Chapter Thirty Five - What I Set Out To Achieve

Chapter Song Suggestion - "California by Rich Brian, NIKI & Warren Hue"

— Three Months Later

Taking off my shades, I breathe in the familiar wintry air of Seoul, a smile stretching my lips. "It's strange to be back." A cloud of my breath wafts in the wind while I stretch my sore muscles after an eleven-hour flight. Incheon airport is bustling as always, hordes of tourists coming and going, their excited chatter tangles with the cacophony of blaring taxis.

Footsteps echo behind me. "Aren't you excited? Tomorrow marks the last day of three months." Hyeon rolls our luggage up onto the curb.

My gaze drops to the winking diamond on my finger. Melancholy and anticipation swamp me. After Dae left for Europe, I made my proposal to Chang-Min and we decided that if I wanted the managerial position, then I had to broaden my horizons and learn more about the business. Considering our partnership with Hyeon's company, he offered to train me in France for three months and I accepted.

Of course, I didn't have to go to France but time away from Seoul was a good idea back then. There are no regrets, because Hyeon kept his word and trained me from the bottom of the ladder to the top. It was a three-months crash course, filled with training, work, and more training. I barely had time to eat and sleep, though on weekends Hyeon would take me out sightseeing — to give me a breather.

"I haven't heard from Dae but right now," I pause, feeling like a ton of bricks are weighing me down. "All I want to do is sleep for a couple of days."

Hyeon chuckles, watching out for the valet. "You're just jet-lagged." A white Audi pulls up in front of us. "Come on, I'll take you home. I understand that feeling all too well."

Strapping into the passenger seat, I say. "I'll drop by the hospital tonight to visit my father. If you're free, why don't you join me?"

"I'd love to. I'll come pick you up and we can go together."

Tired, I merely nod my appreciation and eventually fall asleep all the way home.


"Miss Yang! Is it true that you're the eldest daughter of Minister Wang Won-Shik?" Reporters bombard me the moment I arrive at the office on Monday morning. "How long have you known this?"

Flashes go off left and right. It's distracting as hell.

"Miss Yang, you were gone for three months when Minister Wang announced this news to the public. Were you in hiding?"

Bewildered and mentally unprepared, I can't move when they surround me like a pack of wild dogs. "No comment! Please, excuse me!" I try to push through but I'm helplessly stuck.

"Are you planning to integrate your lives with the Wang family?"

I take one step forward, and so do they, their microphones shoving into my face. One of them nearly poked my eye out.

"Is it true that your mother was Minister Wang's mistress?"

I visibly tense, head swiveling to the reporter like an animal scenting its prey. I memorize his features — beady eyes, an oily grin, and an oddly angular face. Through clenched teeth, I repeat. "Like I said, I have no comment." Angrily, I push again and luckily the security guards come to my rescue and I hastily dart into the building.

I breathe a huge sigh of relief, readjusting my disheveled clothes.

"Aera, are you alright?" Our receptionist's worried gaze flickers over my body for signs of injury. "They've been waiting for hours. It's been like this ever since news got out about your relationship with the finance minister."

"I'm fine." I assure her. "I apologize for the disturbance. I had no idea this was happening while I was gone."

"It was my order not to let anyone bother you with it." Chang-Min appears from the basement lift. His indulgent smile warms me and, in a few strides, I'm enveloped in his arms. "Welcome back, Aera. I hope you had a wonderful time in France."

Grinning widely, I nod enthusiastically. "I did. And I heard there's a meeting today."

"Yes. Chairman Yoo will be joining us." Chang-Min draws back, hands on my shoulders. "Did Yoo Hyeon inform you about the side project we've been discussing over the phone?"

"He did but the details are vague." A tiny frown pleats the space between my brows. "Is this what the meeting is for?"

His eyes bounce over my shoulders, back turning ramrod straight. "Chairman Yoo. President Yoo. I'm glad you have arrived safely."

Spinning around, I see Hyeon and his father. Quickly, I dip into a courteous bow. "Welcome to Yang Logistics."

Chairman Yoo booms into an appreciative chuckle. "Is that you, Aera? My, how you've grown into a fine woman. I understand now why my son is so taken with you."

I flush, managing a humble smile.

"Dad, save me the embarrassment." Hyeon cuts in, throwing me an apologetic smile.

"Now that we're all present, why don't we get things started?" Chang-Min takes over and directs us to the meeting room. While the other two men lead the way, Hyeon and I follow at a distance behind.

"Any word from him yet?" Hyeon leans over.

"Not a peep." I mumble dejectedly.

"Do you remember what I said in France? I was serious about my proposal. If he doesn't keep his word, then I want you to consider marrying me. You know I'll take care of you and your family."

I grimace. "He'll keep his word."

"If you're confident, then I have nothing to worry about." He returns smoothly. I get the impression he's keeping a secret from me.

My lips purse in annoyance. "What are you hiding from me?"

"Why would you think that?" He seems to relish my exasperation. "You're overthinking, Aera." Gently, he pushes me into the meeting room where a few new faces greet us. They must be Hyeon's employees.

After a general introduction, Chang-Min commences the meeting with a report of our partnership progress in the past five months. "Because the figures are remarkable, we've decided to launch a subsidiary company to handle our international clients. It's a joint merger between Yoo Freight Services and Yang Logistics." Chang-Min explains, his eyes stopping on me. Unknowingly, my heart starts galloping. "The person we've appointed to handle this company is you, Aera. You're the new manager of Yang and Yoo International."

My jaw turns slack, and I blink rapidly. "W-what? Me?"

"Yes," Chang-Min's voice doesn't waver. "We've received reports of your exceptional progress and leadership in France and Hyeon has given his highest recommendation of you. Everything was in black and white, so you don't have to worry about foul play. I personally know that you won't accept this position if that's the case." He stands, extending his hand. "So, will you accept this new responsibility on behalf of our companies?"

Rising on wobbly knees, I hesitate to take his hand. "I…I don't know what to say. I meant what I said about wanting to take over the managerial position here at Yang Logistics but this seems like a huge leap."

"You can do it." Hyeon encourages confidently. "It's what you were trained for, and if you run into any problems, you'll have a wonderful team to back you up. Allow me to introduce," He gestures towards the two men and bespectacled woman at the end of the table. "This is P'yong Seung-Ho, Cha Min-Kyung and Ok Jung-Ah. Jung-Ah will be your attending secretary, whereas Seung-Ho and Min-Kyung will assist you in administration and operations. For the rest of your team, you are free to hire whoever is best."

"That's right." Chang-Min adds on. "Your base of operations will still be here but, you'll have your own office next door."

"Next door?" I parrot lamely.

"Yes, the outbuilding will be completed in another week. Meanwhile, you and your team can utilize the old manager's office."

He means I'll be sitting behind his old desk.

I gnaw on my lips, excitement and disbelief strumming my veins. This is the chance I've been waiting for. With this position, I can be on par with Dae. Grabbing onto Chang-Min's hand, I pump it vigorously. "Your faith in me is all I need. I won't let you down, President Lee."

Satisfied by my willpower, Chang-Min relaxes a little. "Your father will be proud. No doubt, you'll stumble along the way but don't forget that if you need help, you only need to reach out."

"Thank you," I murmur, turning to face Chairman Yoo. "I'm grateful for this opportunity, Chairman Yoo. Yoo Hyeon has invested a lot in me, and I won't let him or you down."

"It's good to see you with your own ambition, Aera. Your parents took care of my son over the years, so I don't consider you a stranger, but also a daughter. I look forward to seeing your success." Chairman Yoo declares, rising to stand. "It seems I'm no longer needed here. If there's nothing else, I will excuse myself."

"I'll be right back." Hyeon leaves to send his father off.

I return my attention to my new team members. "Today is our first day as strangers, but I look forward to working and building a future together."

"Likewise, Manager Yang." They respond in unison.

I've never headed a team before, and while I've done it by proxy in France, this feels like something new all over again. Excitement makes my head spin and I feel light as a feather.

"This concludes our meeting for the day. You're all dismissed." Chang-Min announces, turning to me. "Aera, please stay. I need to talk to you."

Everyone shuffles out of the room.

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask him.

His expression softens at once, adopting the role of my older brother. "How are you feeling?"

"Slightly disorientated but definitely excited." I start by saying. "It feels good. I feel like I've come a long way."

He nods encouragingly. "That's a good start. I know you can handle this."

"Honestly? The news was like a bomb in my face."

That wrings a smile from him and we both laugh. "Actually, this decision was made before you left for France. Hyeon contacted me after you accepted to train under him." His next words are quietly weighted. "He made a huge gamble on you. Hyeon cares a lot for you."

"I had no idea…," I'm at a loss for words. I know Hyeon loves me and the fact that he has done so much, knowing I'll never be able to reciprocate his affections, puts me in a tight spot. Am I selfish for relying on him?

"I have no hidden intent." Chang-Min clarifies, catching onto my inner struggle. "Nari filled me in on your situation with Hyeon. For what it's worth, you're not obligated to him. He's a grown man who made his own decision. No one forced him to do it. If I were in his shoes, I would be happy to see the woman I love be happy."

I feel like crying when he reads me so well.

"But, if it makes you worried," Chang Min continues. "Then you can always talk it out with him. I know what today signifies, and I know where your priorities lie."

"It is a lot to take in." I admit truthfully. "But you're right. My heart is where it belongs, and I am proud of what I've set out to achieve in the last three months."

Chang-Min smiles on my behalf, looking ideally like a proud parent. "Then you're all set."

Later that night, I went home to Dae's apartment, hoping he'll show up or maybe give me a call. After a soothing hot shower, I have dinner while watching a movie, though nothing registers in my brain. My thoughts are faraway – on my new position, Dae, Hyeon and what the future holds.

The clock strikes midnight and crestfallen, I climb into bed. Not till an hour or two later do I drift into the arms of Morpheus. I dream I'm walking through a field of ripened bergamot trees, a rush of its clean, citrusy scent swaddling me like sunshine on a summer's day. In fact, I start squirming from the heat...unable to move.

Rousing from sleep, panic sets in when I see a shadow looming over me. "It took you long enough to wake up."

Every cell in my body awakens at the sound of his deep, husky undertone, firing up my senses and kicking up my heartbeat. "Dae."

He lowers into the moonlight, allowing me to see the crystalline depths of his exquisitely dark eyes. Want. Need.

"Miss me, hellcat?"