Chapter Twenty Nine - Family Day & Acceptance (Part 2)

"This is my girlfriend." Disapproval weighs heavily in Dae's voice. "And she's in deep trouble."

My mouth unhinges at his child-like reprimand. "What are you talking about?"

From the corner of my eyes, Ji-Hoon's signaling at me, reminding me of the chocolate cake. I groan inwardly, biting my inner cheek. Dae must have found out about it.

"Oh." Kang-Chul's wife is stunned. "I'm sorry for my outburst. I'm Sun Mi-Cha, wife to this irresponsible overgrown brat over here."

I suppress a laugh. It's clear who has Yun Kang-Chul by the balls.

"I'm sorry, my love." Kang-Chul pleads, reaching out to touch his wife. She deliberately shuns him. "I couldn't control my curiosity. I had to meet her."

Hold up! If he says it like that she might misunderstand!

"If I didn't know how much you love your family, I'd be really mad." She thrusts their daughter into his arms. "Eun-Jung hasn't stopped crying because of you. It's your fault, so you fix it." Then, she faces me with an apologetic smile. It's amazing how she transforms from fiery wife to society wife in seconds. "Please, forgive my blockheaded husband. He's always been exceedingly nosy when it comes to his big brother's love life."

"It's no trouble." Somehow, I sympathize with Kang-Chul.

"If you're free this evening, why don't you join us for dinner?" She surprises everyone by asking. "I'd love to get acquainted and Kang-Dae has never brought a woman home."

Perplexed and genuinely amused, I glance at Dae, who appears mildly constipated. And too quiet.

"Oh dear, he hasn't told you." She glances at him cryptically. "No matter, I'll let him explain it himself. But, you'll join us for dinner?" The hopeful tenor in her question makes it hard to turn her down.

"That's unfair, Mi-Cha." Kang-Chul complains. "You're curious too."

She shuts him up with a single glare.

Wow. This is a glorified wife that most women strive to be.

"If Dae doesn't mind, then I'd love to join you for dinner." I mean it but, I'm not sure if it's the right call to make. Once again, my eyes stray to Dae.

He tugs at his collar, finally speaking up. "No, I don't mind. I'd love for Aera to spend time with everyone."

"How wonderful!" Mi-Cha clasps her hands with glee. "We'll meet you at the usual restaurant at half past six. Dae knows where it is." Turning to her children, she instructs. "Say goodbye, children."

"Goodbye." The twins respond in perfect synchronicity. I smile. Under different circumstances that might have been creepy but it's only because I enjoy horror movies.

Once the lively family is gone, Dae gives me his undivided attention. "Chocolate cake." His narrowed gaze is like a blast of icy air blowing over me in this hot weather.

Rolling my eyes, I take a seat. "We won a game fair and square. Aren't you teaching your son based on a reward system? Well, he won the chocolate cake by his own efforts." I cut him a piercing stare, one that's enough to make him drop his sternness. "You're not reneging, are you?"

The muscle in his jaw tics. "Just one piece and not more, Ji-Hoon."

"Thanks Dad!" Ji-Hoon beams. Before taking off, he pecks me on the cheek. "Thank you, Unni!"

Hand lifting to the spot where he kissed me, I tingle with warmth.

Dae lets out a male chuckle. "You're blushing." He sits down, annoyingly smug. "Well, you know what they say — like father, like son."

I'm red-faced and scowling at the same time — the effect lost on him when he laughs harder. I notice some parents keenly watching us, though I think they are flabbergasted to witness the President of Yun International Group enjoying himself under the sun.


Having dinner with your boyfriend's sibling is more daunting than I imagined. In Dae's case, his brother equates to meeting my future parents-in-law. Anxiety doesn't hit me until we reach the restaurant and I start shaking like a leaf.

"Aera, you're trembling." Dae frowns, taking my hand. "And cold."

"I'm so nervous." I grudgingly admit.

"Don't be nervous, Unni." Ji-Hoon appears in my peripheral, comforting me in his own way. "Uncle Kang-Chul and his wife are fun people. And they like you too."

It's amazing how his innocence gives me the power boost I need. Children are the better judge of people, aren't they?

"He's right." Dae agrees, grinning proudly at his son. I have a feeling if we're alone, Dae will say something along the lines of 'Any woman I love only needs her confidence. Nothing else can touch you'.

Thanks to my boys, dinner goes well without a hitch and I get along amazingly with Dae's extended family. Apparently, Kang-Chul's is the Chief Financial Officer for Yun Corporation while his wife is a popular webtoon artist under a pen name. Her dedication as a mother, wife, and artist, leaves me with nothing but respect for her.

And tonight, I learn more about the man I love when his brother spills a few childhood stories, to Dae's horror.

"Dae ran away from home when he was six years old." Kang-Chul tells us, earning a murderous glare from subject of his story.

I straighten in my seat, all ears. "What happened?"

Kang-Chul ruins the severity of his words by laughing. "We were watching Disney's Winnie the Pooh and he became fascinated by how the characters lived in the Hundred Acre Woods. He said he wanted to live like them and packed an overnight bag. Unfortunately, we live in the city, so obviously he got lost. Our parents didn't realize he was missing until the police called them to fetch their son from the Gangnam station. After that, he got an earful from our father and we were grounded from watching television for two whole weeks. He also had to clean the pool for a week, and one time he fell in by accident."

I shouldn't laugh but Dae as a boy, sounds like an idealistic child indulging in his fantasies. I'm glad he wasn't always cold and ruthless.

Ji-Hoon's looking at his father in amazement, like he can't believe the man before him ever did something so silly. Dae refuses to engage in eye contact, chugging his wine.

After a few more stories, we call it a night because the children are getting tired. On the drive back home, I notice Ji-Hoon is fast asleep in the back.

"I enjoyed meeting your brother's family." I start by saying. "I had no idea he knows about me. Honestly, I thought he was going to judge."

"He's protective," Dae remarks warmly, then mutters. "But too meddlesome for his own good."

I chuckle lightly, careful to keep my voice down. "Either way, I feel at ease. I know you don't want me involved in your family's affairs, but I guess it did bother me on some level. My mom knows about you, and I couldn't chase the doubts away." I turn to face him. "What I'm trying to say means a lot to me, to have the approval of the people you love and care about."

Dae's quiet — possibly thinking.

Then, he takes my hand, squeezing lightly before bringing my knuckles to his lips. "I apologize for my ignorance. It was selfish of me to make that decision for you when I should have asked you. My resentment towards my family…it's deeply rooted, and my judgement becomes clouded." He sends me a half-grin. "I feel the same way. Regarding your mother. When I spoke to her at the hospital, that was me trying to get her approval too. I don't need it. I want it. Because I know how important it is to you."

I melt at his thoughtfulness. Emotions fill my heart to bursting at the affection in his sensual eyes. He said 'I love you' before, but he has never voiced out his consideration. I'm not going to take it for granted, because it's the littlest things that lets me know I'm never far from his thoughts. His love pours over me like honey, warming every inch of my body.

Leaning into his ear, I deliberately whisper. "I love you."

His chest reverberates with happiness. "You don't play fair, hellcat."

"When it comes to you?" I know he won't try anything around his son. "Always. But don't you think it's time we talked to Ji-Hoon about our relationship? He may have heard some things today, and I'm sure he has questions about me in your life. Your son's a smart boy, I think he suspects something."

"Don't worry, I'll talk to him. Soon."

I must look unconvinced because Dae chucks my chin playfully. "Hey, you know I don't make promises I can't keep. Besides, there's something else we need to handle first."

"What is it?"

"What Mi-Cha said earlier about bringing you home…," His expression closes over, his voice hardens into pure steel. "Next weekend, I want you to accompany me to our annual family reunion in Jindo. We'll be staying for two nights. Originally, it was planned to happen a month ago but, after Mun-Yee's death, it has been postponed."

I swallow hard. "You're serious? You want to introduce me…to your family?"

"Yes. I think it's time we made it official, among other things." The conviction in his tone tells me he has made up his mind. Then again, Dae doesn't blow hot air. A man of his level doesn't need to. "I won't sugarcoat it. The Yun family is going to be brutal on you, especially the womenfolk. Mun-Yee was the apple of their eyes, but I never want you to compare yourself to that woman. You're not the same person and this time when we marry, I'm doing it for love. Prepare yourself to stomach the worse and turn a deaf ear on their criticisms. Just remember that no matter what happens, I'm all you need. We've got each other's backs." The split second we lock gazes, a hot thrill arches through my veins. This is the hottest thing he's ever said out of bed.

Dae's laying it bare, and he's going all out for us. It's only right for me to reciprocate. "Alright, I'll go. As long as we're together, there's nothing to fear."

"Yes, that's right." The streetlights dodge and weave over him, the dancing shadows allow me a glimpse of his lips thinning in a feral smile. It makes the fine hairs on my arm rise to attention. Some animals can detect a rising storm, and I know instinctively that Dae's has a plan in mind.