Chapter Thirty Three - I Love You, Too

Chapter Song Suggestion - "Oops x Wus Good by Louis Mattrs"

— Kang Dae

"No more." She begs beautifully, her skin the color of ripe peaches.

I chuckle, my thumb brushing the bud of her swollen nipple, circling and tweaking. The campfire reflects in her exotic eyes, giving them an illusion of fiery, blue flames. Her hunger for me mirrors mine. Gently, I brush her long locks off her shoulders, reaching for her other breast. Wetting my thumb, I add another teasing, acute circle, moisture enhancing the caress.

Her knees draw up slightly, hips tilting as her entire body becomes a vessel of sensation for my skilled hands.

Tonight, I'll memorize every inch of her beautiful body, carve her into my soul for our impending separation.

My mouth traces the taut side of her neck, investigating the hollow beneath her ear, the edge of her hairline, the hectic pulse of her throat, lingering until she pushes me away.

Grinning, I curve my hand beneath her breast, plumping it upward and trace the aureole with my tongue, catching it tenderly between my teeth, playing with the sensitive flesh. Her moans gradually build, and her fingers sink into my hair, tugging lightly, telling me what she's feeling.

Aera guides my head to her other breast, and I comply, eager to pleasure her. I glide my wandering hand over her body, mapping the curves of her hips and waist. Using the tip of my middle finger I circle the rim of her quivering navel and weave in a flirtatious path across the flat of her stomach, along the valley of her legs pressed together…from her knees to the top of her thighs…and back again.

Finding her entrance, I murmur. "Open up for me, hellcat."

Her long legs fall open, inviting my touch. Rubbing her softness until she's glistening and wet, I nudge a finger inside. She stiffens from the invasion, though her moan says she's unhurt. My finger crooks and withdraws, finding her weak spot. Aera's heels delve into the blankets of our makeshift bed, hips riding upward. I slide along her front, kissing lower and lower until I reach her opening. Hands gripping her bottom, my tongue finds her in wet, fluent strokes.

Merciless, I hold her down when the pleasure builds to overflowing, her cries an added symphony to the lull of waves. With soft laps, I prolong her descent, extorting a few last twitches of pleasures as she lies trembling beneath me.

"Mmm…," She purrs, nails grazing down my scalp, sending shivers down my spine. "What's gotten into you tonight? You're more attentive than usual."

"Are you complaining?" I smirk, content to watch the play of emotions highlighting her mood.

"No, of course not. This is the first time you're going slow. It's a nice change of pace." She hooks her calf around my thigh and pushes hard, rotating our positions. Shadows play along the dips and lines of her body — untouched beauty in the wilderness.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" The words leave my lips.

She appears stunned. Huh. Guess I never have.

Letting my eyes travel from her face to her perky breasts, the toned lines of her stomach and then lingering in the shadows between her legs, I don't hide my appreciation. "Fucking beautiful."

Her lips part, showing me the barest glimpse of a shy smile while her eyes glaze over. "Oh, baby you just earned yourself an overlong due blowjob." She dips down, and mimics everything I've done to her, her hot breath tracing the shell of my ear before she licks me. Kissing down my neck, she nips lightly, leaving love bites and rubbing her breasts against my abs. The lower she goes, the harder she sucks, those sensuous eyes never leaving mine. Once she reaches my throbbing cock, she grabs hold and lick voraciously from root to tip, popping the head into her mouth. Circling the tip of my head, she teases the slit, tasting beads of my precum. Tightening her fingers around me, she swallows me in, inch by inch. The intensity has my eyes fluttering shut, a groan leaving my chest.

Up and down, she bobs, alternating the pressure around my dick and wetting me thoroughly. Releasing me with a loud pop, she uncaps a bottle of lube she brought for the occasion. Hands behind my head, I watch as she rubs the liquid gel onto her breasts, rubbing lightly. "And here I thought you didn't remember."

Her eyes glow wickedly like a cat in the night. "I always keep count on the orgasms you give me. This time, I want you to let me do the work." Bending over, Aera slides my dick between the valley of her breasts. Pushing her glorious mounds together, she works my cock like a pro, massaging and squeezing. When I start feeling it, she opens her mouth over my tip and sucks – faster, then slower and she repeats the cycle again.

The way she's watching me, coupled with her eagerness to please is what sends me over the edge. "Fuck! I'm coming." A familiar tingle spreads at the base of my spine and I jerk involuntarily when she increases the pressure on my cock, mouth latching on my head. I come inside her mouth, jetting creams of cum down her throat. Aera laps up every drop, looking more pleased than I am.

"Come here," I growl, hauling her up by her arms. She avoids my kiss when I try to capture her lips.

"No! I thought guys don't like to kiss after a woman swallows his cum."

My brows furrow. "Who the fuck said that?"

She doesn't quite look at me. "A guy I used to know."

"Look at me." I command, annoyed that I wasn't the first man she tasted. Those beautiful eyes meet mine. "I love knowing you swallowed every drop of my cum and I don't hate it. In fact, I'm fucking turned on. So, give me those lips."

The fire returns to her gaze, and she dives in to kiss me, our tongues brushing and tangling. I inhale her every breath, chasing her when she retreats. Rolling on a condom, I spread her thighs wide open, angling my cock to meet her entrance. Balancing my weight on my heels, I drive up into her wetness. "My hellcat, always ready for me."

Aera clutches onto my shoulders, expression almost in pain. "Only you…make me feel this way!"

"I'm the only one who gets to." I thrust fiercely, one hand creeping down to cup her pussy, fingers covering her bare lips. "This is mine." I jostle her. She whimpers. "It belongs to me." My grip is iron hard, the heel of my palm grinding against her clit. "I own this. I own you."

Possessive. Primal.

I want her to melt for me.

Working my body with short snaps of my hips and never stopping my hot, possessive hand, I nuzzle her ear. "If I weren't so inclined to keep my promise to your parents, I'd trap you right now with my child." My other hand flattens over her belly. Aera's sheathe tightens around my length, telling me she likes the idea. "Soon."

With a cry, she grinds her clit against my relentless grip. I buck into her, jostling her pussy some more. "Are you close? I want you to come hard for me." I remove my palm, only to return it with a hard slap.

"Oh my God!" She screams, collapsing into me.

"That's it, hellcat. Your pussy's dying to come, I can feel it." Slap!

The sound echoes with the crack and pop of the flames. Aera freezes, her entire body shuddering as the pleasure courses through her veins, her chest expands with her need to scream.

"Scream for me, hellcat."

She does. Again and again until she's hoarse.

"Beautiful." I fuck her harder, shafting her with savage, animalistic thrusts. Grabbing her nape, I lift her head to sink my teeth into her neck. Right then, my heat spurts inside her, a snarl escaping my lips.

Violent shudders wreck my massive frame. One after another.

Spent, I groan, muscles relaxing and back flat on the ground. Aera makes a satisfied, purring sound, nuzzling my neck. Removing the condom, I slide back into her wet heat, earning a soft moan. Lazily, I stir myself in our combined wetness, wrapping my arms around her, squeezing hard.

"That was amazing." She smiles against my throat. "Another adventure fulfilled."

"I'd like to add another for tonight, although it's not related to sex." I confess, turning to retrieve the velvet box in my pants.

Aera sits up, watching me with heavy-lidded eyes, her hair tumbling in waves over her breasts. Some days, I can't believe she's truly mine. Cracking open the ring box, I present it to her. "Yang Aera, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Her promise ring twinkles as her hand shoots up over her mouth. "Right now?"

"Yes, right now, hellcat. Yes, or double yes?" No is not an option, ever.

She giggles and nods, her eyes tearing up. "Y-yes! A thousand times, yes!"

"Thank God." I release my pent-up breath, removing the ring to slide it on top of her promise ring. "It's a two-carat diamond."

"It's beautiful." Her entire face lights up with happiness, her laughter representing her wholeheartedness. "Thank you, Dae. I'll treasure it." She throws her arms around me. "I love you."

Returning her hug, I hold her tight, feeling a wave of melancholy. "I love you, too."