Chapter Thirty Two - The Condition

Chapter Song Suggestion - "Money Can't Buy You Love by Julia Wu"

All eyes turn to me — none of them welcoming.

Dae and his father wear identical glowers while his mother looks at me like I'm a worm writhing on the ground. Undue haste to flee their presence threatens me but I persevere through the terrorizing pressure.

I've dug my grave, I might as well bury myself into it.

Bending in greeting, I formally introduce myself. "It's an honor to meet you, Chairman Yun and Mrs. Kim. My name is Yang Aera. I'm sorry we had to meet under these circumstances."

Dead silence continues.

Inhaling deeply, I fix my attention on Dae's father. "If I may be so bold to ask. On what basis do you reject me as your son's future wife?" I'm honestly curious to know.

An indecipherable emotion relieves the stern grooves on his face. He blinks once. I think he never expected me to speak at all. He clears his throat. "Your social standing. Your family may be above average, but your parents aren't genteel. Your worth and contribution to the Yun family is but a drop in the ocean. In other words, your lack of wealth, breeding and influence are the reasons why you're unsuitable."

I nearly guffaw, lips twitching. His answer is so unoriginal. "Pardon me but, are you referring to a human being or an animal?"

Behind me, someone snickers.

"What you just mentioned are superficial facts. Does a man need steak to survive? No, of course not. All he needs is a full belly and a drop of water to stay alive. Of course, your thought process is different from mine. You're mistaken to assume I'm an average woman. Your son fell in love with me, didn't he? That itself makes me special."

Chairman Yun isn't impressed by my boast, his eyes narrowing.

I continue jovially. "Though average, my family owns a growing logistics company that is steadily expanding. I am not poor or lacking in connections, so I have to disagree with you." Ticking off two fingers on my hand, I point out. "If I marry your son, then I'll automatically gain a social standing. Even if you disinherit him, the world still knows him. That was never an obstacle from the start, so your point is invalid." I tick off another finger. "As for my breeding, does the name Minister Wang Won-Shik ring a bell?"

"Aera," Dae growls, shaking his head stiffly.

I know he doesn't want to win over his father this way but, if there's one thing he taught me, it's to always keep a card up one's sleeve when negotiating. When you play with the big boys, you need to play dirty.

Dae's father regards me suspiciously. "What about Minister Wang?"

Clasping my hands behind my back, I smile daintily "I don't think he'll appreciate me spilling our secret, but we're related. If you don't believe me, feel free to ask him yourself. Tell him, Yang Aera said so."

His skepticism lingers but the seed has been planted.

"Long story short, I'm no Joo Mun-Hee. If she gave Dae all the riches of the world, then I'm the only one who can fill up the emptiness in his heart. Your son is an extremely capable man. Perhaps too capable and that's why you never thought he needed your acknowledgement. He's the one you didn't need to watch over, because he always met your expectations." Something changes in the older man's expression, like he just had an internal revelation.

Are my speculations correct?

"You care for your son but find words unnecessary because a real man doesn't betray his emotions." Returning to Dae's side, I slip my hand into his grip, presenting a united front. "Kang-Dae is stubborn, you of all people know this. He and I won't give up so easily. Why don't you test us? Give us a time frame to prove you wrong. If I'm the sole reason for your disapproval, then I'll work hard to make you acknowledge me. You have nothing to lose." I pause for effect, letting him absorb the weight of my words. "What's it going to be, Chairman Yun?"

Dae lowers his lips to my ear. "What are you doing, hellcat? This might blow up in our faces."

"Trust me." I hiss back, teeth clenched.

"You're not considering this, are you Daeshim?" Dae's mother confronts her husband, though in a subdued manner. Her nerves are frazzled enough.

"I think it's a feasible idea." Yun Kang-Min enters the conversation. Hands in his pockets, he paces over to Dae's side. "If Kang-Dae steps down, of course I'll seize the chance to become President. But hyung has never failed at accomplishing what his mind set out to do. And," his gaze slithers to me - almost wicked. "His girlfriend just made a pretty speech. It'll be a waste not to see her crash and burn." A shrug follows. "Or maybe she'll surprise us and shut everyone up."

Yun Kang-Min repels me. His twisted nature is a double-edged sword for his family. I get the feeling he's merely in it for the entertainment, and he doesn't give a damn about anyone present. The only skin he cares about is the one on his back.

"Kang-Min!" His mother snaps at him.

"I'm only stating my opinion," Kang-Min pulls a leery grin. "It's father's decision to make, isn't it?" Sarcasm seeps into his tone. "Like always."

Animosity radiates from the third son. Dae's family is just…complicated.

"Aera is smart and competent. I would never have fallen for a weak woman." Dae backs me up, his gaze softening as it meets mine. "And Ji-Hoon loves her too."

My lips tremble, understanding dawns on me. He spoke to his son about us. "W-when?"

"Last night."

Pressure gathers around my eyes, my lips flattening into a thin line as I hold back the tears. This isn't the time to get emotional, and I don't want to appear weak in front of his family. Fixing my composure, I stare ahead, feeling the supportive tension of Dae's warm grip around mine. It helps.

"Three months." His father announces. "If you can both be independently successful without the Yun family influence, then I'll acknowledge your relationship. And I won't disinherit my son." He pauses briefly. "But there is one condition. The both of you mustn't be in contact for the entire duration."

My mouth firms. He's really testing us.

"And you'll keep your word?" This is from Dae.

"I'll do better than that. My lawyer will draw up a formal agreement and send it to yours."

"Then I look forward to it. If there's nothing else, please excuse us."

"Kang-Dae, you can't leave! What about our guests?" His mother protests in vain, sounding quite lost.

"I'm sorry, mother. I never really cared for this annual gathering." He apologizes lightly and tugs me along to the exit.

Kang-Chul flashes me a wink and a thumbs up as we pass. I smile timidly, feeling like a deflated balloon. Now that everything's over, my bravado leaves me boneless and weightless. I follow Dae out to the car, and mechanically strap in, still dazed. "I can't believe we did it."

"I don't know whether to be proud of you, or to be mad." He doesn't sound enthusiastic about our partial win. "This could have ended in the worse way."

I frown at his pessimism. "He's giving us a chance. How bad can it be?"

"I'm still connected to them." He states bluntly.

Oh. He's bitter about that. "Dae, you can't seriously want to cut ties with your family. Your parents don't hate you, and I saw it in their eyes when you said farewell."

"And you decided to save my relationship with them?" His tone a blade that whispers warning.

I'm not taking this lying down. "Yes. And if you have a problem, then too bad. We're always going to have different opinions given the way we were brought up. But I know that family should always stay together. Your family is terribly imperfect but in their own way, they do care."

His face closes over, and he refuses to speak.

Sighing loudly, I give him space, letting him stew on it.


Our next destination takes us up a rocky hill, the pathway narrowing into a bottleneck before widening to an ocean cliff. Sitting snugly in the middle is a rustic triangle-shaped glass cabin, complete with a brick chimney. The moment the SUV pulls to a complete stop, I'm racing pass the cabin to admire the magnificent view.

"Aera!" Dae's shout is lost in the wind.

Adrenaline pumps wildly as I stop short of the edge, careful not to get too close. I don't want to plummet to my death. Hands spreading wide, my eyes close as I feel the turbulent winds sift through my hair, like a mischievous lover. The sound of crashing waves fills my ears, and a sense of freedom besieges me.

Suddenly, I'm whipped around, and two tight arms threaten to cut of my air supply. "What the fuck were you doing!" Dae is breathing hard, his fingers tangled in my hair.

"What's wrong?" Confusion assails me. "I was only admiring the view."

"I thought you were going to jump!"

The incredulity of the idea has me laughing uncontrollably. "That's crazy! Why would I jump? I'm not suicidal."

He draws back a fraction, brooding. "Then why did you run out like that?"

"I did?" I ask sheepishly, two blotches of pink on my cheeks. "I didn't even realize what I was doing."

"Don't scare me like that. Ever again." His racing heart beneath my hand is a testament to his fear. They say a heartbeat never lies.

"I'm sorry." I cup his cheek, tiptoeing to kiss him lightly.

He accepts my apology and we both stand there for a few minutes before he steers us to the cabin.

"Where did you find this place? It's beautiful." I gape at the avant-garde architecture. It's really shaped as a triangle, the porch is the base while the roof is an upside down 'V' structure made entirely of wood beams. The rest of the cabin is pure glass. "I've only seen this in Hollywood sci-fi movies."

Dae suddenly turns red, beyond uncomfortable. "Actually…I-I designed this."

I gape. This must be the most shocking news yet. "You're serious?"

He scratches his head absently. "Well, I never went to architecture school, but I've always had ideas and done sketches. When I bought this empty land, I decided to make a space of my own."

A grin stretches my lips and I tease. "I guess I didn't have to ask what you would have become in another life. An amazing architect."

Dae unlocks the door, and we step inside. Though it's a little chilly, the place does feel homey. "This was based on a few of my sketches. I contacted an American architect company to execute the project. It took us two years to complete, from sketch to execution and finally development."

"Is this cabin and the land entirely yours?" I watch as he starts the fireplace, throwing ready-cut logs into the blackened pit.


Figures. "How much is this cabin worth?"

"Around 3.1 million dollars."

My eyes pop. "That's insane!"

A corner of his lip hitches. "It's worth every penny."

"Is this what you want to do in the future?"

"Perhaps, and maybe more. I was thinking of being an active investor in several businesses. We'll see how it plays out. I'm still waiting for responses."

"I know you'll do great. I have every faith in you."

"I know I'll do great," His arrogance knows no bounds. "It's you I'm worried about."

Sauntering to other end of the cabin, I take in the king-sized bed and compact bathroom facility. "I was thinking to discuss with Chang-Min about my position in the company. I have some ideas I'd like to run by him." Tossing him a saucy grin over my shoulder, I watch him stalk me. I sink back into his body heat. "I love it when you worry about me. But I'm confident that it'll work out. Without confidence, I would have already failed your father's test."

"That's true." He murmurs into my hair. "Let's make the best of our two nights here."

I groan, suddenly remember the condition of our test. "Three months of not seeing you will be torture. What if I get lonely at night?"

His hand creeps under my shirt, his cold fingers wring a maddening squeal from me. In a low voice, he asks. "Then we'll make up for lost time now. What do you say we warm up the sheets?"