The tension in the air was unbelievable. We were all frozen, standing our ground, estimating each other's moves.
I dared to look at Ro and saw the determination on her face.
We are getting out of here alive and free. But there will have to be a few sacrifices made.
"I suppose you want your gold back." I said cockily, transforming the tacky decorations into their true form, the gold.
The prince only let his eyes wander to the gold for a split second. "The gold isn't the only thing i want." He said, looking between us and... evaluating us, i guess?
Ro and I exchanged one last look and nodded at each other in agreement.
"Sadly, the gold us the only thing you are getting." I said just before i blasted him with force, blowing him away from the door frame.
"Pack necessities." I said to Ro, even though she was already running along grabbing magic books from shelves and stuffing them in the backpack. I packed some gold, blankets, weapons and food. We finished packing in about 2 minutes, just in time before the prince and his guards returned.
"You really should have expected that." I said to the prince, "even though i would love to make a habit out of it."
The prince just growled and flung himself in my direction.
"Predictive move, sir," i thought as a smile spread over my face. I looked in Ro's direction and saw her preparing for the mega blast.
As i had the ability to blast one person at the time, she, however, was capable of destroying the entire building and blowing it apart. So you can imagine how cottage presented no trouble.
Mid-air, the prince looked shocked as he, along with his guards, walls, furniture and even some close-by tree branches got blown away. Probably both literally and mataphoricly
Bye bye, useless paintings, bye bye, ugly cushions, you will be missed.
The blow bought us a window my sister and i took immediately. I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her in the direction of our escape, away from the half-conscious men lying on the floor a few meters/yards away from us.
And then we ran. And ran. And ran.
As we reached the river, i dragged the old boat near the shore in the water as Ro used magic to hide our traits.
We have just been rowing along the river for a few moments as we saw the dark figure stand on the shore.
I smiled and waved at him, knowing damn well he won't be able to reach us. "Till next time, dear prince! Although i hope that won't be anytime soon!"
He looked enraged, borderline crazy. His usually cold eyes were flaming fire full of hatred...and was that a sprinkle of respect i caught in them?
"How did he get up so quickly?" Ro asked, astonished. "The blow should've kept him down for quite some time. How did he catch up?"
There was no time for an actual answer, as the prince jumped in the river and started swimming after us.
"Um...because he is absolutely crazy?" I said, honestly impressed with his persistence. "He does know he will never catch us, right?"
This time it was Ro, who smiled mischievously: "Why don't we let him then?"
I looked at her, genuinely confused, but the smile on her face let me know that whatever it is she's planning will be entertaining.
"Keep the boat from moving," she told me. Easier said than done, i thought, since we are moving with the flow.
As i was restraining the boat with magic, she used her powers to locate the prince in the water and bring him closer to us.
Now, this is my sister.
The prince's figure rose from the water and came half flying, half swimming towards us. "Your highness," Ro said, bowing dramatically (yes, bowing and not curtising, just to piss him off some more, you know). "I don't believe we've been properly introduced yet." She said with amusement, although her tone was slightly coloured with hatred. "My name is Ro and may i require what is it with your obsession with my sister and i?"
Ro, little vixen. She knew exactly what button to push, awful characteristic for a younger sibling, i'll tell you that.
But i loved her like this. All mischievous and dangerous, a side of hers she usually never showed.
"You got your gold back," i started, "let us go now."
"Any further interactions with us will only bring you trouble," Ro continued.
"You," he struggled to say to me, "are a bad influence."
I couldn't help the proud grin spread on my face as i looked at Ro, smirking back at me.
"But," the prince continued, "i cannot let you go. You are too valuable."
"Yes, we are absolute gems." I said sarcastically, even though i knew perfectly well what he meant. And the thought alone made my stomach turn.
"The powers you have," prince shook his head as much as Ro's spell allowed him, "it's unlike any i have ever seen."
"Probably because your father made it his life mission to eliminate us." Ro spat. "Our mother was one of the last high priestesses and with her death i happened to inherit her powers."
"Of course, by the time she learned how to properly work her magic," i stepped in, "the witches were nearly extinct."
"And thats why you have probably never seen anything like it." She finished, poison pouring out of her mouth and hatred glaring in her eyes.
"You and your father run some fucked up politics." I interfered. "But everything comes to an end eventually."
"And if there is anything we can do for the end to happen sooner rather than later, we will." Ro promised and turned the water that surrounded the prince into an ice. "But in order to do so," she smirked again, the anger slowly evaporating.
"We can't have you following us." I said, with a matching smirk.
"Till next time, your highness." Ro bowed again and we went our way.