It turns out living alone isn't quite that bad, if you don't freak out by all the time you talk to yourself, of course.

You know, in this last four days that i've been rummaging through the forest i came to one conclusion. I'm fucking hillarious. Honestly, why didn't i start doing this before, it's so liberating.

Still, i missed Ro. Everytime my brain shut up my thoughts escaped to her. Even though we've been sending messages very often, i still worried. She is my little sister and i made it my life's work to protect her and care after her. And now she's up there on the mountain, with all of those experienced witches, searching for solution. She, a sixteen-year-old girl.

Our life was never ordinary, no gowns and balls for us, but i always wanted her to have the chance to do whatever she wants. And yes, she chose to stay there. But...i dont really know. It was just weird not having her beside me.

I often caught myself looking behind to see how far behind she is or stopping to let her catch up. And as i did a bittersweet smile crawled to my face. At least she's safe, a little voice in my head said.

I just made it back to the river, near which i stayed at all times since she was the main source of water and food for me.

I reached for the dagger strapped on my thighs underneath my d.i.y pants. Sadly, where i lived there was a strict dress code. Dresses and corsets for women and pants and shirts for men.

Stupid, i know. It's also incredibly unpractical. Girls, living in the forest, hunting their own food, chopping their own wood in a corset? Please.

Since we didn't really have access or means to purchase pants, Ro and i improvised, turning the skirt part of our dresses in pants with a few cuts and binding. This way, it was much easier for us to move around and get work done.

My current outfit didn't look much different. I was wearing a dark blue, now muddy, makeshift pants. A woollen jacket that i may have stolen and a small backpack with a blanket and some gold. I had an improvised bow hanged around my shoulder and about a dozen arrows. Of course i also carried my beloved throwing knives in the belt around my waist and a dagger strapped on my thigh.

I was quite a view to behold. The indecency of my attire brought a smile to my face and as i was carving a harpoon i just kept thinking what the town folk would think if they ever saw me.

And whatever would the prince think if he ever saw you like this?

I snorted, he would probably lose his mind, and not because my unmentionables were almost completely visible.

Ah, uptight men. Can't live with them... and that's about it.

Anyway, why am i thinking about the prince?

Dinner, think of dinner Alex. Think about delicious fish.

A few hours later, as the sun started to set and i found enough wood to roast some fish and keep myself warm during the night, i casted some protecting spells, that would scare any potential passers away and set alarms off if anyone came dangerously close to me.

As i was laying on the ground, comfortably wrapped in the warm blanket, i couldn't help but think about what my plan is. Hiking pointlessly through the forest was not only dangerous, but stupid also. I knew damn well people are out here to get me. Am i doing it on purpose? Hoping someone will find me so finally something interesting would happen?

I mean, my days were pretty boring, but no, not even i am that reckless. However, i still need a plan. Maybe i should visit some other town, join a brothel there? Or became an assassin, as i always wanted. It would sure pay better.

It would also bring unwanted attention to you.

Ugh, being a refugee is hard. I don't really want to be a prostitute, it's not as fun as i made it sound. Especially, when men make you sick. Thinking they can do whatever they want to you for a stupid coin.

No, that's not the way i would like to spend my life. My last hope was to find a group of rebels or something like that hiding in the woods and join them. Yes, it's either that or returning to that boring mountain.

As i fell asleep that night, i had no idea that i wouldn't have to go far to find the rebels, rather they wouldn't have to go far to find me.

I was awoken by one of the alarms going off. I quickly packed the backpack in the dim light of the early morning and went investigating.

I only made a few steps when i heard the voices. "Aight, look what we 'ave 'ere."

"What's a pretty lad like yerself doing out 'ere so late."

As i came closer, i saw a few raspy looking men circling around a very familiar and dangerously still figure.

"Isn't there a princess yer should be chasin' 'round yer castle." One of the bandits said. He was a funny-looking guy, short and bald. But for whatever hair he lacked on top of his head, his beard made totally up for it. He and four other fellows had their long swords pointed at his highness, circling him like prey.

"I 'eard stories 'bout ya." Another said and as i looked at him i noticed he was only a boy, not more than fourteen years old.

"We all did, Jake. Impressive stories." Said the short due again. "Only 21 years old and already havin' 'undrets souls on yer conscience."

"We should kill him." Said another man.

And just as he was preparing to say something else, i jumped in, amused by the scene in front of me. "You would do us all a favour."

Just as the words left my mouth six heads turned in my direction.

"Who are ye?" Said the short guy. "What are ye doin' 'ere?"

"Nobody, don't worry about me." I waved the man's words off and focused on the prince.

The moment he saw me the cold in his eyes turned into raging fire and i couldn't help but grin at him: "Your highness," i curtised, "how are you this fine morning, hopefully not cold?" I asked with the sweetest tone imaginable, ignoring the confused bandits.

"You." He growled, staring me down.

"How perceptive of you. It truly is me. Tell me sir, have you always been this sharp?"

I knew i was playing with fire, but honestly what could he do. He was held at knifepoint, unable to move. Besides, it was really fun.

"One last time, who are ye?" Said the short man again.

This time, to my surprise, it was the prince who answered, to my surprise. "This is Diana, she's just a worthless whore."

Worthless whore? Worthless whore?

He did not just say that.

The smile on my face evaporated immediately and now it was i, who growled at him. No one will ever call me worthless.

"A whore?" One of the men said, "Aight girly, show us what ye got."

I smirked poisonously.

I know that selling your um...services for money is not exactly considered to be a respectful profession, but that does not give these low-lives permission to talk to me like that. Who do they think they are?

"Oh, darling," i said as sweetly poisonous as possible, "what on Earth gives you the idea i would do that?"

It became pretty obvious to me that whatever plans i had with the bandits won't work.

Damn men and their feeling of superiority.

"C'mon baby, just show us your tits." Said she funny-looking guy again, although i shall call him the creepy-looking from now on.

"I don't know what's the problem. You already have the unmentionables half on display." The prince said coldly.

"Ay, look even his highness wants some excitement be'ore he dies." Said the creep.

"Oh, well," i said seductively, "if it's his highness who wants a bit of a show, who am i to object him."

I started caressing collarbone with the middle finger of my left hand, keeping my eyes focused on the prince.

Not that i was really planning to remove my cloething, but the terror in his eyes and the excitement in the eyes of the men were quite amusing. And i could swear that i saw the prince swallow as i teased them with my fingers.

The next movement my fingers made was magically enhanced, capturing all the figures but one in the air, squeezing them tightly.

"Wh-whitch!" I heard annoying voices scream, so i gagged them.

I turned around, looking at the figure still standing firm of the floor, with shock written all over his face. "Jake, isn't it?" I said to the boy.

The boy looked at me, small blush still evident on his cheeks.

Good, maybe he's not a lost case just yet.

"Y-yes, ma'am." The boy muttered and i smiled proudly at him.

"Did you hear that fellas," i said winking at the boy, "this is how you talk to a woman."

I looked around and saw the figures struggling in the air. "Don't bother" i said, passing the prince, sending him a meaningful look "it's worthless."

As i reached the boy i turned him away from the figures floating in the air and asked: "Do you have any family left?"

"Yes, ma'am. They live near the border."

"Why don't you go back to them, then?"

"I can't, ma'am. My family is poor, father sent me off to make a living on my own for he can't support me and my sisters anymore."

I nodded, fortunately for the boy i knew exactly what kind of a life he was living. "Tell me Jake, how old are you?" I asked as i reached for my backpack.

"13, madam." The boy replied shyly.

13. Slightly older than Ro, when we were left alone.

"Jake, dear," i said as friendly as i could, given the situation, "take this and go straight back home. Give five coins to your father and hide the rest, for later purposes. If he asks you where you got it, tell him you found it on a dead body." I handed the boy about twenty golden coins and sent him away.

Hopefully, this investment will pay off and the boy will grow up into a fine man. Because, you know, sometimes you just need to show a little bit of kindness to a lost soul and hope for them to choose the right path to walk on.

Unfortunately, there are some souls that can't be saved. Which reminds me...

"Gentlemen," i said as i turned back to them, "and what am i supposed to do with you. "