"Are you sure this is the best plan?" Ro asked me, for the gazillienth time.

"Yes, we should find others like us. We will be safest with them." I assured her.

"Yes, but we have no idea where they are." She pointed out, making my plan sound stupider and stupider. "And in case you haven't noticed," she continued, "they could be anywhere in the world and the world is quite big."

"Why, thank you dear sister for pointing that out. Do you," i rolled my eyes, "by any chance have a better plan?"


I thought so.

"We will cast the signalling spell every night and just hope to see one in return. Until we do, we will have to stay very alert."

I know this wasn't exactly the greatest plan ever made, but what choice did we have. Besides, i heard rumours of the last great priestesses uniting by the Lake of Night in the close-by mountains. This would be the perfect place for us, especially Ro. The only problem is that lake's location is a very well-kept secret.

We were still floating down the river, both of us too tired to row, as i spotted the mountains in the distance.

"Ok, this is our destination." I pointed. "From here we continue on foot."

After we landed, i enchanted the boat to keep on flowing on the river, we didn't want to give our location away to any potential trackers.

"Now all we have to do is find a cave and rest for the night." I yawned.

After an hour or so of tiresome hiking, we finally found an appropriate cave. I set down the blankets and food as Ro casted the protecting spells.

"Can we lit a fire?" I asked her.

"Yes." She said smiling. "I enchanted the cave, so no one will see what exactly is on the inside, even if they entered."

"You're amazing." I said, thankful i wont freeze to death. "And today…," i smiled, letting the sentance trail off.

"It was fun." She smiled. "I mean, considering."

We both laughed, our joy coloured with bitterness.

"I will miss it, you know." She started. "The cottage. I know it wasn't much, but we did call it home for years."

"Yeah, me too." I sighed. "Everything will change now."

As we were eating, the silence surrounded us. Both of us drowning in our thoughts.

"But you know," Ro started, a small blush lingering on her cheeks, "he is quite handsome."

I smiled, "yes, that he is."

"And," she continued more cautiously, "i think he is different from his father."

I raised an eyebrow at her, "What do you mean?"

"When i talked about the genocide, there was something in his eyes." She shook her head, half caught in thought. "Like remorse maybe?"

"Ro, i dont think..."

"No, listen. There was definitely pain there when i spoke about what his father did." She said more confidently. "And don't you think it's weird how little men accompanied him. I mean if he wanted us dead, he could kill us instantly, but he didn't."

"He literally jumped at me." I pointed out.

"Yes," she smiled, "but you pissed him off."

True. That' what I do, piss people off.

"I…I just think...i don't know. It was a feeling. I don't think he's all bad."

"Yeah, but he is still somewhat bad. Whatever he wanted with us, it couldn't have been good."

At this she nodded and lost herself in thought again.

After some time and thorough thinking i have decided to ask her about the Lake of Night. "So, have you heard of it?"

"Yes. The legend says that the lake is where the witches get their power from. That's why we are also called ladies of the night."

My mouth twitched. Such a misfortunate name.

"I know what you're thinking." Ro said. "And let me tell you, it's not just a coincidence. The reason why we share the name is because some witches had ceremonial sex with males, before they sacrificed them."

I blinked. "How on earth do you know this?"

She just pointed at her beloved books. "Every now and then they left a man walk, so he would tell the others and they would get more willing victims. That's why, overtime, the prostitutes got the same name."

"And no one wondered where have all the men go?"

She scoffed. "Please. Thanks to the common belief of women's powerlessness not one suspected anything. Even if they knew they were witches."

Cool. Using sexism in your advantage. I just found new personal idols.

"Ok, but back on the topic." I said. "Lake of Night. Do you know where it is?"

"It is said to be located in this mountains." As soon as she said it, she knew. "Is that why we're here? Lake of Night?"

"I heard rumours." I confessed.

"About the high priestesses? Yeah, me too. But no one really knows where it is? How will we ever find it?"

"Well, if the other high priestesses found it, why couldn't you?" I pointed out. "Maybe, if you meditated or something, got in touch with Earth spirits, maybe they would lead us there." I suggested.

"Maybe." She thought about it for a second. "But i'll do that in the morning. I am too tired now. Good night." She hugged me and got ready for sleep. My eyelids already heavy, i followed her example and got under my blankets.


As i woke up i saw Ro already up and running. "Well, hello sleepyhead. I hope you slept well." She smiled, "I know where we have to go."

"You do?" I exclaimed, getting up and starting to pack myself, after, of course, i took care of some personal business.

"So, how did you do it?" I asked her as we were already hiking our way through the receding forest.

"I didn't do anything really, it all came to me in sleep." She smiled to herself, "it was the most curious. First i was dreaming about that time we chased that chicken. You remember, right?" I nodded. "And then suddenly an image of a lake came into my mind. After that followed bunch of other images, which, i guess, are the markers we have to find."

"Ok? And what are these markers?"

"Oh, donit worry. Today, i'll lead. There is this pull inside me that is telling me where to go. If I'm correct, we will arrive to our destination before nightfall."

And so we did.

After the exhausting day of hiking we finally spotted stars reflecting in the water.

The lake was the most magical sight i have ever seen. It was quite small to be called a lake, but majestic never the less. Around it, the green meadow with blooming blossoms created sort of like a fairytale scene, the columns and arches surrounding the entire scene, made it look powerful and antique.

It was just beautiful and i couldn't wait to see it in the daylight.

We passed through the main archway and were suddenly surrounded with incredibly delicious smells and calming feeling. It felt like...like home.

It has been long since i last felt like this and until this moment i haven't even realized how much I've missed it.


Finally at home.

I looked at Ro and saw the blissful smile on her face, she started giggling and twirling. I guess she felt the same way. The sight of her warmed my heart and i felt true happiness.

Not the amusement i usually felt, but deep, heart-swelling happiness. A giggle escaped me, a giggle!

I never giggle. Smirk, scoff, laugh yes, but a giggle? Never.

I felt like a little kid, who just got a pet cat for Christmas. And not just a Christmas, a white Christmas.

I don't really know how to explain this feeling, if felt out-worldly, just like this place. But if i had to describe it with one word, i would call it fulfilling.

After some time i just laid on the ground and looked at the stars, seeing them clearer than ever before. They were beautiful, mysterious and calming. They reminded me a lot of Ro. Just like the stars, you could only see her true power if you came close to her, just like the stars, she was beautiful and pure and i could imagine her thriving in this place, with others like her. Others who could teach her things i can't even imagine, show her things my imagination is not capable of thinking.

Yes, this was where she belonged.

With me? Well, this is a problem we will have to deal with in the morning. Now it's time to sleep.

Good night.