In the morning i woke up by the sound of the birds singing. As i opened my eyes i saw Ro sleeping peacefully, a small smile playing at her lips. She looked so happy, i couldn't help but smile.
This place suited her, it matched her energy, her soul. Besides it was beautiful, much more enchanting now, when sunlight caressed the meadow and it's blossoms, with crickets singing and rabbits hopping happily. A true piece of paradise.
Something moved on my side and as i turned to look i spotted pair of big blue eyes staring at me.
"Good morning. Slept well?" I asked my beloved redhead.
"Like a baby." She replied sleepily. "I don't remember when i last slept this well." She confessed and honestly, same. Tonight's sleep was the calmest one i had in a long time.
"So, what is the plan now?" Ro asked after she had a bite of bread.
"We'll look for the others and hope for the best."
We sat there for some more time, admiring the beauty of nature.
"It really is gorgeous here." Ro commented, "Sometimes i feel like i can here the angels sing."
I giggled in response.
"It's weird, though. It doesnt feel real, it feels more like it's enchanted or something."
I knew exactly what she meant, it wasn't like anything we ever knew. Our world was usually the exact opposite to this one, filled with danger, adventure and adrenaline.
"Come, let's go." I said as i rose to my fit and offered her my hand. "Let's look around."
We wondered around, moving rather slow, eating up every little detail of this place.
"You know, i really do believe that this is where the witchkind began. It just feels...right." I commented.
We strolled some more, laughing at the clumsy animals aroumd us and just enjoying each other's company quietly.
"Did you see that?" Ro pointed towards one of the trees. "I think i saw movement there."
I followed her, hoping this would really turn out to be witches and not other soldiers.
"Nothing here."
"I swear i saw something, a human figure. It couldnt have just disappeared."
I looked around, nothing. A few trees stood there, but not nearly enough to provide enough shelter to a person.
"This trees..." Ro said. "There's something about them."
Now that she'd mentioned it, i felt it, too. "We are way past the timberline. These aren't ordinary trees."
And just as the words have left my mouth the trunk of the tree twirled and a woman stepped out. She was beautiful and looked like she's a part of this place. Grey wavy hair hugged her round face, her wrinkled skin gleamed under the sun beams.
"Welcomed, Ro, daughter of Clarofine and the High priestess of Adoni clan." The woman said with almost sing-a-like voice. "And welcome Alexandra, daughter of Dorothea. You've been expected."
I was so confused. How were we expected? We barely even knew this place existed?
But the woman didn't let herself be interrupted by my thoughts. "My name is Caelum, the high priestess on the Nyk clan."
Nyk clan. I heard about them. They are the most powerful witches of us all, direct descendants of the first witch.
All together, there are 4 witch clans. Each clan has a certain ability that makes them unique and essential to the witch world. Nyk clan is sort of like the supreme clan in our world, the original clan. They have the power of communicating with goddesses. Most of witches are only able to come in touch with the nature's forces. Not Nyk witches, they have been trusted with some of the oldest and most complicated spells and with the responsibility knowledge like this brings. They are wise, grounded and the reliable ones.
Then there is the Adoni clan. The last time i checked, me and Ro are the last Adoni witches. We are gifted warriors and it is said that the fire of dragons run in our veins. Adoni, the witch our clan is named after, was the very first dragon slayer. Dragons, unlike fairies, are our natural enemies. They are the predators and we are their prey. Adoni, a witch of great courage was the first to slay a dragon and capture some of its power and transition it into herself. We are known to be temperamental, passionate and adventurous.
The Ate clan, the cunning ones. They are the jokesters. Masters of illusion, mischief and ruin. I don't really know much about them, but from the stories i've heard, they have a sick sense of humour.
And last is the Selene clan. The Selene witches have the unique power of creating other mystical creatures, such as unicorns, goblins and vampires. They are the masters of potions, spells aren't really a d area of their experties. They are said to be loving, creative and vengeful.
After Caelum told us all about the almost inevitable end of the witch kind and how she decided to call upon the high priestesses in order to save the witch kind.
"You are last to arrive." She told us. "Ro, it is of great importance you stay here and help your sisters restore our power. I've called upon goddesses and they told me all about your destiny. You are our new beginning, with you the witch kind will once again become respected and appreciated among humans."
"Of course i'll help." Ro squeezed the old lady's hand. "There is little i wouldn't to help restore the witch kind."
And so they talked some more about things i wasn't really interested in. So i have decided to enjoy my surroundings some more. Funny, the more time i spent here the less it felt like i belonged.
This place was all about peace and harmony. And well, i perfered chaos.
Days passed by and i barely ever saw Ro, she was very busy with saving our kind or whatever it is she was doing. And other priestesses weren't any fun either. Besides them, there was only a few others here, sadly they were either too young or too old for me to enjoy their company.
The place lost all the affect it had on me and now, instead of feeling happy and in peace, i felt anxious and useless here. So, i have decided to leave.
"I have to leave." I said to Ro. "This place is driving me crazy, it's boring and there is nothing for me to do here."
"But its safe here." Ro sobbed.
"I know," i brushed her hair behind the ear. "But you know me, i was never the one to play it safe."
She laughed a sad laugh and hugged me: "Still, try to stay safe."
This was the first time in our lives that she and i would be apart for longer period of time. "I will." I said as i squeezed her closer to me. "Contact me as often as you can, do you understand me?" I cried in her hair. "I will expect at least three messages a week, whether they come via water, birds or dream visit."
"Ok." She said as i released her and she wiped her tears. "And you," she said sternly, "visit me. At least once a month. I dont really know how lomg this will take, but every now and then i will need my big sister."
"Of course i'll visit. Who else would listen to all my stupidity."
That night neither of us slept well. We were both drowning in wory for one another.
When i woke up, the sun was barely up and Ro was still fast asleep. I kissed her on the forehead and left her a message saying one last goodbye and telling her how much i love her and that she should keep safe.
I packed some essentials and went on my journey into the unknown.