I can't do this anymore.

It's been four days since i last stepped outside and with every passing hour i have slowly lost a piece of my mind.

Is it really necessary for me to stay inside at all times? Couldn't i just chill in front of our house? Surely i have made to drastic safety precautious? A little walk couldn't hurt.

Sadly, as this thought entered my mind for the hundredth time in the last two days, Ro wasn't anywhere near to bring me back to senses and explain to me, how there are spies in the forest and it would be best if i just stayed in.

If you haven't noticed by now, between the two of us, Ro was the reasonable one. She had this great ability of staying calm in ever-so-stressful situations and of thinking logically to solve the problems I usually brought on us with my impulsiveness.

When she went to the market two days ago to buy some bread and eggs, which is basically what we lived on (besides occasional rabbit meat, forest berries and nuts), she told me how the entire town is acting crazy. Nobody knew exactly what happened, but there have been rumours of foreign spies sneaking into the castle and city, stealing our money, food, animals.

"Everyone is panicked," Ro explained, "then there are the guards, who are constantly checking people and arresting every shady looking individual. And they are aggressive, feeding people with fear and anxiety." She shook her head: "In just half an hour i witnessed four fights and eight arrests. It's absolutely crazy."

Thinking about this, the anxiety inside of me rose again and i had to get out, just for a little bit at least. Every time she left the cottage i couldn't help but fear for her dear life.

Trying not to think about it again i have decided it's time to practise knife throwing.

Ever since i was a toddler i've always admired my mothers and their skills with knives. They looked so beautiful, their stance and posture extremely lady-like, while the act itself was outrageously deadly. "Feminine can be deadly, remember that." Dorothea used to say. "Just because we are being told our entire lives that we should be pure, breakable little beings, doesn't mean that's what we really are." She was the most incredible fighter i have ever seen, there was no weapon she couldn't master and no fight she could lose.

She was the one who taught me how to throw knives, shoot arrows, use swords and other daggers.

Now, i know this kind of upbringing may seem a bit extreme or even wrong to some of you. But remember where we had lived, the border was no paradise, there are many bandits, rogue soldiers, casted out witches, enemy armies and criminals hiding in the forest that surrounded us. Therefore, all the skills our mothers taught us were proven very useful and saved our lives on many occasions.

As i was thinking about Dorothea, a single tear dropped from my eyes. Not a day have gone by that i haven't thought about them and about how much i miss them.

Being me, though, i never was the one to turn to crying in difficult situations, anger was more of my cup of tea. And because of that my throws grew more and more aggressive, splitting the tree.

Some may say i have a bit of an anger issues, but honestly i disagree. I would say those are very understandable irritations that i feel. I mean i live in the world where i have absolutely no rights. I can't make money, i can't join the army, i can't even serve professionally (even though 'women were made to serve men'). Then there are of the current events, with me being the most wanted person in the kingdom. But i blame myself for that. But then again how else was i supposed to survive? I need money for food and i can't get it legally... honestly what do these conceited fuckers expect from people like me.

Suddenly i heard something. A voice that sounded suspiciously a lot like my sister's. Knowing it would be best of me to hide, i collected the knives and climbed on one of the trees a bit further away. I was thinking about going inside, but if the voice truly did belong to Ro, she probably wasn't alone and whoever it was with her might want to follow her inside.

Suddenly quite a number of figures emerged from the shadows. And as it turns out, the decision to leave the house today ended up being a very good one.

"This is the cottage i live in." She told to the group of men following her.

"Alone?" Asked a very familiar dark figure coldly.

"Em, yes." She replied, visibly scared.

"It's a risky move for a girl to live alone in the woods without any protection." The prince said.

"I can take care of myself." Ro replied, now more harshly.

Now people, don't get me wrong. Ro is a complete sweetheart and she would never hurt anybody, if she didn't have to. But she is not a scared little girl. Just because she chooses to stay out of the danger, doesn't mean she can't fight. Her magic is like no other i have ever seen, much more powerful than mine. And her fighting skills, although not as impressive as mine, are still very deadly.

When the small group arrived to the cottage, Ro offered the men her most dashing smile: "Thank you, gentlemen for walking me home and making sure I'm safe, but i can take it from here."

"Are you not going to invite us in, for a cup of tea, maybe?" The prince said, not feeling like being dismissed just yet.

Panic rose in Ro, stiffening her shoulders and pouring through her eyes, even though she tried to hid it with a smile.

"O-of course." She muttered and pointed to the door. "Please, enter my humble home."

As the prince walked to the cottage and opened the door, drawing a knife, all that was left on Ro's face was despair and determination to fight.

The prince stepped inside, as Ro was nervously numbing her thumb nail, and exited after a few seconds.

"Actually, i have changed my mind. No tea for us today. Good day, miss." The cold voice said as the group already turned, ready to follow the heir.

She visibly relaxed and nodded their way, clearly in loss for words.

After they were out of sight she ran into the house and i heard my name being called.

I waited for a few more moments, just to be sure the men won't return and went to meet my sister.

"Oh, thank the goddesses!" She exclaimed as she saw me enter and hugged me.

I hugged her back and squeezed a bit stronger than probably necessary, but we did just escape a tremendous death trap.

"How did you get out? I was so scared." She confessed.

"Um, actually i was already outside. I know, i know i shouldn't have left the house, but i was going crazy Ro." I tried to justify my actions.

"No, no. It's a good thing you did. I don't want to think what would happen if you didn't." She shook her head as she the last words left her mouth.

"And what happened to you? Why did they follow you?"

"I don't really know. The dark haired man asked me for my name and where i live and after i told him he insisted on following me. I was so scared he was onto me, because of how persistent he was."

"Ah, yes. Our prince seems to be quite a stubborn son of an asshole."

"Prince?" She asked me, disbelief clear in her voice. "That was the prince? The prince?" She froze for a second and scoffed humourlessly: "Wow, we really are fucked. Did you hear how he speaks? No emotions whatsoever?"

"Well," a cold voice interrupted, "I am pretty sure satisfaction is clear in my voice right now."

We both turned around and saw the prince leaning on the doorframe, smug smirk on his face. "I knew you weren't as innocent as you seemed." He said to Ro. "Diana, i was looking forward to our next meeting." That, coloured in especially poisonous tone, was directed at me.

"Your highness," i bowed, "i wish i could say the same."