Chapter Thirty Six - Reunion (Part 1)

Chapter Song Suggestion - "Have We Met Before by Sarah Barrios ft Eric Nam"

Shadows and moonbeam play a sensuous game across his well-defined muscles. And he smells delicious, feeling warm and hard above me. The soft gust of his breath against my neck is ragged at the end.

Closing my eyes, I enjoy the kisses peppering the side of my throat, working up to the juncture of my neck and jaw. I feel tingly from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head. His embrace always brings out a heady sense of security I can drown in. My arms encircle him, loving how we fit nicely together — my softness to his hardness. Pliancy and tension.

I miss this — his scent, his touch, his breath...the very essence of Dae.. "I miss you. So, so much."

Dae's mouth descends swiftly, capturing mine in an almost brutal kiss. He doesn't need to say it back. His emotions translate in this kiss — longing, need and love.

Finally, the wait is over.

Unrestrained, I release all my pent-up passion for the past three months, some nights when I was lonely, I had to pleasure myself to the memories of us having sex.

Dae rises above me, powerful and predatory, famished for the pleasures we have been denied. Murmuring his name, I lift my arms and he divests me of my nightgown. Bending down, he feasts on my breasts…hot, wet mouth…restless tongue.

It's not enough. I need him closer.

My hips undulate, brushing against his hard length. "I'm ready, please. Need you inside."

Long fingers brush my opening, slipping inside to tease me. "You're weeping down here." His drawls mockingly. "You really missed me, didn't you?"

"Please, don't play games." I grope his hot, velvety shaft and urge him into me. "It's been too long."

He gently knocks my hand away and replaces it with his own, mounting me. He doesn't push in. I whine.

"If we do this, hellcat, we're going all the way." A lethal hardness to his voice.

Frustration has me wrapping my legs around him, forcing him inside me. The man doesn't even budge. "For God's sake, yes! Now are you going to fuck me or keep talking?"

He growls lowly and then…sweet pressure.

He's entering me…torturously slow…maddening, heavy, pleasurable.

"Is this what you want?" Dae pants, hanging over me, his hair sweeping over his eyes.

"No! I want it faster. Harder!"

Teeth gleaming, Dae draws back and surges in hard, ripping a moan from my lips. Yes, this is it. The lust between us burns brighter than ever. I cling onto his laboring body, drowning in the sensations only he can give me.

Alert to every subtle response, he lingers when it pleases me, pressing deeper when I lift my hips, every hard plunge taking me higher. My hands glide over his sleek, flexing back, the burning silk of his skin, loving the feel of him.

Trailing the long lines of muscle, I lower until my palms smooth circles over the tight curves of his backside. His response is electric, like flipping a switch. Dae's thrusts turn more powerful, a pained grunt escaping his throat.

He likes that.

I would have smiled if my mouth isn't so thoroughly occupied with his. Being back in his arms, is ecstasy itself, the heady feeling accumulating until it reaches a tipping point and begin to overflow, inundating me, obliterating all thoughts.

My body clenches around him in unrelenting spasms, extorting release, milking it from him. Dae lets out a harsh cry and sinks into me with a final thrust, shuddering violently. It's an indescribably satisfying to feel his hot cum flooding me, marking me as his. And better still to have him lower into my arms, his head dropping on my shoulder.

Cradling his head, I stroke the silkiness of his hair. Our breathing slows down, and Dae mumbles. "I missed you too. I should have said it first but then I saw you in my bed and this happened."

I laugh softly, squeezing him tighter. "When did you get back?"

"A few hours ago." He sounds exhausted.

"I would have waited a whole week." I admitted, not afraid to be vulnerable in front of him anymore.

Dae lifts his gaze to mine. "I couldn't wait another day. Ninety days of separation is more than enough, don't you think?"

I kiss the tip of his nose. "Ditto."

"Besides, you should have known I would have eyes on you." His lips twist sardonically. "Since you're back from France, I assume you've achieved what you wanted to?"

Nodding, I trace the hard angle of his jaw. "Yes. And you?"

"It was more than enough time. My father underestimated me and you're looking at the new Director of my own architecture firm."

I gape, jerking backwards in excitement. Clasping his cheeks between my hands, I demand. "Are you serious?"

"Have I ever joked about my career?" He returns dryly, though mirth dances in his eyes.

With a shout of joyous laughter, I pull him close, conveying all my elation. "Congratulations! I'm happy and proud of you." But another thought crosses my mind. "What happens next? Are we going to meet your father again?"

"No need. After the news of your relationship with Minister Wang exploded on the internet, it pretty much sealed the deal."

My bubble of happiness pops. "Wait a minute." I frown, an unwelcoming fact dawns upon me. "Are you telling me that we wasted three months for nothing?"

"Not necessarily." He disagrees, lifting my fingers to his mouth. "I think we both achieved our dreams through this challenge. It gave us the push we needed."

My toes curl as he kisses each tip. "That's true. So, what happens next?"

Dae shifts, biceps bulging as he lifts up, his length hardening inside me. We both groan. "What happens next is for us to make up for our abstinence. I'm going to make sure you can't walk a straight-line tomorrow." He promises heatedly, the utter possession in his voice turning me on. "And after that, we're going to register for marriage. I don't fucking care when the ceremony is but I want you to be mine officially as soon as possible."

Eyes closed, I lean up to capture his mouth. "Good. I can't wait to be yours."


Dae snickers as I wobble in my kitten heels. We're at the airport to pick up his son and secretary. Apparently, he left them in Boston just to meet up with me. I'm torn between two emotions. I'm happy he did it to see me but, on the other hand I wouldn't ever want him to leave our child in another country, even if his trusty secretary is the babysitter.

Spearing him with a death glare, I grouse. "It's all your fault! You should have stopped when I told you so." I'm extremely sore from last night and muscles I don't know exist are hurting.

Curving an arm around my waist, he pulls me into his chest, nibbling my ear unapologetically. "No, it's your fault for being so delectable. Last night wasn't even enough to make up for all those agonizing nights I had to use my hand for relief. I haven't done that since I was a teenager."

It's my turn to be smug. "Remember that feeling if you ever piss me off."

Mock incredulity animates his face, brows hitching. "Already acting the wife?" His voice lowers incredibly. "I'm looking forward to it."

I throw him a quizzical look. "Are you sure you're not secretly a masochist?"

"Maybe a pinky's worth where you're concerned."

"Dad! Unni!" The tiny owner of that boisterous voice dashes out from the arrival hall, arms thrown wide to embrace us. A stoic face Secretary Park follows at a distance, pushing a trolley of luggage.

Ji-Hoon's excited laughter has me bending down to hug him properly. "Hi baby. I've missed you. How are you?"

"I miss you too!" The little boy pecks me on the cheek, a touch shy.

"No kisses for me?" Dae lowers to his haunches.

"You're too old for kisses, Dad." Ji-Hoon retorts, turning his attention back to me. "I'm glad you're going to be living with us from now on. I don't want to be separated from you or daddy ever again."

Grabbing his smaller hands in mind, I vow solemnly. "Ji-Hoon, I want you to know that I will never replace your mother. But I love you just as much as I love your father."

Flashing his signature toothy grin, Ji-Hoon wraps his arms around me. "I know. I love you, too."

And just like that, I fall in love with him all over again. Tears prick the back of my eyes, and I hold him close, burying my face into his little shoulder. "Thank you, Ji-Hoon."

Dae watches us with a satisfied smile. Levering to his full height, he extends a hand to his son. "Come on, let's go home."

I stand, allowing Dae to wipe my tears with the pad of his thumb. The warmth and love shining in his eyes fills my heart and soul. When a small hand slips into mine, I think I might just burst into tears for real.

Chuckling, Dae presses a kiss to my forehead, unafraid to hold back on public affections anymore. Then, he turns to Secretary Park. "It's good to have you back, Park. I'll drive for today, so can you relax. In fact, take the entire week off."

After visiting my father in the hospital, I take my mom home and help to oversee the floral boutique for a weekend. I get the shock of my life when the last man I will never expect, walks into the store.

"Welcome to Blooms, how can I help -," My voice trails off when I meet the harsh glare of Dae's father. His presence makes me straighten like a soldier. "Chairman Yun." Does the man never smile?

"I'd like a word with you." He said in a clipped manner.

I temporarily close the shop and walk us to the quiet park nearby. I would have bought him a drink if I didn't suspect he doesn't drink canned coffee.

"You already know why I'm here." He begins, looking straight ahead.

"Actually, I don't." I decide to be frank. "What else do we have to talk about?"

"I'll be honest. If you weren't Minister Wang's daughter, I would never have accepted you even with your position at Yang and Yoo International. Your standards are still comparably low and you're lucky my son no longer needs the support of his family. A few years ago, he may not have been brave enough to stand on his own like he does now."

I'm confused. Is he praising or berating his eldest son?

"I hate to admit it, but you are what's best for Kang-Dae and Ji-Hoon. You may not understand where I am coming from but, as a father, I only want to provide the best for my children, and at that time, every decision I made, was what I believed was fitting. Obviously, I wasn't always right as you have seen the animosity in the Yun family. Kang-Dae grew up setting his own expectations, even though I'm sure he told you what a monster I was. No matter what, I have always been proud of all my children, Kang-Dae especially because he never fails to surpass the bar I set for him. I raised my sons the way I was raised, and the Yun pride is strong in all of us. I failed to realize that my son needed my acknowledgement." He sighs in defeat. "Even if you don't believe me, I had my reasons for being cold and strict to my children."

"If this is how you truly feel, why didn't you tell your son?" All this while, Dae has the wrong impression about his father. It would be a shame not for him to know but, I don't want to meddle any more than I have.

Chairman Yun shakes his head ruefully. "Even if time can heal old wounds, it will never erase the scars. I have no regrets, and I wouldn't changed what I've done. What I am saying, Ms.Yang is that I'm entrusting my eldest son to you."

My mouth flaps like a fish out of water. When I regain the power of speech, I scramble to my feet, bowing at the waist. "Thank you, Chairman Yun. I love your son very much. I promise, we'll lead a very happy life."

The rustling of clothes tells me he's standing. "That's all I have to say." He clears his throat. "You don't have to send me off."

I watch as he ambles off in the cold — a stark, lonely figure.

An ache hollows my chest.

Dae's father may be a hard ass, but it turns out he's a touch of hard-boiled. Too proud to let his son know his true feelings, it's the old man's downfall. He doesn't even want the chance to patch things up with Dae. It's a sob story ending.

If he entrusts me with the weight of his emotions, does that mean he acknowledges my worth in the end?

My temples start pounding.

Figuring out Yun Daeshim's thought process is anybody's guess. Either way, the uncertainty I've been carrying on my shoulders have lifted, allowing me to move forward with a clearer conscience.