoon's laughter echoes loudly, his eyes shut tight from the thrill. "Why are you here, Uncle Kang-Chul?"

"I received an invitation for family day." Kang-Chul gaze zeroes in on me. "Your father is on his way here."

A spurt of happiness bursts from Ji-Hoon's lips, his eyes shining hopefully. The only props he is missing are angel wings and a halo. "He is?"

"Has your father ever lied to you?"

"Absolutely not! Daddy hates liars."

Kang-Chul sets the boy down when they reach me. He extends a hand politely, his eyes crinkling at the corners, followed by an ad-worthy smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Yun Kang-Chul, Ji-Hoon's uncle. You must be the light of my brother's life."

I blink, not sure how to respond to that. "Light of Dae's life? You're exaggerating but, points for your uniqueness." Shaking his hand, I notice the fraternal resemblance, especially in their width and height, and the tilt of their eyes. "I'm Yang Aera. It's nice to meet you too."

"Dae's told you about me." He states with undisguised interest. I get the feeling he's trying to unearth my secrets with a single glance.

"Yes." I cock my head, eyes squinting. It'll take more than this to intimidate me. "Let me guess, he hasn't said a word about me, has he? Is that the reason why you're here?"

"Guilty as charged." His mouth curves wider. "Dae said you're going to be here today, and I admit I'm curious about the woman who has changed him when no one else could."

I feel Ji-Hoon's penetrating stare. Shit. He is listening intently to our conversation.

Dae hasn't had the talk about me with his son but, Ji-Hoon's a bright boy. I think he's starting to piece our time together, though I'm lucky he likes me. Replacing his mother is not my intent and I don't want him to think I will be.

"Ji-Hoon, I'm craving for that chocolate cake now." I try to persuade him. "Do you think you can bring your uncle and I a piece?"

He arches a perceptive brow, wearing his suspicion boldly. Like I said, he's a smart kid. Kang-Chul hides a half smile and decides to help us get some privacy. "Yes, I haven't had my lunch yet and I'm starving. A chocolate cake sounds delicious."

A hefty sigh leaves Ji-Hoon. I try not to smile. "Fine." He mumbles. "I know when I'm not wanted around." With a dramatically hunched back, he trudges away. His friends swarm him, and they dash inside the building.

"It's rare to see Ji-Hoon open up to someone who isn't family." Kang-Chul's gaze is as tangible as a touch. "I think it's not just Dae who's enthralled."

I weigh out his tone, identifying if he's being sarcastic or genuine. His nonchalant smile is hard to read as it remains unchanged. My face tautens, not bothering to bury my displeasure. "If you're here to judge me then I suggest you leave. I'm here to spend time with Ji-Hoon and nothing else."

A minute goes by and he suddenly bends over the waist and guffaws, shocking me into silence.

"Now I know why Dae likes you." He wipes the tears from the corners of his eyes. "You're easy to tease."

"Excuse me?" That's not a compliment.

He holds up a hand. "I'm sorry. I told you I'm curious. Dae's been tight-lipped about you so I had to make sure your relationship is real." Amusement sparks his eyes. " For thirty years I've never seen him act differently, so I assume it's too good to be true. Please, forgive me." He straightens himself, clearing his throat. "Between us, Dae's a hoarder."

"Like a dragon?" I'm baffled. Where is this conversation leading to?

"Yes. He hoards all the good stuff to himself, and he doesn't share. Without a word or picture of you, this is my best opportunity to meet you."

Doubt assails me. "Does Dae know that you're here?"

"Nope." His pure delight makes me think that he wants his brother to catch him here. "Actually, I'm here for my children's family day. The twins are a year older than Ji-Hoon." He scratches his jaw sheepishly. "I snuck away for awhile."

I can't imagine what's so special about me for him to do something this extreme. Before I can answer, a furiously feminine voice roars from a distance. "Yun Kang-Chul!"

We turn to see a woman carrying a wailing child storming towards us. Right on her heels, is the subject of our conversation, towing his son and another boy.

The icing on top? They are both incensed.

The words 'flames of vengeance' cross my mind when I look at Dae. I can literally see the fire raging behind his back like in a manga scene.

"Why did you leave in the middle of your daughter's dance recital!" The woman gives Kang-Chul an earful, her anger palpable. No doubt, she's his wife. Her angry glare zips to me. "And who are you?"