Chapter Thirty Four - See You In Three Months

Chapter Song Suggestion - "Unlearn (Acoustic) by Benny Blanco & Gracie Abrams"

I'm filled with the blues after returning from our two nights escapade. It was surreal, being able to spend hours in the so-called wilderness with the man I love. And that he proposed? It was the cherry on top.

I can't stop staring and giggling at the ring on my finger. I've already snapped a photo and sent it to Nari. I know she'll be excited for me.

However, there's one thing that bothers me.

Dae's been pensive during the entire car ride back. I don't know if the timer on our three months no meeting ban has started, but he doesn't clue me in on what's going to happen. I asked, but he only responds with a curt 'you'll know soon'. Oh, and he insistently gave me a spare key to his apartment.

Sighing, I unpack my bag and head downstairs to find my mom sitting in the kitchen, staring out the windows. Her eyes are red and swollen. She's been crying again.

"Mom, are you alright?" I ask softly, drawing out the chair beside her.

She blinks hard, just realizing I'm there. "Oh, Aera you're back."

"Dae dropped me off this morning when you were at the hospital."

She fixes on a tired smile. "How was the trip?"

Trying to contain my happiness, I hold up my very engaged hand. She gasps. "Oh my! Are you…?"

I nod frantically. "Yes!"

"Oh!" Mom's at a loss for words, the tears pooling in her eyes. "His family accepted you?"

"Well…it's complicated." Then I proceed to tell her the entire story.

Distress bleeds into her expression, and she grabs both my hands. "Are you sure this is what you want?"

"Don't worry, mom. I trust Dae and there's something I want to do for myself. Dad's out of commission and it's my responsibility to make sure that Yang Logistics is still here and better than before when he wakes up."

She closes her eyes briefly, breath stuttering. "How much you've grown, my dear daughter. Your father will be so proud of you. Finally, you have a goal in life, but he's not here to see you accomplish it."

"I'd rather show him the results of that goal." I try to comfort her. "There's something else you should know."

Mom glances at me like a deer in headlights. "You're pregnant?"

"No!" I burst out, blushing. Knowing what she went through with me, I know she never wants me to experience anything similar. "I'm not! Don't confuse me with Nari."

"Sorry, I was just so worried." She confesses without a trace of mirth.

"There's no chance of that now. At least not until three months are over." I wave off her concern, returning the topic at hand. "Minister Wang dropped by the hospital that day." Mom stiffens as I predict. "He told his family about me and he wants to acknowledge me. Publicly."

Mom's features shift to that of a stone statue.

"Won't you say something?" I urge her after a long pause, feeling shifty.

"You're a grown woman, Aera. What are your thoughts?"

"Honestly, it doesn't bother me, and it helped me wiggle my way into Chairman Yun's good graces." I point out absently.

"Then you do whatever you think is right."

"But you don't sound happy about it."

"This has nothing to do with you." Mom's temper is short today. I must have touched a nerve by talking about Minister Wang.

"Really, mom. This may affect you too, so I want to know if it's the right thing to do."

"Of course, it's the right thing to do." She retorts, her face going to crumble in seconds. I dive for the tissues when she starts crying. "I just wished…things didn't have to turn out the way it did."

Is she having regrets for the past? It hits me that my mom isn't happy. All these years...has she been harboring pain? The thought lances my heart. "What can I do to make you feel better, mom?"

She shakes her head adamantly. "You can't. But you must live happily, do you hear me? I didn't give birth to you just to let you live a miserable life."

"I promise, mom. And I'll take care of you. You'll never have to worry again. Dad, too." Scooting over, I wrap my arms around her and let her cry out twenty decades worth of pain.


Later that evening, the doorbell chimes and I answer it in my yellow rubber duck pajamas. Again, the woman I least expect to see, stands on the other side. Her gaze travels from my bare face to the tips of my fluffy bedroom slippers. Lips twisting, she bends over the waist and roars with laughter.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I demand, my face a permanent scowl where Jin-Ae is concerned. How the hell does she know where I live?

She sucks in several gasps, still laughing uncontrollably.

"If you're not going to state your business, then I'm going to shut the door." I make a move to do exactly that.

"Wait! Wait!" Her hand shoots out as she dramatically wipes her tears.

Crossing my arms, I tap my foot impatiently. "Are you done?"

"I want to talk to you about Kang-Dae."

My brow arches. "Regarding?" When your lover's ex knocks on your door this close to can't be good.

"Can we talk inside? It's chilly out here."

"Fine." I step aside to let her in. Reluctantly, I ask. "Would you like some hot tea or water?"

"Hot tea is fine, thank you."

I bring her to the kitchen counter, motioning for her to sit while I make us some tea. "So, talk."

"You're very cold, Ms. Yang. Is this how you treat Kang-Dae?"

Over my shoulder, I say. "No, but only to women who thinks to steal my fiancé."

Now, she's the one who's scowling. "Fiancé?"

Beaming widely, I deliberately flash the double rings on my finger, waggling it for added effect. "Didn't Dae tell you the good news? We're engaged."

No longer amused, Jin-Ae's lips flatten along with her mood. "I came here to tell you that I'm not giving him up. I've liked Dae for a long time, even before his marriage to Joo Mun-Hee. That bitch got to him first, so I decided to leave Seoul when they got married. Now that she's dead, I know I'm given a second chance."

I set her cup down with a hard 'thunk', my face the perfect picture of impending violence. "You came here this late to talk about this?"

"Not entirely," Jin-Ae's lips curl again. "It doesn't matter to me if you're engaged. Unless he tells me otherwise or rejects me, then Dae is still fair game. Plus, you're not married yet." She studies her French manicure. "I came to warn you. I heard about the predicament you're in and I know about the little condition. Don't worry, Dae didn't tell me a thing. I have my own resources and I wanted to make sure you don't break into a million pieces when the time comes."

My eyes narrow with suspicion. What is this smug bitch plotting now?

"Dae needs me more than he needs you." She announces, standing up. "He'll be the one to tell you that, I suppose. During the time you're apart, make no mistake, I'll do everything I can to win him back. Don't say I didn't warn you."

Clenching my jaws, I bark furiously. "Get the hell out my house, right now!"

Smirking like she's already won, she blows me a kiss. "I hope we'll never bump into each other again. Have a nice life, Ms. Yang."

I'm tempted to chuck my teacup at her retreating backside, but I don't want to wake up my mom. I finally put her to bed an hour ago after she refused to eat or sleep. Fists curling angrily, I stomp back to the living room. Right on cue, Dae's caller I.D flashes on my phone. Not in the mood for games, I answer immediately. "Jin-Ae. What do you need her for?"

He's silent.

"Is there a reason why you gave me the apartment key?" I demand, heart thrashing the more I think about the reason for Dae's odd behavior. And his slutty ex showing up on my doorstep? Not a good sign.

"I'm leaving, Aera. The apartment's for you when I'm away."

Away. Not gone forever. Still, my stomach plummets with nauseating swiftness, followed by pure dread. "Why? Where are you going?"

He doesn't answer my question. "I'm taking with Ji-Hoon with me."

My tough exterior crumbles. "Why won't you tell me?"

"This is how I can achieve our endgame." There's nothing but resolve in his voice. "It's only three months, Aera. We'll do our best to succeed and before you know it, it'll be over, and I can have you back in my arms again. Where you belong."

Voice cracking, I ask. "C-can you at least…t-tell me where?"

"I'll be travelling between Europe and Asia." He pauses. Is this hard for him too? "I don't want you to worry about me. Take care of yourself, and your family. You have your loved ones to think about. I just won't be around for awhile, so they'll be the ones you need to rely on. Let them help you too."

I sob, covering my mouth, the words lodged in my throat. Everything's happening so quickly and unexpectedly...I don't know how to react. This is worse than having cold water poured over your head.

"It's going to be okay, hellcat." He soothes gently. "This isn't goodbye. We're just going to be busy for a few months."

"I miss you already." I blurt out, beyond miserable. An invisible hand squeezes my heart.

"I miss you too." His voice turns distracted, and I hear the muffled sound of the airport announcement system. "Listen, I have to go. We're boarding soon."

The bastard never even planned to tell me he was leaving.

"I won't forgive you for this, you know." I bite out heatedly.

Masculine amusement surrounds me over the line. "I know, and you can have all the revenge you want when I return."

"Tell me one thing. Is Jin-Ae going with you?" I hold my breath.


That bitch! She knew it all along. "Remember what I said. Anything happens and you can have your rings back."

He chuckles. I'm going to miss his laughter. And his voice, the one I fell in love with first. "I remember. I love you, hellcat."

My heart skips a beat. It's the first time he said it first.

"I love you, too, Dae. Promise you'll take care of yourself and Ji-Hoon."

"Don't worry. I have my trusty Secretary Park with me."

I laugh quietly. Poor Secretary Park.

"See you in three months, hellcat." He declares fondly with a hint of reluctance.

"Yeah," My voice muffles. "See you in three months."

Once the line disconnects, the dam ruptures and my tears flow endlessly. This feels like a breakup, but it's not. Gripping Dae's rings tightly until the diamond cuts into my skin, I remind myself this isn't a dream.

How strange that once a person meets their other half, it's hard to imagine life without them. How did I manage to live years without knowing Dae?

I comfort myself knowing he must be feeling worse than I do. At least, if I miss him, I still have the key to his apartment.

Three months shouldn't be too hard to get by.
