Hoping they truly are invested in their conversation I started burning of the ropes on my wrists and ankles, freeing myself from this uncomfortable chair. Thank the goddesses for magical powers.

Ok, now the tricky part.

I slowly picked up the chair and moved to my targets, with every intention to strike them on their heads.

Unfortunately, the prince saw me coming and moved away in time. Poor Jonah, though.

But i didn't really have much time to focus on him, the tricky part just got trickier. The prince lunged at me, as he had once before, and a smile curled my lips. A humourless smile, filled with disdain and cruel intentions. Just as he was about to hit me i straightened my arms and struck him with my powers.

He flied against the wall across the room and i strapped him to the wall with conjured roots.

He was captured, left to my mercy. I only let the thought amuse me for a short moment. I also didn't let the shock on his face go unnoticed. I was a witch, he just realized, one of the few left and very valuable for that. But none of that mattered right now.

I drew closer to him and spat at him, I am a woman of her word after all. I shot him the deadliest look i could manage and bid him goodbye with a little:

"You. Repel. Me."

As i left the room i fixed my attire and went towards the exit.

I had every intention to leave as quickly as possible, i really did. But as the rage i felt before slowly evaporated and the usual recklessness came back, i couldn't help but notice that my escape route just so happened to pass the infamous servant room.

And you know, a girl gotta eat. And this time a girl has to eat a bit more than usually, since she probably won't eat again in a long time.

I took as much as i could carry, even transforming some of the gold in different objects a servant would be carrying around the castle at this hour (even though i had no idea what time it is).

I hurried my way out of the castle's side door and into the busy streets, where i made some changes with my outfit, just so i wouldn't be completely recognisable.

As i reached the brothel i changed into my normal clothes and burned the uniform. I suspected the prince would come look for me and thanks to my big mouth he will scrape the brothels first. That's also why i told lady Diamond not to expect me back for some time and asked the girls not to tell anyone i worked here. Because you know, if prostitutes are anything, then they are discrete.

After that i hurried home, mentally preparing myself to be yelled at.

"Where have you been?" Ro asked relieved at the moment i opened the door. "And what is all of this?" She said pointing at the gold that could easily buy us a big house.

"This is my apology. Ro, i fucked up. I got us in big trouble." I said, remorse clear in my voice. The last thing i ever wanted was to put my sister in danger, but now i have.

"What did you do?" She asked carefully.

"I stole from the king and got caught by the prince. Then i escaped, showing them my magical powers and i may or may not have spat at the prince." I said in panic, rushing to store the gold.

"Alex, are you okay?" Ro asked concerned, stopping me mid movement.

My sweet little sister, i just got us in royal trouble and the first thing she'll do is make sure I'm okay. "Yes, I'm fine. We should just really protect ourselves. Maybe cast some spells on the cottage? And our surroundings? If they find me..." I trailed of, not really wanting to think about it.

"Okay, okay. I'll cast the spells, you hide the money."

After about half an hour my heart started beating calmly again. Ro made sure our little home and its surrounding is going to be invisible to all the by-passers and all our tracks hidden.

"Ok, i won't be able to leave the house any time soon. I'm pretty sure i made the king pretty angry." I told Ro, who seemed to catch some of my nervousness.

"First i thought that maybe we should move, far away, maybe even another kingdom, but that will have to wait for things to calm down. If we leave now, we will certainly be caught."

"And then enslaved." Ro commented. "Was there no other option but for you to show them who you really are? Please don't say you casted spells just for the fun of it."

"Of course i didn't. If i hadn't used magic, i would probably have been dead."

"Did you consider changing your appearance? Maybe different hair colour would help?"

"No, it wouldn't. The prince got a good look of my face. The only thing that will keep me hidden are these four walls. Which reminds me," i paused, trying to calm down my now again racing heart, "when you'll go out, be very vigilent. Only take small amounts of money so you won't look suspicious, watch out if anyone was to follow you and don't mention brothels."

"Why would i mention brothels?" She looked at me confused.

"Well, i may have also told them about my profession..." i confessed shyly, knowing damn well what Ro thought about said profession

"Ro, are you crazy? That is hardly something to tell to the strangers! Especially the prince!" Ro looked at me exasperated and i tried really hard to supress the smile.

After a moment of silence, she asked: "What is he like?"

I smiled, i knew she was dying to ask this since i first mentioned a prince. Honestly, i was surprised she took this long.

"Scary. He is tall, really tall. Black hair, cold grey eyes. Intimidating, strong. Nothing like the princes you read about in the books, closer to villains really." I said absentmindedly, grey eyes dancing in my mind.

"Really?" She said sadly, "I guess our kingdom will have to survive another sexist fascist after the current king resigns."

"Or dies." I pointed out, anger slowly boiling inside of me, I would gladly make that happen.

I hated king Rikkard. He enslaved the entire female population, gave us zero chance to succeed in society, he doesn't care about the poor and only cares about his own wealth and because of all that he is to blame for our parents' deaths. Plus, he slaughtered thousands of my kind.

Even as me, Ro and our mothers lived happily together we dedicated all of our little shenanigans to the king. It was our family tradition, pissing the king of as much as possible, without getting caught.

After their deaths, however, i have promised myself to revenge my mothers by pulling the greatest prank on the royal family and try to destroy their reputation as much as possible.

At the moment i still have zero idea what the prank would be, since i have usually been pretty busy with surviving, but this little money theft is sure to irritate them at least a little. However, the true revenge is yet to come.